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The first post of this thread is a WikiPost and can be edited by anyone with the appropiate permissions. Your edits will be public.
As mentioned many times previously, this is a bug with ASR in Catalina Developer Preview 8. You can create a USB installer under any other macOS version with no issues, or you can patch Catalina Patcher to bypass the check, as I explain here. The "Install to This Machine" option is not affected by this issue.

Thanks dosdude1 for the explanation.
I had the same problem, I solved by creating the usb flash drive using Mojave as a base, I no longer had the "RestoryngBaseSystem error" and "An error occurred during RestoringBaseSystem.dmg .." No problems in the creation and in the update to the 19a573a version (beta 9).

bay bay from italy
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I guess the sidebars are "greyish" because @ASentientBot has updated his Skylight patches (and probably other fixes will be needed till October release) to fix "Dock/window collisions" and used the 10.14.6 one, hence some offset have changed, I've attempted to binary hex patch the latest SkylightOriginal following the method from @testheit .

Can't test directly since I am still on Catalina beta 5 unsupported mac, but just replace it again with this attached and it should work.

replace here: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Skylight.framework/Versions/A/

Thank you for this!
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For those who are having boot issues while having Google Chrome installed, here are some interesting articles for you:

Looks like another website discovered a way of removing the offending Google keystone problem.

Hello Dosdude1. A simple question regarding the Mac Pro 5,1 (2012) running Catalina. Is it safe to re-enable SIP after the installation from your Catalina boot installer? I just want my system to be clean. Thank you.
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Looks like another website discovered a way of removing the offending Google keystone problem.

Hello Dosdude1. A simple question regarding the Mac Pro 5,1 (2012) running Catalina. Is it safe to re-enable SIP after the installation from your Catalina boot installer? I just want my system to be clean. Thank you.

I have never used SIP and my system is clean. SIP enabled is not going to guarantee that.
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Looks like another website discovered a way of removing the offending Google keystone problem.

Hello Dosdude1. A simple question regarding the Mac Pro 5,1 (2012) running Catalina. Is it safe to re-enable SIP after the installation from your Catalina boot installer? I just want my system to be clean. Thank you.
If you have n't used any of the post install patches then it should be ok to enable SIP but if you have used the patches it could make macOS unstable
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what year is your MacBook and is your SIP disabled

Hi TimothyR734..

My mistake again (my Macbook Pro is too old for Sierra as well it's a mid-2009 2,66 Ghz Core Duo 2)..the SIP was disabled for the Dosdude Install of High Sierra..

I've made a succesfull Mojave installation (i will stay on this OS finally for the 32 bits apps support..) it was needing a direct access to Macbook hard disk to work it fine could not work with a bootable USB or disk..
Thanks for your help :)
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My MacBook Air 2011 stopped at installation screen on about an hour’s! I am using 1.1.5 and bp9. Any problem for me?

Finally It is using about 3.5 hours for complete the installation!


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Here is my unsupported MAC running Catalina


This probably is just me being a bonehead, but I did not have this problem before upgrading to Catalina.

I spent the last two hours smashing my head with a brick. I'm trying to get some Bash Scripts to run from cron. It looks like the problem is the Scripts running in cron don't want to access AHCI SSD files for read or write. Any ideas on cause or fix?

This picture shows the volume I cannot access with bash scripts running out of cron.

This is cron, with the error thrown to /.tmp/stderr.log


Here, the file called by cron gets the "Operation not permitted" error:

Moved the script to a different type volume,. a partition on another device instead of APFS volume on a SSD which the system sees as a removable drive. The script still references files on the SSD. The file will start running out of cron, but it dies when the script tries accessessing a file on the SSD.


So now the script starts running, but dies when it has to access a file on the SSD. Problem appears only in cron

So, it seems as if the scripts will not run out of cron.

Scripts are attached.


