It does, but the thing is, and this is completely unrelated and bad that I want to take advantage of the damage to do this, is that I sorta kinda teensy weensy want to go back to an iMac. Getting a Mac Pro was, admittedly, probably not my best decision. I don't have the money to upgrade the Video Card (which I need to) or to buy a monitor (which I REALLY need to) and the $350 would go to a case and DVD drive. And I won't be getting any money in the near future. And, that's partly why I want the refund. So. Yeah.
The pictures you showed us really makes it look like this mac will just be one giant lemon, nothing was protected. It is almost easier to just send it back and not deal with the whole thing. if the case was that badly damaged chances are there are a few 'suprises' waiting for you in the next few months with the logicboard (motherboard), ram, any of that stuff, the shipping could have loosend screws caused something to fail and you won't discover it for a few months and chances are it will be a fatal issue.
Honestly you probably bought a mac pro because you will be using it for work? Reliability is a key factor with that.
The buyers statement about ebay.
The hard drives are designed to handle anything that might have
happened during shipping without being damaged. And if they
were to have any issues down the road (as they could in any
computer) , they'd be covered by the manufacturer's warranty
(usually 5 years). Since you've already been using the computer,
I'd really prefer to get you the new case and superdrive and
leave you with the rock solid mac pro you wanted. I'll even give
you a personal guarantee that if anything else fails within the
next month, I'll take the whole thing back for the full refund. If
that sounds fair, I'll send you the $350 through paypal so you
can get the machine fixed up asap. Let me know.
The Hard Drives are not designed to handle anything like that during shipping when they are shipped totally unpacked with foam or peanuts. Sitting in a metal case with no protection is bad bad bad! Have you ever dealt with a manufacturers warranty? You have to pay to ship the drive in.
He is just trying to pass it off to you because he really doesn't want to deal with it. If you are seriously considering this take it to the nearest apple store, and have them inspect it and run a diagnostics on it and find out how much it would cost for THEM to fix it. Don't attempt these repairs with random internet parts. You paid for a mac pro, don't end up with a hacked and rebuilt yourself mac pro.
Personally, I would ship it back and start over, however if you are planning on buying used from ebay again, perhaps I would just keep it, have it inspected, find out the true cost of repairs, and try and get more money from the seller.
It's sweet how everyone is supporting the OP, but frankly, had I been the seller, I would have offered him nothing, I think that seller is most generous.
There are photos a few pages back, it is an ebay sale, umm, pretty much he shipped a mac pro in a box with like 20 packing peanuts, so the case was heavily damaged.