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I guess find out how much it would cost to get the repairs complete and if its worth it.

i mean is this hassle worth the total cost you paid for the macpro?

what paypal/ebay have to do is, in case you decide after receiving the item outside of its described description and operational use can be used as falsely described and warranted for you to be able to return the item and moeny refunded to you via paypal.

if the the costs of the money the seller will be sending you will cover, and everything turns out fine. then it might be worth it.

if not id ask for the full refund at this point.

kind of a tricky tough situation unfortunately.
you should have quoted him for apple or an apple certified resaler to replace the case. Then there would have been less hassle.
It's sweet how everyone is supporting the OP, but frankly, had I been the seller, I would have offered him nothing, I think that seller is most generous .

I might have missed it, but is there a link to the auction, and a proper description of the packacking ?
There are just a few pictures of an empty box without any visible damage but some minor dents.

Also, is the seller a dealer or private - big difference .
It does, but the thing is, and this is completely unrelated and bad that I want to take advantage of the damage to do this, is that I sorta kinda teensy weensy want to go back to an iMac. Getting a Mac Pro was, admittedly, probably not my best decision. I don't have the money to upgrade the Video Card (which I need to) or to buy a monitor (which I REALLY need to) and the $350 would go to a case and DVD drive. And I won't be getting any money in the near future. And, that's partly why I want the refund. So. Yeah.

The pictures you showed us really makes it look like this mac will just be one giant lemon, nothing was protected. It is almost easier to just send it back and not deal with the whole thing. if the case was that badly damaged chances are there are a few 'suprises' waiting for you in the next few months with the logicboard (motherboard), ram, any of that stuff, the shipping could have loosend screws caused something to fail and you won't discover it for a few months and chances are it will be a fatal issue.

Honestly you probably bought a mac pro because you will be using it for work? Reliability is a key factor with that.

The buyers statement about ebay.

The hard drives are designed to handle anything that might have
happened during shipping without being damaged. And if they
were to have any issues down the road (as they could in any
computer) , they'd be covered by the manufacturer's warranty
(usually 5 years). Since you've already been using the computer,
I'd really prefer to get you the new case and superdrive and
leave you with the rock solid mac pro you wanted. I'll even give
you a personal guarantee that if anything else fails within the
next month, I'll take the whole thing back for the full refund. If
that sounds fair, I'll send you the $350 through paypal so you
can get the machine fixed up asap. Let me know.

The Hard Drives are not designed to handle anything like that during shipping when they are shipped totally unpacked with foam or peanuts. Sitting in a metal case with no protection is bad bad bad! Have you ever dealt with a manufacturers warranty? You have to pay to ship the drive in.

He is just trying to pass it off to you because he really doesn't want to deal with it. If you are seriously considering this take it to the nearest apple store, and have them inspect it and run a diagnostics on it and find out how much it would cost for THEM to fix it. Don't attempt these repairs with random internet parts. You paid for a mac pro, don't end up with a hacked and rebuilt yourself mac pro.

Personally, I would ship it back and start over, however if you are planning on buying used from ebay again, perhaps I would just keep it, have it inspected, find out the true cost of repairs, and try and get more money from the seller.

It's sweet how everyone is supporting the OP, but frankly, had I been the seller, I would have offered him nothing, I think that seller is most generous.
There are photos a few pages back, it is an ebay sale, umm, pretty much he shipped a mac pro in a box with like 20 packing peanuts, so the case was heavily damaged.
Please keep in mind of various policy timelines for eBay, UPS, and PayPal. From the top of my head, eBay will let you open a complaint within 60 days of the purchase. PayPal however only lets you open a dispute within 45 days of the purchase. Also, the protection coverage from PayPal varies depending on the seller's eBay history. If he has over 50 feed back with 98%+ positive rating you can get up to $2000. Anything less and it's only $200 back ..
The pictures you showed us really makes it look like this mac will just be one giant lemon, nothing was protected. It is almost easier to just send it back and not deal with the whole thing. if the case was that badly damaged chances are there are a few 'suprises' waiting for you in the next few months with the logicboard (motherboard), ram, any of that stuff, the shipping could have loosend screws caused something to fail and you won't discover it for a few months and chances are it will be a fatal issue.

Honestly you probably bought a mac pro because you will be using it for work? Reliability is a key factor with that.

Personally, I would ship it back and start over, however if you are planning on buying used from ebay again, perhaps I would just keep it, have it inspected, find out the true cost of repairs, and try and get more money from the seller.

I did buy it for work, mostly video editing w/ FCP.

I was planning on buying a 3.0Ghz iMac from the Apple refurb site.

Please keep in mind of various policy timelines for eBay, UPS, and PayPal. From the top of my head, eBay will let you open a complaint within 60 days of the purchase. PayPal however only lets you open a dispute within 45 days of the purchase. Also, the protection coverage from PayPal varies depending on the seller's eBay history. If he has over 50 feed back with 98%+ positive rating you can get up to $2000. Anything less and it's only $200 back ..

I got the item only two weeks ago, and opened a dispute one week ago. The seller has 101 99% feedback.
This is what I just sent him:

eBay Message said:
Hard drives are not meant to be rattled around in a case packed loosely in a box. If you buy directly from Apple or any other computer company, they will pack the hard drives separately (as in, with extra padding inside the case), with styrofoam surroundings. I'm sure there will be a few "surprises" waiting for me in the next few months with the motherboard and hard drives dying. I would much rather just have my money back at this point.

Good enough?
This is what I just sent him:

Good enough?