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Hi All,

I have bricked my MBP

I have followed the install for this on my MBP Early 2011. After following I get to the login screen can login but then my MBP restarts, restarts again before coming up with a white screen and before displaying a prohibited sign. I have tried internet recovery but this does not work only takes me to a startup disk, then the same issue follows.

Any ideas how to fix this?

Try applying your patches again from a USB Installer, preferably the latest version of the Patcher.
Hi All,

I have bricked my MBP

I have followed the install for this on my MBP Early 2011. After following I get to the login screen can login but then my MBP restarts, restarts again before coming up with a white screen and before displaying a prohibited sign. I have tried internet recovery but this does not work only takes me to a startup disk, then the same issue follows.

Any ideas how to fix this?

Is your SIP disabled
Hi All,

I have bricked my MBP

I have followed the install for this on my MBP Early 2011. After following I get to the login screen can login but then my MBP restarts, restarts again before coming up with a white screen and before displaying a prohibited sign. I have tried internet recovery but this does not work only takes me to a startup disk, then the same issue follows.

Any ideas how to fix this?

My heart goes out to you.

If your computer has only one startup disk, sounds like you will need a bootable thumb or other external drive. I suspect you knew that. If you don't have another bootable drive, I think you need to make getting one your target. I always try have at least two bootable drives in addition to the one I am trying to do the new install on. At least one of the two backup bootable drives always is the same OS I had running before starting the upgrade The idea is always to have a safe and protected boot option.
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My heart goes out to you.

If your computer has only one startup disk, sounds like you will need a bootable thumb or other external drive. I suspect you knew that. If you don't have another bootable drive, I think you need to make getting one your target. I always try have at least two bootable drives in addition to the one I am trying to do the new install on. At least one of the two backup bootable drives always is the same OS I had running before starting the upgrade The idea is always to have a safe and protected boot option.

Hi yeah, I suspected this might be the case I have now done the Shift, Option, command route and the system is currntly installing Mac Os X lion, fun few hours ahead!

You liv and you learn!!
Hi I’m new to this forum but I’m having issues copying some files to the systems files as in previous posts aka Skylight patches. I’ve extracted the files from the zip but I can’t work out how to copy them over to the associated folders. Anyone got any help?
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Hi yeah, I suspected this might be the case I have now done the Shift, Option, command route and the system is currntly installing Mac Os X lion, fun few hours ahead!

You liv and you learn!!
Just to make sure I am on the same page, was there an R included in whatever tangle of shifts/options/ctrl/cmd used to get to the Lion download? I am thinking you got into Internet Recovery mode.

Even though it is agony waiting on that 6G download or whatever it is, it beats not having any recovery at all.

I feel you situation personally, because the first MAC I owned was a 2011 MBP, except mine was late model and thus came with Mountain Lion. That machine croaked from overhearting in 2013, I could not believe it. However, a couple years later, after the lawsuit against Apple (which they won) over the faulty graphics cards like mine, I luckily noticed in a forum somewhere advice to go talk to an Apple store manager. Apple owed me nothing but he gave me a huge store credit, it really helped me and I was so impressed I can hardly tell you. I am glad your hardware appears to be running ok, that is good news.

Lately, I have been more into messing with macOS installation than usual. Since I hardly every do anything with it, I am only now starting to get any kiind of handle on how this stuff works.

In case it will be of interest, here are a few tips.

