Hi everybody
updated MBP8,1 20" Early 2008 to 10.14.5 (18F132) from .4, I re-applied the patches with "macOS Post Install.app" 1.3.1 and force rebuild cache.
iSight (with FaceTime), Siri, Chess, Flurry and News work well (still no News+)
Only F1 and F2 for backlight control do not work
ks - Boot the USB patcher you made and re-install the patch set for the the Mini3,1 from the USB patcher. It should run just fine. Don't update anything.
Installed 10.14.5 via OTA used latest patcher version for post setup and all is working good (screen saver, Siri, CAT) Macbook pro late 2011,13'.
Thanks for your amazing work
A search shows something caused my Mac to have a kernel panic and now it just keeps restarting and showing the “your computer restarted because of a problem” message. Is there a way to fix this without wiping the machine?
A search shows something caused my Mac to have a kernel panic and now it just keeps restarting and showing the “your computer restarted because of a problem” message. Is there a way to fix this without wiping the machine?
A search shows something caused my Mac to have a kernel panic and now it just keeps restarting and showing the “your computer restarted because of a problem” message. Is there a way to fix this without wiping the machine?
Same happening to me. I've a macbook pro mid 2009 (MacBookPro5,5) and I've made a clean install using the macOS Mojave Patcher version 1.3.1. After installing the macOS Mojave and applying the patches for my model the system keep restarting with the kernel panic message. I've tried to reinstall the patches with the force rebuild cacheoption enabled but doesn't work either.
Same happening to me. I've a macbook pro mid 2009 (MacBookPro5,5) and I've made a clean install using the macOS Mojave Patcher version 1.3.1. After installing the macOS Mojave and applying the patches for my model the system keep restarting with the kernel panic message. I've tried to reinstall the patches with the force rebuild cacheoption enabled but doesn't work either.
How would I go about updating to that? I found the original USB I did the install with and reinstalled the patches. Now it will boot to a black screen with a circle thing and repeat on a loop. I also repaired disk permissions (it says the disk is fine and storage being used is the same). I only have a PC as my other machine
How would I go about updating to that? I found the original USB I did the install with and reinstalled the patches. Now it will boot to a black screen with a circle thing and repeat on a loop. I also repaired disk permissions (it says the disk is fine and storage being used is the same). I only have a PC as my other machine
Macbook Pro 8,3 upgraded from stable patched 10.14.4 to 10.14.5 OTA. Had latest "Patch Updater" (which had downloaded updated Video driver). Reboot resulted in reboot loop - caught some text about WindowServer died followed by iogpulockstate [some parameters] then a reboot. Several times tried applying patches from my USB 1.3.0 Patched Mojave 10.14.4 Build - no differences.
Only way I was able to get in was to download latest dosdude1 patcher 1.3.2 AND download lates Mojave 10.14.5, creating a new patched build and applying patches from there. This is contrary to the sticky thread that 1.3.0 with 10.14.4 patched build would be sufficient.
@DOSDUDE - Please update your sites page comment under updates:
10.14.5 can be updated normally via the App Store if using an APFS volume, and can be patched using an installer volume created with Mojave Patcher version 1.3.0 [Didn't work - had to use 1.3.2 to build a new 10.14.5 patched version] and later.
Issues installing Geniatech´s eyetv lite t2 on a macbook pro4.1 with macos mojave
I had the folloiwng Problem while iinstalling eyetv lte t2
the eyetv lite setupp-assistent erkennt den Geniatech usb stick not,
What can i do?
Maybe someone here can shed some light on my issue: I can't switch back to the integrated graphics on my MBP 5,3. (NVIDIA GeForce 9400M / 9600GT).
I've updated to 10.14.4 with the latest patcher tool from dosdude1 (1.2.3). Also, have installed the latest patch update as of now.
When I set the option back to "Better battery life", I log out and the screen goes dark. Still turned on. I do a hard shut down, and when I log back in, the setting is still in the "Better performance" option.
I have done this several times already, and no luck. Any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks!
Successfully upgrade from 10.14.4 to 10.14.5 on mbp mid2009.
important! - before upgrading you need to remake your bootable usb with the latest version dosdude's patcher 1.3.2 and reapply the patches, otherwise you will get kernel panics.
Short question: Updated using dosdudes patcher, worked fine. How to use the transparency patch? is it only available in the RMC patcher, or at dosdudes as well?
Will the two patchers exists separately or is there an effort to join them? by using a GUI for the RMC patcher?
The transparency patches are available here. macOS Patcher, from RMC, has a tool to install the transparency patches easily. You can install them on a macOS Mojave Patcher system but it's harder since it doesn't have the install tool. I have no plans to join both patchers and unfortunately, I'm the only developer and I don't have the knowledge to create a GUI.
iMac11,x (systems with AMD Radeon HD 5xxx and 6xxx series GPUs will be almost unusable when running Mojave. More details are located in the Current Issues section below.)
iMac12,x (systems with AMD Radeon HD 5xxx and 6xxx series GPUs will be almost unusable when running Mojave. More details are located in the Current Issues section below.)