Civil enough. It's in the seller's best interest to refund you or else you could get PayPal to take $2 grand out of his PP account and even their bank account (in the case which you win the claim).
I just got a message back from the seller:

Actually, when Apple ships the Mac Pro the hard drives are not packed separately - they come installed just as they were when I sent them to you. They're designed to handle several hundred Gs minimum, which is far more than could have been incurred during shipping. If you still want to send it back, ship it to: <snip> I'll send you a refund once the Mac Pro arrives.

Obviously, I want the refund before I send the Mac Pro back, right? Need to know ASAP.
He's correct about the hard drives: they do come installed by Apple.

However, the hard drives should be the least of your concerns. They
aren't very expensive and are easy to replace if they do fail. It's the
other stuff I'd be worried about.
I just got a message back from the seller:

Obviously, I want the refund before I send the Mac Pro back, right? Need to know ASAP.

Yeah, when the hard drives are shipped separately they are dumped in foam peanuts. When a mac pro is shipped the hard drive and components are attached inside of the computer with no foam, HOWEVER the computer is surrounded with at least 3-5 inches of foam, 3 on the sides and 5 at the top and bottom, the foam separates and protects the computer from hard shocks and movement, and the foam ABSORBS most of the impact.

Just explain to him it wasn't shipped with the recommended amount of foam that a computer should ship with, the case was damaged due to the sudden force that had happened during shipping and that you relay heavily on a reliable computer. Say you understand that no computer is ever 100% but you are just trying to lower your chances. Thank him for being so understanding in all this.

Just like retail, refund comes after product gets back to warehouse, he will think you are scamming him if you want otherwise. You'll have to send it back properly packed and then when he receives he will refund. However I'm not sure who should pay the expense to ship back, in retail if the item arrives defective or damaged the SELLER is responsible to cover the cost of shipping.
That sucks, a new machine arrive with enthusiasm feeling and it end up cannot work. I hate that feeling. Well that's the reason why I don't deal with eBay.
Just like retail, refund comes after product gets back to warehouse, he will think you are scamming him if you want otherwise. You'll have to send it back properly packed and then when he receives he will refund. However I'm not sure who should pay the expense to ship back, in retail if the item arrives defective or damaged the SELLER is responsible to cover the cost of shipping.
So, I should ship it back first? Didn't know it worked that way...

well make sure it is documented to paypal, if he refunds you back via paypal.
as well as ebay, so that they can keep track and progress of this in case the seller attempts to make it seem like YOU damaged the case or something.

they can put a hold on their account with the total amount you paid.

you should get the refund for the item FIRST or atleast go through paypal to put th ehold on there until its fully resolved and you get your full amount back.

dealing with returns/refunds on ebay and/or paypal is a process but it keeps it alittle more easier to get something if somethign happens (regardless that ebay/paypal are tough enough to deal with anyways) but its in your best interest that it does so nothing gets scammed and it all ends well.

so i say get in contact with paypal/ebay to make sure that theyre aware of this process so if the seller does a 180 they can put the hold on the account if they dont refund you promptly.

make sure you document all communications, scan a copy of the shipping receipt (whichever carrier you go through) and give paypal/ebay that information and the confirmed address on the sellers account.

it sounds like a insanely intricate process but this is alot different than dealing with retail and if it all goes smoothly then you can get back to where you need to be.

hope that helps some more too.
There are photos a few pages back, it is an ebay sale, umm, pretty much he shipped a mac pro in a box with like 20 packing peanuts, so the case was heavily damaged.

Those images merely show an empty box, the padding has been removed apart from a few peanuts, there is virtually no damage to the box (2 boxes actually !); it's impossible to judge whether the seller has done a poor job packaging the MP.
The OP's informations don't shed much light on the issue, either.

To me it sounds like upsguy27 had some bad luck with a package having been damaged in shipping, and now tries to get your help to blame it all on the seller , since he sems to lack the wits (...) and guts to handle that simple matter by himself.
Those images merely show an empty box, the padding has been removed apart from a few peanuts, there is virtually no damage to the box (2 boxes actually !); it's impossible to judge whether the seller has done a poor job packaging the MP.
The OP's informations don't shed much light on the issue, either.

To me it sounds like upsguy27 had some bad luck with a package having been damaged in shipping, and now tries to get your help to blame it all on the seller , since he sems to lack the wits (...) and guts to handle that simple matter by himself.

Well, the box doesnt have to be damaged for the items inside to be damaged whatsoever.
It appears it was a double layered box, so theyre pretty tough. there was just way too much movement inside the container and the pressure obviously damaged it from moving and sliding. this happens alot in shipping, loose articles no matter how light or heavy they are can get damaged without the box itself being damaged. having done work with a courier like this and examining thigns exactly like this before, it wasnt properly packed and the courier didnt handle it well either. so the seller should take responsibility for the lack of care on such an expensive item anyway.
the buyer had no hand in packaging it or the methods the seller went about.
Those images merely show an empty box, the padding has been removed apart from a few peanuts, there is virtually no damage to the box (2 boxes actually !); it's impossible to judge whether the seller has done a poor job packaging the MP.
The OP's informations don't shed much light on the issue, either.

To me it sounds like upsguy27 had some bad luck with a package having been damaged in shipping, and now tries to get your help to blame it all on the seller , since he seems to lack the wits (...) and guts to handle that simple matter by himself.

I'm not trying to blame everything on the seller, why would I do that? :)confused:) I said it was caused mostly by UPS' poor treatment of the package, and partially from the way it was packed. I had no say in if it was damaged, it's not my fault that it's damaged.
I'm not trying to blame everything on the seller, why would I do that? :)confused:) I said it was caused mostly by UPS' poor treatment of the package, and partially from the way it was packed. I had no say in if it was damaged, it's not my fault that it's damaged.

+1, you're right here. Keep us updated.
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