Why does a phone GPU have to be good for GPGPU? It seems that Apple trying to make an SoC that will work for both a phone and a laptop may prevent them from getting the best performance in both situations. I expect Apple will end up splitting the development of the cores, one for phones and one for laptops.
Another example I just remembered. In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, there's a fluid dynamics simulation running when there's water visible on the game, to model the character's interaction with floating substances (algae, oil...) on top of the water (
the developers have a full video on this topic):
This is run as a series of compute shaders, and the developers said that the effect adds ~0.5ms of a frame on an Xbox One (for reference, to reach 60fps, the total frame time must be under 16.6ms).
As far as I know, the way it usually works when developing a game (at least for consoles) is that certain visual effects are given a frame time budget. In order to cram that effect into the game, it must add less than X milliseconds to the total frame time. For PC games, which must support a wide range of GPUs, I believe non-essential visual effects can be toggled off based on settings.
On mobile phones, the game is likely to be tested in several different phones of different price ranges. If the GPU's compute sucks in all of them, it's not unreasonable to think that non-essential VFXs that are heavily dependent on compute are likely to be dropped altogether.
For AAA games, where there are R&D departments trying to maximize every bit of power of the GPU, you're way more likely to find exotic algorithms and implementations that depend in the GPU supporting specific characteristics. So it could be that, in order to support AAA games (and Apple just announced a bunch on the iPhone 15 keynote), the GPU needs to have extensive feature support *on top of* being fast.