I expect you to show me how an iphone is able to match the customizability of android on the day iOS6 is released then.
I expect you to show me your Android home screen as it is now. I want to see all your "customizations".
I expect you to show me how an iphone is able to match the customizability of android on the day iOS6 is released then.
I expect you to show me how an iphone is able to match the customizability of android on the day iOS6 is released then.
For the curious since it was brought up.
Customized android homescreens
Customized IOS homescreens
With freedom comes beauty.Some of those Android home screens are seriously beautiful. Great resource, man. +1
That's quite a bit of speculation you're doing there. Especially considering, there's no precedent to back it up. I'd say it's much more likely it would be included, than not.Yeah, of course the LATEST devices will get JB, but who knows which features it will or will not get. It's likely Samsung could exclude Google Now because they already have S Voice, and Now is one of the marquee features.
The same sort of statements could be said about iOS. One could say Apple would not have added navigation, if not for Google Navigation. One could say Apple would never have added Siri if not for Google Voice Search. The same can be stated about iOS' notification center, multitasking, new quick messages (in iOS 6), and several other things.I bet they wouldn't have released Google Now for a few more years if it weren't for Siri.
As much as I like the 4S, I can answer this with: NFC, HD display, notification light, and LTE to name a few.I never mentioned an unlocked iPhone 4S anywhere in any of my posts. You love putting words into my mouth.
What does it have lacking hardware wise? I want to know.![]()
No. A jailbreak can imitate the stock features of Android, but it cannot match the level of customization of a rooted Android phone. For example, a jailbroken phone cannot overclock or underclock the cpu. As for jailbreaking to match Android features and customization, the issue I have with this argument is this: Why should a person have to hack their phone for basic features? The features iOS users have to hack their phones to get, Android users have out of the box, so you can't really compare the two. You can't compare a hacked phone with one that isn't hacked. If you compare a hacked iPhone to a hacked Android phone, the Android is going to have the greater customization potential.Correct me if I am wrong but the userfriendlyness that Android has been boasting eg: customizability, etc...is it not equally matched and in some case surpassed by a jailbreak of the iphone?
most of everything that android has, you can get the same with the jailbreak...
so the only selling point of an android phone, imo, is just the big and beautiful screen!![]()
For the curious since it was brought up.
Customized android homescreens
Customized IOS homescreens
No. A jailbreak can imitate the stock features of Android, but it cannot match the level of customization of a rooted Android phone. For example, a jailbroken phone cannot overclock or underclock the cpu. As for jailbreaking to match Android features and customization, the issue I have with this argument is this: Why should a person have to hack their phone for basic features? The features iOS users have to hack their phones to get, Android users have out of the box, so you can't really compare the two. You can't compare a hacked phone with one that isn't hacked. If you compare a hacked iPhone to a hacked Android phone, the Android is going to have the greater customization potential.
And its not stealing copying androids notification system? Or the reject call with an SMS? Or the camera lockscreen icon from Windows mobile?
Everyone copies everyone.
With freedom comes beauty.![]()
a lot of us don't care about the customization, the live wall paper or any of the other cartoon stuff you can make your android phone look like. its 2012, a moving picture that moves from side to side is not that cool
iOS 5 penetration is something like 90% of the iOS installed base. android ICS is only 10% of the installed base. all the apps are still being coded for gingerbread. iOS 6 is going to have optimized apps come out for it before it ships. within a few months all the most popular apps will have been recompiled for the iOS 6 SDK
Google showed a nice OS but don't expect to see a good number of apps that take advantage of the new features until late 2013 at the earliest.
At this rate of people jumping ship, I would be very worried if I were Apple.
And not only that, but after spending time customizing it, your device truly feels like your device.![]()
So does my iPhone.![]()
I haven't read this entire thread so my apologies if previously mentioned--based on this very recent survey, I don't think Apple has anything to worry about.
I think everyone here tends to forget that in general tech blog/forum readers are probably a bit more well versed in the use of their tech and represent a pretty small portion of the overall consumer market. Most smartphone owners barely scratch the surface of their devices capabilities and could care less about customizing/jailbreaking/rooting, have no idea what a file system is, wouldn't know how or need to transfer a file over bluetooth, think pentile is some sort of malady only affecting men, and probably couldn't tell you anything about the specs of their device if their life depended on it. Heck, if I mention to any of my family or friends that a new version of an OS is available and ask if they've updated yet, I usually get a blank stare like I was speaking another language. The point is, most, if not all of these great advancements are great but lost on the general consumer.
I just picked up a Galaxy Nexus to check out Jellybean and think it's a pretty great device but put it in the hands of any of my family and most of my friends and I guarantee they wouldn't think it's anything special.
I like the iPhone and what it does for me, and like it more than any Android phone because of its size, mature appearance, and iOS that is simple to use. I do not customize nor root nor jailbreak. For those that want the other, by all means buy it, enjoy it, play with it, and find the other forums to post on with others that are just like you.
Google's Android is open, they can't sue people for taking their ideas. Their greatest feature is also one of their biggest downfalls
Have fun with your 3.5 screen! Oh wait...
Only two things you need, an iPad 2/3 and a Galaxy S III.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Why would one need 2 tablets?
I have to say most of those are the ugliest things I have ever seen (and not just the Android ones).