I decided to give Hax3 a try. I went into the Source subdirectory, opened HaxWrapper.applescript in the Script Editor to have the line that launches the bundle as...
set libName to "HaxLib.dylib"
set targetBundle to "Install macOS Big Sur Beta.app"
to crash(message)
display dialog message with icon stop with title "Error" buttons {"Stop"} default button 1 cancel button 1
end crash
to warn(message)
display dialog message with icon caution with title "Warning" buttons {"Stop", "Continue"} default button 1 cancel button 1
end warn
do shell script "csrutil status"
if result does not contain "disabled" then
warn("SIP seems to be enabled.")
end if
set bootArgs to (do shell script "nvram boot-args")
if bootArgs does not contain "-no_compat_check" then
warn("-no_compat_check doesn't seem to be set.")
end if
if bootArgs does not contains "amfi_get_out_of_my_way" then
warn("amfi_get_out_of_my_way doesn't seem to be set.")
end if
do shell script "open -b " & targetBundle
on error
crash("Can't open the installer app.")
However, when I execute Build.tool and copy the resulting Hax3.app into the Applications directory along side the full installer for Beta 3 named "Install macOS Big Sur Beta", clicking on the Hex3 app produces an error "Can't open the installer app.". What am I missing here?
Update: It appears that using...
set targetBundle
to "Install\\ macOS\\ Big\\ Sur\\ Beta.app"
do shell script "open -a " & targetBundle
works. Still waiting for the install to complete to confirm the resulting volume is unsealed.