.. In general, you can any number of partitions on a drive or setup APFS volumes. The advantage is each of them can have a different version of macOS.
.. When the Lion installation is done, I think you can make a new partition, using some of the free space, without having to erase the whole disk.
.. Each macOS installation needs only around 10G, maybe 14G, I don't remember. You have to allow a little extra space on the bootable partition or volume for handling files stuck on the bootable partition by default. However, there is a big benefit in changing the locations of where files are saved, such as your documents, music, even applications to non-bootable partition/volume space. Simplest example, after Lion installs, if your disk is 500G, make a new partitiion of like 450G. The partition with Lion does not need more space, and your files can go into the big partition. Then when you go to upgrade from Lion, you can run the update on the same partition where you already have Lion, but since you don't have another bootable partition, you might want to leave Lion alone, because you can use it if you run into problems. So what you would do is make another partition, using space from the 450G partition, and install Mountain Lion on that. From that point forward, instead of adding new partitions for each upgrade, it is easier to upgrade one of bootable partitions and lave the other one alone as a spare.
.. I gather you bricked your MBP trying to put Catalina on it. The reason I am bringing that up, is I am wondering what you were running before Catalina. One of the OS upgrades, around High Sierra, introduced APFS (apple file system), which changes the process of juggling the partitions/volumes slightly, but only a little.
.. I don't know if you can skip upgrades, e.g., install High Sierra as an upgrade to Mountain Lion.

I wrote these notes for my benefit as much as yours, so if this irrelevant to you, sorry to spam you.
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Hi I’m new to this forum but I’m having issues copying some files to the systems files as in previous posts aka Skylight patches. I’ve extracted the files from the zip but I can’t work out how to copy them over to the associated folders. Anyone got any help?
I do not have a direct answer, but I can offer some background that might help.

.. As you do this stuff, it is important to know it is possible make your system unbootable with small mistake. Specifically, if you put a file into /Library/LaunchAgents that is writable by any account except the root account, the system will not boot with the volume containing that condition.
.. It is easy to learn and use the simple commands associated with file ownership and permissions. every file and directory is assigned and owner and group. A group is set of accounts put into a group for managing permissions. Permissions are set as some combination of read-write-execute for the owner, the group, and everyone else. As an example, the permissions might be set as read-write-execute (abbreviated rwx) for the owner, and rx for the group and just r or everyone else. That shows up in file listings as
rwxr-xr-- filename

The owner and group also can be included in the file listing... Here is a real sample

drwx------@ 65 dan staff 2080 Sep 23 17:23 ./
drwxr-xr-x+ 26 dan staff 832 Sep 26 06:43 ../
-rw-r--r--@ 1 dan staff 20484 Sep 19 03:03 .DS_Store
-rw-r--r-- 1 dan staff 0 Sep 9 13:25 .localized
drwxr-xr-x 6 dan staff 192 Sep 11 14:42 Accounts/
drwx------ 78 dan staff 2496 Sep 25 20:09 Application Scripts/
drwx------+ 50 dan staff 1600 Sep 26 02:13 Application Support/
drwxr-xr-x 11 dan staff 352 Sep 26 13:02 Assistant/
drwx------+ 2 dan staff 64 Sep 9 13:25 Assistants/
drwx------+ 5 dan staff 160 Sep 9 13:25 Audio/
drwx------+ 2 dan staff 64 Sep 20 22:47 Autosave Information/
drwx------+ 87 dan staff 2784 Sep 26 10:18 Caches/
drwxr-xr-x@ 14 dan staff 448 Sep 25 16:19 Calendars/
drwxr-xr-x 3 dan staff 96 Sep 9 13:26 CallServices/

The d at the start of most of these means "directory" same as a folder. The owner of all these files is dan. The group on all these is staff. The file/directory names are at the right end of each line. The numbers before the dates are file sizes in bytes.I don't know the meaning of the numbers before owner.

There are one commands for controlling the owner/group assignments and one comnmand for setting permissions.

chown sets owner
chmod sets permissions.

Say I wanted to change all these to be owned by you, with group localaccounts would be:
run this:
chown you:localaccounts *

now the file list looks like this:
-rw-r--r--@ 1 you localaccounts 20484 Sep 19 03:03 .DS_Store
-rw-r--r-- 1 you localaccounts 0 Sep 9 13:25 .localized
drwxr-xr-x 6 you localaccounts 192 Sep 11 14:42 Accounts/
drwx------ 78 you localaccounts 2496 Sep 25 20:09 Application Scripts/
drwx------+ 50 you localaccounts 1600 Sep 26 02:13 Application Support/
drwxr-xr-x 11 you localaccounts 352 Sep 26 13:02 Assistant/
drwx------+ 2 you localaccounts 64 Sep 9 13:25 Assistants/
drwx------+ 5 you localaccounts 160 Sep 9 13:25 Audio/

to set permissions, you have to translate the rwx for owner, group, everyone else using this:

you add those up for owner, group, and everyone, to give all rights to everyone
run this in a directory
chmod 777 *

