Impossible for me to create the USB installer in Catalina. From Mojave worked at first without any problem.followed @dosdude1 's instructions, terminal patch didn't work for me either.
Impossible for me to create the USB installer in Catalina. From Mojave worked at first without any problem.followed @dosdude1 's instructions, terminal patch didn't work for me either.
Yes, very odd. Mac Pro 3.1 has always worked with no commands but 5.1 needed these extra steps. Cannot explain it but it works if needed.In my Mac Pro 5.1 , continuity has always worked. And unlock witn the Apple Watch. No commands needed.
Public Beta 8 was released, I am downloading something that has about 5 gb. Is this the install app or do I need to download it using the dosdude1 app? The dosdude1 app has about 8 gb to download. DP8/PB7 was the first Catalina version I have successfully installed, so I do not know if this works?
Yes, very odd. Mac Pro 3.1 has always worked with no commands but 5.1 needed these extra steps. Cannot explain it but it works if needed.
OddYes, very odd. Mac Pro 3.1 has always worked with no commands but 5.1 needed these extra steps. Cannot explain it but it works if needed.
Yes, system completely unpatched. The cMP5.1 also did the same in Mojave and the fix worked here as well so do not think it is related to the telemetry plugin. Lot of members using cMP5.1 unpatched with no problems. Just installing B9 and see what happens.Are you leaving the telemetry plugin in place on the MacPro 5,1? If so, my guess would be that it isn't fully patched for the unsupported MacPro 5,1.
No, the dosdude1 app for Catalina I use.I assume you are trying to download with the macOS Downloader app that dosdude1 linked to early in the thread. That application hasn't worked for a few weeks now and erroneously downloads the High Sierra full installer rather than Catalina Beta.
So, if I use Mojave to create the pen drive, this glitch is absent, right?This is a glitch that only occurs in Catalina DP8, as they broke something with ASR. I expect this to be fixed in the next Catalina release (so I will not be modifying my program at this time). What you can do for now is either create an installer drive using a previous macOS version, or patch my program to bypass that check. To bypass the check, simply download this script, and run it like so using Terminal (after copying Catalina Patcher outside of the DMG it's distributed in):
Code:./ /path/to/macOS\ Catalina\
Then, the tool will complete successfully.
Yes, system completely unpatched. The cMP5.1 also did the same in Mojave and the fix worked here as well so do not think it is related to the telemetry plugin. Lot of members using cMP5.1 unpatched with no problems. Just installing B9 and see what happens.
Update: Installed B9 over B8 and now continuity etc working without any further intervention. Just checked
/System/Library/Frameworks/IOBluetooth.framework/Versions/A/Resources/SystemParameters.plist" and it now has the continuity flag for the cMP5.1 (F221BEC8) as false. But hey, all is working so no idea what really is happening here. Now to find out why the dynamic wallpaper has a large jagged line across it. All other wallpapers fine.
Not sure about this but it could cause trouble down the line. My preference is to have as few patches as possible so using dosdude installer but with no patching. However any comments why Catalina Dynamic Wallpaper looks like this? Other Dynamic and static wallpapers are fine. This has only happened with B9. Presently using GTX680 2GB. installed twice now with same effect. May try a new download and rebuild usb.My understanding was that the telemetry plugin for Catalina doesn't have the MacPro 5,1 as a supported machine without additional patching.
As far as I know the update in System preferences is broke there it is just like Mojave you need to create a Catalina PatcherJust to clarify (and I apologize if this has been asked several times already) but with Catalina can I update normally through software update and it’ll automatically patch it for me, or is it similar to the Mojave one and I have to make another USB with the installer and new update to make it upgrade(?)
The telemetry plugin doesn't affect anything functionality-wise and has never actually been successfully patched in any way. Its only relevance is because it crashes Macs with Penryn CPUs, and on those systems it's simply deleted.My understanding was that the telemetry plugin for Catalina doesn't have the MacPro 5,1 as a supported machine without additional patching.
No problems whatsoever here with the current Dynamic Wallpaper.... However any comments why Catalina Dynamic Wallpaper looks like this?
Thanks, I will go for a fresh install. Suspect a fault with my wallpaper file.No problems whatsoever here with the current Dynamic Wallpaper.
Hello @Jehm83,
You're right, you have a message at the launch of the Terminal:
The default interactive shell is now zsh
To update your account to use zsh, please run 'chsh -s /bin/zsh'
Try to execute the requested code and restart the Terminal before executing your other commands
For me this line of code did not work I had to go in the preferences of the Terminal, in the General tab then in "Shells open with" select "Command (complete path)" and write below "/bin/zsh" instead of "/bin/bash"
Close preferences and restart Terminal
All future orders should work properly with Terminal ...
Otherwise to apply "Blusky" you can also do it manually:
Manual Install is as simple as:
• locate SkyLight in System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/Current
• back it up
• replace it with SkyLight from the unzipped
• Execute the following 2 commands in the Terminal:
• sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework
• sudo chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework
• locate HIToolbox in System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Frameworks/HIToolbox/Versions/Current
• back it up
• replace with HIToolbox from the unzipped
• Execute the following 2 commands in the Terminal:
• sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework
• sudo chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework
• reboot
If we replace only SkyLight we get all the transparency of the menus only in dark mode and the Finder transparency in Light/Dark Mode!
But in light mode we stay with only the grisly gray menubar.
If you can not "paste" your "SkyLight" and "HIToolbox" files
Execute the following 2 commands in the Terminal:
'sudo mount -uw /' then 'Killall Finder'
Do you have an icon of your hdd/ssd on your desktop?Hello TimothyR734
Thanks for your message & help..So at the moment i've put my Macbook in Target mode the Macbook is splitted in two Hard disk (Macbook & Macbook Data) on my which partition i should put those files?..
reinstall macOS Catalina then put the CatalinaAutoMount in your /Library/LaunchDaemons folder then reboot then try replacing the HIToolbox and SkyLight if you don't use the Catalina AutoMount it won't give you permission to change those and will cause issuesOk it's in the Macbook and not in the Data disk..thanks
So..i've put the files (2 replaced..) in the right folders but it didn't help to stop my Macbook re-starting automatically (loop) into the middle process on the starting window?..
Tried as well to restart on the Efi of the install Disk (the Dosdude version) but same problem of looping..maybe i should try again after the Efi Install Disk if the modified files you gave me could help?..thanks by advance for your advice & observations..
are you installing the post install patches and force rebuilding the caches after installation on the second bootThanks for your advice..the only problem is that my Macbook has the same initialization bug with the Dosdude installation disk (it re-starts unexpectedly in the middle of the process) since my other Mac I can not reinstall as well because it does not accept install from target mode.. maybe another solution is possible?