Well, that install took about 20 minutes, booted up, I haven't run the patch yet, Hmmmm that's interesting. I just ran the Patch Updater in Utilities Folder and says "All is Up to date" "no new patch updates are available at this time"
18A336e is what I get which is the latest update. Patch or no patch from USB??
Seems a little more responsive in the Finder, some of the UI glitches aren't as apparent as with the previous beta.
Also not seeing the WindowServer taking up resources as with previous updates, that's a plus.
Actually way more responsive than the last beta, Apps open substantially faster, especially native apps, no UI glitches in the menu bar or Finder.
Thanks to all!! especially dosdude1.
18A336e is what I get which is the latest update. Patch or no patch from USB??
Seems a little more responsive in the Finder, some of the UI glitches aren't as apparent as with the previous beta.
Also not seeing the WindowServer taking up resources as with previous updates, that's a plus.
Actually way more responsive than the last beta, Apps open substantially faster, especially native apps, no UI glitches in the menu bar or Finder.
Thanks to all!! especially dosdude1.
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