Pre-Metal AMD video cards (Radeon HD 6xxx series and older without acceleration, Radeon HD 4xxx series and older with acceleration.)
Pre-Metal Nvidia video cards (GeForce 5xx series and older, i.e. 8600M(GT)/8800M(GT), 9400M/9600M(GT), 320M/330M)
Pre-Metal Intel video cards (Intel HD Graphics 3000 and Intel HD Graphics Arrandale)
Minor Issues
Currently, pre-metal video cards used in Mojave will produce a weird darkish grey Menu Bar and Finder sidebar when using the light theme. In the dark theme, these anomalies are not present, while other, less obvious anomalies are present (window corners may not render properly, bottom part of dock menus may have artifacts). A workaround for graphics anomalies in light mode is to enable Reduce Transparency in System Preferences > Accessibility > Display (this might create additional side effects beside the obvious loss of transparency as some systems with pre-metal AMD graphics render the dock in dark gray).
Currently, built-in iSight cameras do not work correctly on some machines. It seems to be hit or miss, but when installing, expect your iSight camera to be non-functional.
Trackpad multi-finger gestures on both machines not supported in Mojave. While the trackpad works and is fully usable, Mojave detects it as just a standard mouse, preventing you from changing some trackpad-oriented settings.
Major Issues
AMD Radeon HD 5xxx/6xxx series GPU acceleration"]
Currently, it is not possible to get full graphics acceleration when running Mojave on a system with a Radeon HD 5xxx or 6xxx series video card. Mojave will be almost unusable without graphics acceleration. This includes the 15" and 17" MacBook Pro systems (MacBookPro8,2 and 8,3). If you want to enable GPU acceleration on these machines, you'll need to disable the AMD video card (This will work on MacBook Pro 8,2 and 8,3 systems ONLY. You CANNOT disable the AMD GPU in an iMac.) Weird colors will also be produced when running Mojave with one of these video cards installed/enabled. To disable the AMD GPU on a 2011 MacBook Pro 8,2 or 8,3, follow the guide found here.
When running Mojave, you CANNOT use a newer AMD video card EVEN IF it is a Metal-compatible card and is supported in Mojave. The newer AMD drivers used in Mojave require the SSE4.2 instruction set, which the MacPro3,1 does not support. There is no way around this at this time. Your only GPU upgrade options for MacPro3,1 systems are Nvidia cards, which work perfectly fine.
Some users have reported crashing upon opening the App Store. This is caused by App Store videos and can be worked around by disabling video autoplay and not viewing App Store videos. This is not a fix, this is a workaround. Safari may also experience crashes with certain kinds of embedded videos.
Current Issues by Hardware
Minor Issues
Graphics anomalies:
All machines
Built-in iSight camera:
All machines, hit or miss
MacBook5,2 and MacBook 4,1
Major Issues
AMD GPU acceleration:
All machines with a Radeon HD 5xxx or 6xxx series GPUs (these systems will be almost unusable when running Mojave. More details are located in the Current Issues section above.)
App Store Crashing:
All machines with Radeon HD 4xxx series GPUs
AMD GPU support:
To install on your machine, you can download and run the macOS Mojave Patcher application, which will let you download a copy of the latest installer app from Apple and create a bootable installer drive for use on unsupported Macs. It contains all the patches necessary to achieve the hardware support listed above. The installation guide can be found here and an installation guide video here.
Alternative Installation:
More advanced users may consider using @0403979's macOS Patcher Tool, which is a command line-based tool that provides the same hardware support as @dosdude1's Mojave Patcher Tool, while also adding support for MacBook4,1 systems. To install Mojave using this patch, just follow the instructions on the guide found here.
macOS Patcher Update: A huge update to macOS Patcher was released on the 23rd of April. Read about it here.
APFS ROM Patcher: Warning: This tool could irreversibly brick your EFI chip. Please exercise caution with machines that have multiple EEPROM definitions. Relevant information can be found here and here. The APFS ROM patcher can be found here. Use the password apfs to decrypt the ZIP.
Warning: These updates may prevent booting.
Exercise caution when doing so. Please read this post beforehand.
2019/01/24 10.14.4DP1, 2019/01/28 PB1, build 18E174f - donot install
2019/02/04 10.14.4 DP2, 2019/02/05 PB2, build 18E184e - do not install
2019/02/18 10.14.4 DP3, 2019/02/19 PB3, build 18E194d - do not install
2019/03/04 10.14.4 DP4, 2019/03/04 PB4, build 18E205e - do not install
2019/03/11 10.14.4 DP5, 2019/03/11 PB5, build 18E215a - do not install
2019/03/18 10.14.4 DP6, 2019/03/18 PB6, build 18E220a - do not install
Warning: These updates may prevent booting.
Exercise caution when doing so. Step by step instructions are available here.
2019/03/2810.14.5DP1, build18F96h - donot install
2019/04/08 10.14.5DP2, build18F108f - donot install
2019/04/22 10.14.5 DP3, build 18F118d - do not install
2019/04/29 10.14.5 DP4, build 18F127a - do not install
2019/05/07 10.14.5 DP5, build18F131a - do not install
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Please do not ask for, or provide help getting developers profile information to access unauthorised beta software on MacRumors. If you are not a developer, sign up to the Apple Beta Software Program to get the official public beta releases.
