Wow, that looks great!The catwoman icon (I've edited a bit cause wasn't transparent) is taken from @Starplayr 's
Yes, got Catalina working on HFS+ thanks to @toru173 and @crazybirdy this post for reference : Catalina on HFS+ - a HOWTO
I have my 802.11ac / Bluetooth 4 cards ordered for both of my Mac Pro 3,1's. I'm also adding USB 3.0 to both boxes. 4 ports for each box. I did consider 1 USB/C port with 1 USB3.0 port, but I really don't have a use for USB/C on my main computer right now. 4 USB 3.0 ports was not only more appealing but also very cheap. Going to test the card on a 4x and 16x slot with a USB 3.0 SSD and see if there is a speed difference and if the USB 3.0 is plug and play or not on Catalina.
Once I get my cards in, I will be updating my CatWoman patcher for the 3,1 and I may include a UI for it this go around. This is mostly for me actually. I like have my own Patch script that's just tuned for a MP3,1. If it happens to help other users great.
I will be working on CloneToolX some this weekend and I am flushing out Disk-to-Image.
Unrelated: I'm also sending on iOS app to the App Store on Sunday. And I have to catch up on some day-job work. So I'll be pulled away. I write JavaScript, AngularJS and CFScript by day and Swift by night.