At the time the iPhone was launched, I had a blackberry from work. Rarely used it even for making calls. It was just too cumbersome for me, so I consequently thought I wasn't a portable phone person. just not for me. But I did love my iPod. And the internet. So when Apple launched the iPhone I thought, "great, a new iPod, that lets me read the internet, think I will get one". Never occurred to me I would actually like the phone part. But I loved it and found out I actually was a mobile phone kind of person. Just not a blackberry kind of person.
I am a tech guy, love toys so I tried other versions of VR but found the resolution to be poor, the experience would often give me headaches, or nausea, or both. I am not a twitch game player so there was nothing there for me. I came away thinking I just wasn't a headset kind of guy. Once again I was wrong. I am just not a meta kind of person.
I do wish the AVP didnt cost as much. I do wish it was lighter. Might wish for a wider field of view. It's not perfect by a long shot. As such, it's not for everyone. But turns out I am a headset kind of person if it allows me to sit reasonably comfortably anywhere any place with the ability to view multiple windows of my pictures, my reports, internet pages, face time, and even my movies. Who knew?