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Are you some kind of moron? I get your lame attempt at "putting someone in their place" with sarcasm. Problem is, it doesn't apply to what I said. Decent attempt to be funny/cool on the Internet though.
Settle down there Beavis.

I NEVER said the Dev Team should have "consulted me before my purchase", I simply said had I known the 3GS possibly couldn't be jailbroken I'd have prolly just went with a normal 3G. That statement in no way is negative toward the Dev team or implying they "consult with me", so learn comprehensive reading before dropping sarcasm next time please.
Your Google broke? Perhaps the Dev Team's website proved too hard to navigate? They did mention for a while that they are uncertain if a 3GS can be jailbroken due to it's new hardware.

What my post was ACTUALLY about was the fact that the decision to announce the JB was successful yet NOT release it seems counterproductive as a few days earlier they said they will give us no updates on it so that Apple doesn't find and fix the exploit before release. Now they just announced to the world that they were successful but are holding off til 3.0.1, which only APPLE knows the release date of and now could just be held off til APPLE's own team finds and fixes the exploit. Do I think that chain of events will happen? Not really, but still, announcing it and not releasing it is counterproductive and contradictory to their own logic just a few days prior.

And the "not enough people have a 3GS yet" excuse is pretty lame too. PLENTY of people do, hence the sellouts and mass preorders on June 19th, and so what if Apple "could" figure out what you exploited? For one, they just told us the same exploit was there from the 3G (or was it the Touch? IDK, it was one of 'em, they just wrote about it the other day) so obviously Apple doesn't care as much as they think, or it wouldn't have been left in the new model. Second, a LOT of people thought the 3GS would take as long as the Touch to crack, yet it was a little over a week til they had a fully working JB (allegedly, as it's not released so we don't ACTUALLY know), so even IF Apple fixed something between 3.0.0 and 3.0.1, it's not like they wouldn't just find another exploit.
You don't know much about how exploits work, do ya? :)
Settle down there Beavis.

Your Google broke? Perhaps the Dev Team's website proved too hard to navigate? They did mention for a while that they are uncertain if a 3GS can be jailbroken due to it's new hardware.

Well, I, for one, interpreted the following post to mean that the Dev Team could in fact jailbreak the 3GS and was just working on refining it before releasing it to the public.

You don't know much about how exploits work, do ya? :)

No, I don't, and to me, Agent 21's points seem perfectly logical and reasonable. Would you kindly explain how exploits work so I can understand the flaws in Agent 21's logic? I'd appreciate that a lot -- as a non-technically inclined jailbreak user, I feel very much confused and unsettled by the recent string of seemingly contradictory remarks and announcements put forth by the Dev Team.
Well, I, for one, interpreted the following post to mean that the Dev Team could in fact jailbreak the 3GS and was just working on refining it before releasing it to the public.
Actually, Agent 21 seemed to think that the Dev Team led folks to assumptions that the 3GS can be jailbroken when they specifically posted when 3.0 was out that due to the new hardware, it's unknown if the 3GS can even be jailbroken.

No, I don't, and to me, Agent 21's points seem perfectly logical and reasonable. Would you kindly explain how exploits work so I can understand the flaws in Agent 21's logic? I'd appreciate that a lot -- as a non-technically inclined jailbreak user, I feel very much confused and unsettled by the recent string of seemingly contradictory remarks and announcements put forth by the Dev Team.
Sure, apply for the Masters program I am in and in 2yrs, you too will have a better understanding. :) However, I do fail to see where posts by the Dev Team are contradictory, could you share the links to their confusing posts? Perhaps some of us can alleviate the confusion :)
Actually, Agent 21 seemed to think that the Dev Team led folks to assumptions that the 3GS can be jailbroken when they specifically posted when 3.0 was out that due to the new hardware, it's unknown if the 3GS can even be jailbroken.