The transparency patches are available here. macOS Patcher, from RMC, has a tool to install the transparency patches easily. You can install them on a macOS Mojave Patcher system but it's harder since it doesn't have the install tool. I have no plans to join both patchers and unfortunately, I'm the only developer and I don't have the knowledge to create a GUI.
Quick heads up regarding my iMac9,1: after having suffered from random crashes and some sleep-mode issues on 10.14.4, I updated to 10.14.5 via system update yesterday (applying the latest and greatest 1.3.2 post install patches on first boot). The system is now stable and did not crash for two hours worth of me trying to make it crash. It also falls asleep and wakes nicely.
tldr; 10.14.5+1.3.2 patches work great on iMac9,1
Hi guys, any tip to installing 10.14.5 on a MacPro 3,1? I'm on a fresh install of 10.14.4 now and it would be my first update. Don't want to do any mistake.
Hi upipes, I had no problem going from 14.4 to 14.5. First I made a new usb using the latest patcher (1.3.2) and a copy of Mojave using the tools download in the patcher. I like to have the latest patcher usb just in case. Then back up your drive (I make a clone using ccc). Now if anything goes wrong there is a good chance you can recover the situation. As I have an SSD using APFS I used the OTA update in preferences. Once the system has finished updating and goes for the final restart, hit the alt key and select the usb installer drive. Use the post install patches appropriate for your setup. If you have a metal graphics card make sure you do not select the legacy video patch. Also, if you have the APFS rom update make sure APFS patch is not selected. This will be automatically selected if your drive is APFS so make sure you deselect it if your mp3.1 has the rom update. Force cache rebuild and reboot. The first start may trigger the patch updater to warn about some patches being overwritten - in my case night shift. Allow it to fix the problem and reboot. You will then have a fully functioning 14.5.
Macbook Pro 8,3 upgraded from stable patched 10.14.4 to 10.14.5 OTA. Had latest "Patch Updater" (which had downloaded updated Video driver). Reboot resulted in reboot loop - caught some text about WindowServer died followed by iogpulockstate [some parameters] then a reboot. Several times tried applying patches from my USB 1.3.0 Patched Mojave 10.14.4 Build - no differences.
Only way I was able to get in was to download latest dosdude1 patcher 1.3.2 AND download lates Mojave 10.14.5, creating a new patched build and applying patches from there. This is contrary to the sticky thread that 1.3.0 with 10.14.4 patched build would be sufficient.
@DOSDUDE - Please update your sites page comment under updates:
10.14.5 can be updated normally via the App Store if using an APFS volume, and can be patched using an installer volume created with Mojave Patcher version 1.3.0 [Didn't work - had to use 1.3.2 to build a new 10.14.5 patched version] and later.
Quick question: Can someone please check in the System Information app, on Software/Installations if there are some MRT and XProtect updates following the 10.14.5 update? I have one for Gatekeeper, but not for MRT and XProtect. I have had a bad issue with the last MRT update, MRT got corrupted, as some may remember.
How do you know when apple is "quietly" pushing the security updates? I just realised that I have all my automatic updates turned off. So I have to check for it manually but I guess it gives me the advantage of not turning my machine off during apple's "quiet" update.
Maybe someone here can shed some light on my issue: I can't switch back to the integrated graphics on my MBP 5,3. (NVIDIA GeForce 9400M / 9600GT).
I've updated to 10.14.4 with the latest patcher tool from dosdude1 (1.2.3). Also, have installed the latest patch update as of now.
When I set the option back to "Better battery life", I log out and the screen goes dark. Still turned on. I do a hard shut down, and when I log back in, the setting is still in the "Better performance" option.
I have done this several times already, and no luck. Any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks!
You can do a PRAM reset to get it back to the integrated GPU (if not, then SMC reset... I honestly cannot remember which). Not sure why the switch from dGPU back to integrated does not work as expected.
Hi guys, any tip to installing 10.14.5 on a MacPro 3,1? I'm on a fresh install of 10.14.4 now and it would be my first update. Don't want to do any mistake.
I have been using Mojave 10.14.4 on my MacBook Pro 8,2 (Late 2011) for more than two months. Everything was ok except two issues: screen brightness not working and not able to exit from sleep mode (screen kept black). Today I installed the new Legacy Video Card Patch (v6) and these issues were gone!
Then I updated to Mojave 10.14.5 and the problems appeared again, but after reinstalling all the patches and restart the computer, the brightness controls and sleep mode worked again! So I'm not sure if the issues were solved with the Legacy Video Card Patch v6 or maybe with the previous version also would have worked if I had reinstalled the previous version of the patch.
The good news is that now I have the last version of Mojave with screen brightness controls and sleep mode working. Great! It would be perfect I in the future I could be able to use my dedicated GPU (AMD Radeon HD 6750M). Now it is deactivated because it is not compatible with the Mojave Patcher.