So I went ahead and swapped the Trackpad.prefPane file from my macOS Mojave install on an older MacBook5,2 that I've been working on. And I've actually have had some success with fixing the Trackpad Preference Pane! After replacing the file I managed to get Trackpad settings to finally open on not only my MacBook5,2 but also my MacPro3,1 I'll have to do some further testing but so far all clear! You can see that there is quiet a difference in size between the previous Trackpad.prefPane and the Catalina one. Thanks @TimothyR734 for directing me in the right direction. I can upload the Mojave Trackpad.prefPane file if anyone would like to test this out themselves. Let me know if it works for you!
Looking at the linkage of the Mojave vs Catalina Trackpad binary, the differences seem to be new linkages on
BezelServices.framework and QTKit.framework. The other thing that should be checked is whether the new Trackpad has any SSE 4,2 opcodes that aren't supported on the older processors. If the stock Catalina Trackpad opens on a MacPro 5,1, that would suggest the latter as the problem.