Now the listing looks like this
-rwxrwxrwx 1 dan admin 396 Sep 25 02:54 0000_start*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 dan admin 107 Jun 16 20:10 000_runall*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 dan admin 478 Sep 9 16:58 001_air_force_as_catalina_singlelock*
drwxrwxrwx 5 dan admin 170 Sep 14 17:27 001_air_force_as_catalina_special_subscripts/
-rwxrwxrwx 1 dan admin 4904 Sep 9 17:54 001_air_force_as_catalina_specialscript*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 dan admin 5723 Sep 9 17:00 001_air_force_specialscript0*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 dan admin 439 Aug 13 03:17 002_first4tb_singlelock*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 dan admin 436 Aug 13 03:17 003_rocketboss01_singlelock*

Say only the owner should have write permission, do this
chmod 755 *
-rwxr-xr-x 1 dan admin 396 Sep 25 02:54 0000_start*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 dan admin 107 Jun 16 20:10 000_runall*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 dan admin 478 Sep 9 16:58 001_air_force_as_catalina_singlelock*
drwxr-xr-x 5 dan admin 170 Sep 14 17:27 001_air_force_as_catalina_special_subscripts/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 dan admin 4904 Sep 9 17:54 001_air_force_as_catalina_specialscript*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 dan admin 5723 Sep 9 17:00 001_air_force_specialscript0*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 dan admin 439 Aug 13 03:17 002_first4tb_singlelock*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 dan admin 436 Aug 13 03:17 003_rocketboss01_singlelock*

I know that is a lot to take in, but it's not as bad as it looks and it is intuitive.

You can set these same permissions using finder by get info


Only one more thing more. To apply this stuff to subdirectories at the same time, add -R to the commands like this
chmod -R 755 *

And the other last things:
Those @ signs on some of the file listings means there are extended attributes which means Apple has done mysterious overrides on the ownership and/or permissions. Sometimes they block your ability to change ownership and permissions and you just have to work around that

Last but not least. A lot of times you have to run these commands with root permissions. This applies to a lot of commands not just these. To do this, you precede the command with sudo. Sorry for the prefix, sudo. It means super user do. The first time you use it in a session, you will be prompted for your password.

One of the reasons this is worth learning, these rules and commands change very little over time. They have been in place for decacdes. Another reason is when you understand these schemes for ownership and permissions, it is a big part of everything there is to know about the operating system.

I hope it helps someone.
Hi I’m new to this forum but I’m having issues copying some files to the systems files as in previous posts aka Skylight patches. I’ve extracted the files from the zip but I can’t work out how to copy them over to the associated folders. Anyone got any help?
. As you do this stuff, it is important to know it is possible make your system unbootable with small mistake. Specifically, if you put a file into /Library/LaunchAgents that is writable by any account except the root account, the system will not boot with the volume containing that condition.

So, applying the long post to the thing to watch out for... here is the listing from that /Library/LaunchAgents directory on my computer. If any of these files have write permissions for any owner except root, the computer will not boot with the partition containing that directory.

