If you are complaining because you want the 3GS jailbreak then you SHOULDNT have bought one. Its that simple.
There is no loss of data and no restore necessary after doing this. You just re-start your phone and it's all as it was before getting into restore mode.
The needs of the many...
Spock said it best: The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
The needs of the many...
We can jailbreak the 3GS right now. But making our jailbreak public at this point in time would benefit relatively few people. It would in fact be detrimental to many more people than it would help. So we feel its best to keep our version of the jailbreak out of Apples sights for the time being.
If you already have a 3GS phone and have already done a full USB dump or captured your img3s signed with your ECID, then youre in great shape. You will always be able to jailbreak. But many people who plan on getting a 3GS do not yet have one. For instance, many people are waiting for their existing contracts to mature to the point where they get a price break on the 3GS. Many people are trying to sell their 3G before they can buy the 3GS. There are parts of the globe where you cant even buy a 3GS yet! The reasons are varied, but they are many.
The nature of the 3GS hardware allows Apple to stop IPSWs from being usable unless youve already gotten the signed chunks they send to you based on your ECID (a unique chip ID). You cannot get these signed chunks without knowing your ECID, and you dont know your ECID until youve bought your 3GS.
The jailbreak requires at least one signed iBoot-family img3 for your device. And that iBoot needs to have an exploitable bug. Its an all-or-nothing deal you either have your signed exploitable iBoot ready to use, for now and forever always jailbreakable or you have nothing.
Heres the critical point, the reason why were delaying our version of the jailbreak: Once the jailbreak is out, Apple will fix the iBoot-family bug we use to accomplish it. They will simply stop signing the old iBoots and only sign the fixed ones. If you bought your phone after Apple has done this, theres nothing you can do the jailbreak isnt going to work for you.
It is possible that Apple will find the bug we use without our handing it to them on a silver platter (via a public jailbreak). In that case, we will have delayed our jailbreak for nothing. But wed rather be safe than sorry!
Apple is surely coming out with a 3.0.1 firmware release shortly. They need to fix ultrasn0w. They need to fix some UI issues. 3.0 is buggy and 3.0.1 is coming. Were going to wait and see what 3.0.1 brings before figuring out the release date for our version of the jailbreak.
In the meantime, we have some remaining 3.0 jailbreak issues to investigate, including push notification. Thanks for being patient with us while we took a 3GS timeout!
Really? So after you get the dump you just disconnect your phone from itunes, reboot it and it's right back to where it was before you put it in DFU mode?
Yes, once you're done hold the home and power button together and it will restart back to normal mode.
especially since it seems that if we don't get this info before the new update we could be screwed out of a JB.
I'm still confused. Isn't the Dev Team's goal to have a JB for everyone, including those who still don't have a 3GS, and won't be getting one until months from now? If so, why are we getting told that we should do this procedure now, or we may not be able to JB?
The dev team will lose ALL credibility if they cant JB all devices. They will work to do so. Being patient has nothing to do with a JB or not.
They're so arrogant. I don't think Apple cares about them nearly as much as they thinkThey have made a great product, but their attitude is so off-putting. I think I must be the only one that thinks this
Wait 3.1 is already out? When did that happen? I just connected to iTunes at a friends a few hrs ago to get my EDIC and iTunes never mentioned an update to me. Oh well, I did the steps and saved the EDIC file, so I'm good to go when they release the JB, and if Apple just released 3.1 then it should be any day now right?
is in SDK beta release which means it should be out for the rest of pretty soon hopefully any way. hopefully Friday but there is no official word when it's being released to the general public. and as far as JB goes lets take it a step at a time. chill all good things in there time. I think people oh the DEV team more respect since A: they don't get paid to JB and B: they no how to do what we don't: I really don't see if it matters if they loose there rep for it again they are not paid to JB phones.
Does anyone know what 3.1 is supposed to fix/change/add/remove? I haven't noticed any probs with 3.0, but then again I just became an iPhone user (FINALLY, 2yr contract with another carrier and high cancellation fees kept me from an iPhone since the first one came out) on June 19th so it's not like I've been using one for years to notice all the subtle differences/issues anyway.