I tried to do the opposite on an MBP 15", I mean I needed a lower resolution in the EFI login screen or Refind bootloader icons / Terminal shell in order to have them bigger, and once I succeeded but after latest Mojave update at EFI bootloader I only can get the default LCD resolution with very small icons and Terminal shell, of course in booted macOS I can switch among all the available resolutions.
Editing the com.apple.boot.plist adding "Graphics Mode" key setting a custom resolution seems to not work more.
Anyway I noticed that if you set a wrong resolution in Refind config file, Refind bootloader will tell you all the available custom resolutions for your Display, I simply added a line following these steps:
sudo mkdir /Volumes/efi
sudo mount -t msdos /dev/disk0s1 /Volumes/efi
open /Volumes/efi/EFI/refind/
then from Finder take a backup of your current refind.conf
and edit it with TextEdit or any other plain-text editor, and search inside for these lines:
# Default is "0 0" (use the system default resolution, usually 800x600).
#resolution 1024 768
#resolution 3
then under these lines add without # :
resolution 1440 900
Save and reboot
Now Refind bootloader should tell that resolution is not supported and suggest which are the native supported EFI resolutions for your Display.
And about using a third party external LCD Display with a Mac mini, I noticed that if you use an HDMI cable it auto fits to the correct EFI bootloader resolution.
Thank you for an idea, tried and got instant blank screen without boot. The EFI can't work higher resolution with this setup ATM. I need more skill in this question
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