-r-------- 1 root wheel 4 Oct 30 2016 com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
-rw-r--r--@ 1 root wheel 799 May 9 20:03
-rw-r--r--@ 1 root wheel 907 May 9 20:03
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 352 Sep 10 21:06
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 104 Mar 16 2017 -> /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Resources/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 715 Oct 26 2016 org.macosforge.xquartz.startx.plist
This is a glitch that only occurs in Catalina DP8, as they broke something with ASR. I expect this to be fixed in the next Catalina release (so I will not be modifying my program at this time). What you can do for now is either create an installer drive using a previous macOS version, or patch my program to bypass that check. To bypass the check, simply download this script, and run it like so using Terminal (after copying Catalina Patcher outside of the DMG it's distributed in):
./ /path/to/macOS\ Catalina\

Then, the tool will complete successfully.
just a question, is there also a way of correcting the macOS Mojave patcher. After a firs look I realise now that Catalina is still in beta, and does not support the execution of 32bits apps. So maybe go back to Mojave ... Problem is that it seems that the macOS Mojave patcher is also suffering from this asr bug. therefore i cannot create a bootable usb anymore ... any suggestions ? I have no other mac...
Just to make sure I am on the same page, was there an R included in whatever tangle of shifts/options/ctrl/cmd used to get to the Lion download? I am thinking you got into Internet Recovery mode.

Even though it is agony waiting on that 6G download or whatever it is, it beats not having any recovery at all.

I feel you situation personally, because the first MAC I owned was a 2011 MBP, except mine was late model and thus came with Mountain Lion. That machine croaked from overhearting in 2013, I could not believe it. However, a couple years later, after the lawsuit against Apple (which they won) over the faulty graphics cards like mine, I luckily noticed in a forum somewhere advice to go talk to an Apple store manager. Apple owed me nothing but he gave me a huge store credit, it really helped me and I was so impressed I can hardly tell you. I am glad your hardware appears to be running ok, that is good news.

Lately, I have been more into messing with macOS installation than usual. Since I hardly every do anything with it, I am only now starting to get any kiind of handle on how this stuff works.

In case it will be of interest, here are a few tips.

.. In general, you can any number of partitions on a drive or setup APFS volumes. The advantage is each of them can have a different version of macOS.
.. When the Lion installation is done, I think you can make a new partition, using some of the free space, without having to erase the whole disk.
.. Each macOS installation needs only around 10G, maybe 14G, I don't remember. You have to allow a little extra space on the bootable partition or volume for handling files stuck on the bootable partition by default. However, there is a big benefit in changing the locations of where files are saved, such as your documents, music, even applications to non-bootable partition/volume space. Simplest example, after Lion installs, if your disk is 500G, make a new partitiion of like 450G. The partition with Lion does not need more space, and your files can go into the big partition. Then when you go to upgrade from Lion, you can run the update on the same partition where you already have Lion, but since you don't have another bootable partition, you might want to leave Lion alone, because you can use it if you run into problems. So what you would do is make another partition, using space from the 450G partition, and install Mountain Lion on that. From that point forward, instead of adding new partitions for each upgrade, it is easier to upgrade one of bootable partitions and lave the other one alone as a spare.
.. I gather you bricked your MBP trying to put Catalina on it. The reason I am bringing that up, is I am wondering what you were running before Catalina. One of the OS upgrades, around High Sierra, introduced APFS (apple file system), which changes the process of juggling the partitions/volumes slightly, but only a little.
.. I don't know if you can skip upgrades, e.g., install High Sierra as an upgrade to Mountain Lion.

I wrote these notes for my benefit as much as yours, so if this irrelevant to you, sorry to spam you.
Hi no I really apprciate the feedback!

This is my first MBP, bought from Ebay did not read in to getting a metal MBP so got a MBP early 2011 for £200 on Ebay. Was drawn in by the 16gb Ram and 250gb SSD added!

Its not my main machine so basically I saw the Catalina patcher, thinking its not my main computer I would give it a crack. Just moved to a new house (VERY SLOW internet) follwed the Catalina Patcher so disabled SIP etc. Did the update all seemed well till I tried to login, behold a MBP that would only respond to doing a Shift, Op, Com, R and rolling back to Lion. Funnily enough, now it downloads Lion (done this twice now) but does not seem to want to install it. now 00.26 managed to get a friend's Mac Air running Mojave so currently creating a Botttable USB of High Sierra. Fingers crossed this works!!
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