Sure, apply for the Masters program I am in and in 2yrs, you too will have a better understanding. :) However, I do fail to see where posts by the Dev Team are contradictory, could you share the links to their confusing posts? Perhaps some of us can alleviate the confusion :)

*Sigh* We are going in circles. I already posted a link to the post that led me to believe that despite their earlier assertions that it's unknown if 3GS can be jailbroken, the Dev Team subsequently did succeed in jailbreaking it.

As for how the Dev Team's posts are contradictory, I think Agent 21 already laid out why and how they are confusing better than I can. I think we have a case of those in the know not being able to understand how things look from the pov of those not in the know. :(
*Sigh* We are going in circles. I already posted a link to the post that led me to believe that despite their earlier assertions that it's unknown if 3GS can be jailbroken, the Dev Team subsequently did succeed in jailbreaking it.

As for how the Dev Team's posts are contradictory, I think Agent 21 already laid out why and how they are confusing better than I can. I think we have a case of those in the know not being able to understand how things look from the pov of those not in the know. :(

So how is that contradictory? It's a follow up that is positive. Even if a post was made "The 3GS can never be jailbroken", followed by "Oops, looks like after some tinkering, it looks as if 3GS CAN be jailbroken" would still not be contradictory, rather it'd be informational.

Now if other sites gave contradictory information or if perhaps different members of the Dev Team were posting conflicting information, then I would see your point but thankfully, this was not the case. :)

Please don't "give up". It def takes a little information gathering to understand the logic behind the processes that lead to their information. We all had to start somewhere!
So how is that contradictory? It's a follow up that is positive. Even if a post was made "The 3GS can never be jailbroken", followed by "Oops, looks like after some tinkering, it looks as if 3GS CAN be jailbroken" would still not be contradictory, rather it'd be informational.

Sure, that part isn't contradictory. Like you say, it's informational.

What is confusing is that after the "Ooops, looks like we can jailbreak 3GS," they followed it with, "Ooops, we *can* jailbreak it, but we are not releasing it to the public yet because...." ( And it's the part after the "because" that I don't understand.

As far as I can tell, the Dev Team is afraid that if they release the jailbreak now, then Apple will "break" the jailbreak with the next firmware upgrade. So far so good. But the Dev Team has repeatedly said they want to be very careful not to "tip their hand" prematurely. I couldn't possibly find all the posts where they've said that, it's been a repeating mantra throughout many of their posts. So my question is, they just admitted that they *can* jailbreak 3GS. And they seemed to go into some detail about how they performed this jailbreak. So doesn't publicly posting this fact in and of itself "tip their hand" to Apple?
I couldnt wait any longer. 3Gs is back in the box and I am in the process of JB my 3G :-(
Actually, GeoHotz and the chronic dev team have achieved a jailbreak are going to release it as soon as they finish up a GUI for it. The Dev team is stalling because they are a few days behind the chronic dev team
Actually, GeoHotz and the chronic dev team have achieved a jailbreak are going to release it as soon as they finish up a GUI for it. The Dev team is stalling because they are a few days behind the chronic dev team

So we have two seperate teams competing to JB the 3Gs, hmmmmm interesting
So we have two seperate teams competing to JB the 3Gs, hmmmmm interesting

Yeah, Im glad too because without it we def wouldnt get a jailbreak before 3.0.1. The Dev Team might release their jailbreak after GeoHotz does because they dont want to be out of the spotlight of the first 3GS jailbreak
So how is that contradictory? It's a follow up that is positive. Even if a post was made "The 3GS can never be jailbroken", followed by "Oops, looks like after some tinkering, it looks as if 3GS CAN be jailbroken" would still not be contradictory, rather it'd be informational.

Now if other sites gave contradictory information or if perhaps different members of the Dev Team were posting conflicting information, then I would see your point but thankfully, this was not the case. :)

Please don't "give up". It def takes a little information gathering to understand the logic behind the processes that lead to their information. We all had to start somewhere!

it is contradictory, in my opinion, because a few days ago they said they aren't going to give updates on their progress for fear of Apple getting wind of what exploits they are trying and changing them, but then yesterday (or the day before, whichever) they announce that the exploit that allowed them to crack the 3G (or the Touch, as I said before, can't remember which off the top of my head) was still present so they were using that. There's the first contradiction, as they gave an update they said they weren't, and told Apple exactly what they said they didn't want them to know (what they were doing to JB it). Contradiction #2 came when they announced they have a JB complete but aren't releasing it til 3.0.1. Again, it's giving a progress report and information that they said they didn't want Apple to know. What's to say Apple doesn't delay 3.0.1 to find the exploit (Dev team already clues 'em in to which one it was)?

