No senseI have little time or money for hardware upgrade.
And, besides, due to medical reasons, I need a lower graphics standard, a full graphics acceleration Catalina would cause serious concentration issues, I have strong reasons to prefer a lower video quality experience. One of th reasons I tend o stick with this video card. If I upgraded the video card to one that supports Metal, Iin order to properly work on this machine, I would need to disable graphics acceleration and lower the video experience pretty much. Not just luminosity, but the quality itself. I need to keep it at about the quality of a Windows XP. Even on Windows 10 I do not install the graphics drivers and disable the video effects, to keep the video quality lower. So, I guess that a Metal compatible graphics card would actually mean more work for me then wjhat it is now. I know many things do not work on this reduce mode, but nothing to care about. Even if Photos app does not work, it is fine for me, I do not work with it. As long as I can do audio editing with Garageband (and probably Logic Pro too) and basdic things like Safari navigation or pdf reading works, it is even better. And since my medical condition does not seem to improve but to get worse, I need to keep this hardware configuration).
So, 32 bit apps not working anymore to be the case? Or telemetry? I remember the old Hackintosh rule: if the installer boots up to the end, the installed OS would work too on the hardware, one way or the other. So, there has to be a way to get it going.
I use the SMBIOS function of system definitions in Clover to disguise this hardware as an iMac 14.2 , if I use iMac 10.1, as are patches designed for, Catalina refuses to boot. Perhaps the telemetry plug-in can be tricked by disguiessing the CPU into another CPU (I know it is possible under Clover). By the way, installing the patches for iMac 10.1 would not suppose to remove or disable that telemetry plugin feature?
Nice tip.Anyone interested in getting Parallels Desktop 15 up and running with correct graphics support under Catalina (and Mojave), see over here.