So how is that contradictory? It's a follow up that is positive. Even if a post was made "The 3GS can never be jailbroken", followed by "Oops, looks like after some tinkering, it looks as if 3GS CAN be jailbroken" would still not be contradictory, rather it'd be informational.
Now if other sites gave contradictory information or if perhaps different members of the Dev Team were posting conflicting information, then I would see your point but thankfully, this was not the case.
Please don't "give up". It def takes a little information gathering to understand the logic behind the processes that lead to their information. We all had to start somewhere!
it is contradictory, in my opinion, because a few days ago they said they aren't going to give updates on their progress for fear of Apple getting wind of what exploits they are trying and changing them, but then yesterday (or the day before, whichever) they announce that the exploit that allowed them to crack the 3G (or the Touch, as I said before, can't remember which off the top of my head) was still present so they were using that. There's the first contradiction, as they gave an update they said they weren't, and told Apple exactly what they said they didn't want them to know (what they were doing to JB it). Contradiction #2 came when they announced they have a JB complete but aren't releasing it til 3.0.1. Again, it's giving a progress report and information that they said they didn't want Apple to know. What's to say Apple doesn't delay 3.0.1 to find the exploit (Dev team already clues 'em in to which one it was)?
And no, I DONT know much about exploits and such, and I don't pretend to. I already said Im new to this and eager to learn, and you just backed it up with the "everyone has to start somewhere" comment.
I don't have anything against any users here, so nobody take it that way, and I have no idea why my comments were twisted into "the Dev team owes me a 3GS JB and should have consulted me before I bought it" and all that. Nothing remotely close gas ever been typed by me. I also obviously know how to use Google and have read up on the 3GS JB situation and yes, I DID see that there was a RUMOR about it possibly not being able to be jailbroken, and then I also read pretty much EVERYWHERE that an exploit can always be found and it just might not come as quick as other ones but it'll come eventually.
I didn't expect a JB waiting for me out of the box, but I also didn't expect them to tell everyone they succeeded in a JB in a little over a week since launch and then NOT give it to us for seemingly odd reasons. The "not a lot of people have a 3GS yet" reason just seems, well, DUMB. And the not wanting APPLE to fix it with 3.0.1 seems ridiculous given that they just posted about using the KNOWN exploit from the other devices to succeed in a JB so Apple obviously already knows what they did.
I'm just not sure Apple cares as much as they think. Does everyone actually believe that everyone who works in these phones has no clue about how people JB them? Especially after all these years and the newest exploit being pointed out in public? I find it hard to believe that every singl Apple dev is oblivious. I find it much more believable that it's just not the end-all be-all problem in their world where they need to completely revamp everything so people can't JB a phone. I'm sure if Apple REALLY wanted to, and it mattered as much as the Dev Team likes to say it does, then they could stop JBs from happening. The fact that they haven't tells me it's just nit a big a deal as people think. Do they want people JBing? Obviously not or they'd just make the phones that way in the first place, but I doubt they lose sleep at night over JBs existing.