And no, I DONT know much about exploits and such, and I don't pretend to. I already said Im new to this and eager to learn, and you just backed it up with the "everyone has to start somewhere" comment.

I don't have anything against any users here, so nobody take it that way, and I have no idea why my comments were twisted into "the Dev team owes me a 3GS JB and should have consulted me before I bought it" and all that. Nothing remotely close gas ever been typed by me. I also obviously know how to use Google and have read up on the 3GS JB situation and yes, I DID see that there was a RUMOR about it possibly not being able to be jailbroken, and then I also read pretty much EVERYWHERE that an exploit can always be found and it just might not come as quick as other ones but it'll come eventually.

I didn't expect a JB waiting for me out of the box, but I also didn't expect them to tell everyone they succeeded in a JB in a little over a week since launch and then NOT give it to us for seemingly odd reasons. The "not a lot of people have a 3GS yet" reason just seems, well, DUMB. And the not wanting APPLE to fix it with 3.0.1 seems ridiculous given that they just posted about using the KNOWN exploit from the other devices to succeed in a JB so Apple obviously already knows what they did.

I'm just not sure Apple cares as much as they think. Does everyone actually believe that everyone who works in these phones has no clue about how people JB them? Especially after all these years and the newest exploit being pointed out in public? I find it hard to believe that every singl Apple dev is oblivious. I find it much more believable that it's just not the end-all be-all problem in their world where they need to completely revamp everything so people can't JB a phone. I'm sure if Apple REALLY wanted to, and it mattered as much as the Dev Team likes to say it does, then they could stop JBs from happening. The fact that they haven't tells me it's just nit a big a deal as people think. Do they want people JBing? Obviously not or they'd just make the phones that way in the first place, but I doubt they lose sleep at night over JBs existing.
On to something I've been wondering though. If they are holding the JB til 3.0.1 (assuming Apple doesn't do anything to block the JB), when it's released do we just not update to 3.0.1 and stay with 3.0.0 to JB or does it apply to 3.0.1 also? I've always wondered if they need to create a new JB for every 0.x version to be released or if 1 JB covers every version of the software (like 3.0.0, 0.1, 0.2 etc)?
I've always wondered if they need to create a new JB for every 0.x version to be released or if 1 JB covers every version of the software (like 3.0.0, 0.1, 0.2 etc)?

Not a completely new version, but they do update the jb software each time Apple updates the firmware, and if you want to keep your device jailbroken, you have to wait for the Dev Team to release the updated JB software before you update to the latest firmware.

I think that by saying they are waiting until after 3.0.1 is out, the Dev Team is going to skip making JB software for 3.0, and just move directly to making JB soft for 3.0.1. If I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will correct me.
Good News...

For those of you waiting... that would mean EVERYBODY!... lol...

OK a VGS tells me the date of the release of the 3.0.1 is closer than you think. Since they known all along about the exploit they just needed to get the 3G S out, but had time to patch the hole, apparently the ECID thing is going to work for those that got it, but new iphones do not have the ability to see the ECID, so bad news on that front... Get a 3G S NOW! (on a store probably still has the ECID thingy).

Now for the release date: July 9th. They will launch the 3G S on several countries and they want to sell it the same day the update goes out so everybody OUTSIDE the US (more interested on an unlock) will have to update to 3.0.1.

So there you have it Just one more week. This comes from an apple developer....:p
First post and this guy knows all the inside information huh?
Big grain of salt.........

For those of you waiting... that would mean EVERYBODY!... lol...

