Thank you for the assist, I appreciate it a lot.
I have the ROM all set.
So the patcher has the option to apply no patches.... what service is it providing in that scenario? I am thinking the main thing it does in that scenario is provide access to catalina download from Apple.
I pretty much have Catalina setup now with what I use it for, such as VMWare Fusion running a four VMs of Debian Linux. They are used for web development, doing the coding on them and pushing the code to live Debian servers owned by my clients.
Plus a few other softwares...
So, to get to the SIP-enabled setup, do I have to start with a new installation of Cataline, either wiping the volume I am running now or maknig a new one?
Last queston, I don't know what it means or how to do the NVRAM "no compat check", needed for Wifi and BLuetooth? I am running original equipment for wifi and bluetooth. I can live ok without wifi, because I run ethernet into the heavy box. I do not move it from place to place, buttttttttttttt... I can imagine that could get ugly too. I'd say it is lame that I am runnng old wifi/bluetooth and should upgrade them, but i am going to need to get a better handle on how that fits into the patch/no-patch and NVRAM no compat check.
In the grand scheme, small small issues compared to what some have had to deal with.
Regarding night shift, well, not night shift but dynamic wall paper in mojave (still in Catalina if you pick the mojave wallpaper, vs.the "automatic" light to dark in Catalina, this is such a small issue, but Apple kicked the pooch on this as far as i am concerned. I love the dynamic changes in the wall paper but i want a dark theme 24 hours a day not just at night. Catalina does not support that with the catalina wallpaper. To get Catalina wallpaper to do the light shifting the way Mojave does, you have to have light theme during the day. I hate that.
Now the other last question... looking for an inkling of what this is about, the icons associated with usernames.
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