OK a VGS tells me the date of the release of the 3.0.1 is closer than you think. Since they known all along about the exploit they just needed to get the 3G S out, but had time to patch the hole, apparently the ECID thing is going to work for those that got it, but new iphones do not have the ability to see the ECID, so bad news on that front... Get a 3G S NOW! (on a store probably still has the ECID thingy).

Now for the release date: July 9th. They will launch the 3G S on several countries and they want to sell it the same day the update goes out so everybody OUTSIDE the US (more interested on an unlock) will have to update to 3.0.1.

So there you have it Just one more week. This comes from an apple developer....:p
True... but

First post and this guy knows all the inside information huh?
Big grain of salt.........

You have that right, but it is coming. It is my first post because I never had inside info, this is the first time I had something of value to write. But I also take it with a grain of salt because it is not my brother who works there, but certainly someone I do trust.

Let's all hope it is true. Meanwhile the official release of the 3G S on July 9th will be on this countries:

Dominican Republic
El Salvador

Shouldn't we all hope it's NOT true? You basically just said the source told you they fixed the exploit, meaning that the phone can't be jailbroken (unless you did the ECID thing beforehand). Yeah, they July 9th thing would be cool for the JB release, but it won't be cool if Apple made it unbreakable.

My Internet is down (in between moving right now, won't have service for another week or two), so I can't do the ECID thing on my PC that I have my phone's iTunes on. Can I do it on ANY iTunes or does it HAVE to be the one I activated/registered my phone with? If this July 9th/jailbreak prevention info IS true I'm screwed if I can't get that ECID from any iTunes. I have a ton of friends with iTunes, I could use any of theirs, just can't use mine (well Internet-connection-wise) for a couple weeks.
It can be done on any computer with itunes.
You should do it right away IMO so you're guaranteed your jailbreaking your

Shouldn't we all hope it's NOT true? You basically just said the source told you they fixed the exploit, meaning that the phone can't be jailbroken (unless you did the ECID thing beforehand). Yeah, they July 9th thing would be cool for the JB release, but it won't be cool if Apple made it unbreakable.

My Internet is down (in between moving right now, won't have service for another week or two), so I can't do the ECID thing on my PC that I have my phone's iTunes on. Can I do it on ANY iTunes or does it HAVE to be the one I activated/registered my phone with? If this July 9th/jailbreak prevention info IS true I'm screwed if I can't get that ECID from any iTunes. I have a ton of friends with iTunes, I could use any of theirs, just can't use mine (well Internet-connection-wise) for a couple weeks.
So this really sucks if future iPhones cannot be jailbroken. If something happens to my current 3Gs and I need to get it replaced in the future, more than likely the exploit will have been fixed. Being a former Windows Mobile user, I loved to be able to customize my jailbroken iphone. Intelliscreen is one example. I hate how apple dictates how we can use their device. I guess they do it the same way with their Macs. The iphone 3Gs is a great phone but I want to be able to customize the phone to my liking. Might have to look at the upcoming HTC TouchPro on ATT or the Samsung Omnia II on Verizon.
I will say

Most Software can be hacked Most Hardware can be hacked it's more the matter if it's worth the time and effort and also timing. I think giving the fact that Apple would release a patch or 3.01 soon since there are bugs in 3.0 that the Dev team is smart to hold off. since if they released it now and apple then fixed it then everybody would basically call them idiots. sure I rather it came out today at this minute but it's not like I pay there salaries either. :rolleyes: beyond that we will have to see what life brings! ;)
Once we do this procedure and get the info we need, we can just restore from backup and get all of our information back, right?

Bump on this. There should be no problem restoring from a backup after getting the dump information, right?
Call me crazy, but while I'm a bit disappointed that they're holding off on the "release", I'm rather happy the dev team is being up front and communicative about it....instead of taking the more corporate (and dare I say, Apple route ;) ) of saying absolutely nothing until it was ready to drop.
Bump on this. There should be no problem restoring from a backup after getting the dump information, right?

There is no loss of data and no restore necessary after doing this. You just re-start your phone and it's all as it was before getting into restore mode.
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