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The first post of this thread is a WikiPost and can be edited by anyone with the appropiate permissions. Your edits will be public.
OK, this is confirmed. I booted using a Mojave disk and I was able to set the nvram.
I rebooted again on BS installer and ran the .. restart and the installer continued ... yeahh
So I think this is definitely a requirement to set in place. I had reset my nvram a while back so this needs to be accounted for.
Will report on progress for this installation.
Posting this from my MacBook Pro mid-2012 .. setting the nvram I was able to complete the install.
I think it needs to be noted that if the "setvar" gives a nvram error, install should not proceed ...
Thx all for your help
MBA mid 2013 is a supported Mac. [...]
[...] Is your firmware updated? Try to reset PRAM and/or SMC? Why do you use a patcher?

I was attempting to install to external hdd. I am afraid to reach a point of no return (to Catalina) if I install on main hdd. Maybe that is unjustified? Why patch? Wishful thinking in part, and in part to have more control of the APFS System Partition(s). (Maybe scripts would have sufficed) I previously patched Catalina so I could install to GPT disk with no APFS (e.g.). Coincidentally, my BS install wasn’t completely successful. It kept trying to boot to some snapshot of /, and I got thousands of “device is not readable” messages on boot. This most likely congruent with your suspicion of firmware issues. Thanks for the tips. I’ll clear them both. Short answer to why play with nonstandard, unsupported configs? -To learn, to understand what I can get away with, and for hackintosh research.

I’m going to start over with partition on main disk. It should roll a lot smoother. Thanks again!
  • Like
Reactions: TimothyR734
From today on I successfully completed Big Sur (DP5 again to check whether it
Error is the Micropatcher 0.19) because I couldn't install the DP6 yesterday.
But today the DP6 has also been successfully installed.
All hardware in the iMac 12.2 mid 2011 27 inches (including Thunderbolt) works.

How do you always say, the bug is sitting in front of the monitor = the person.
The software Micropatcher 0.19 and the DP6 with approx. 12.2 GB is completely ok.
In my posts from 2 days ago, the pictures with the errors are therefore irrelevant.
It is still easy to install, you have to have patience and time. The complete installation
takes 2 hours and 10 minutes ... for the slow old box with rotating 500 GB HDD
and i5 2.7 Ghz processor. About time I install a fast SSD, Sata3 can do the controllers in there.

My mistake was that it did not work to install the DP6 so far, that I had already restarted the boot stick at step 3 in the Barry H. instruction and already (was completely wrong!) Had executed the This step only comes when the setup installer with region etc. is finished. Then first restart from the USB stick and then steps 3, 4 etc. and step 6 with the removal of all snapshots except the last one.

Then after step 6 there are several restarts (I think 3 times) until the desktop finally appears and then you can start setting up the system.

Apart from the not working graphics support of the AMD Radeon 6570, everything else works.

But I have to say clearly that I am a bit surprised and disappointed that nobody here offered help with my iMac 12.2 in mid 2011. Nobody wants to tell me that nobody here has such an iMac 12.2 mid 2011 running with Big Sur DP6? Should i be the only one very unbelievable. If so, why does nobody write something about it?
Ok you see, I made it without any help.

I just want to encourage those who try it, you really have to READ the instructions that are on Github for the Micropatcher very carefully!
Hi do you know why I can't download the installAsisstant.pkg? I tried in every way, from different links also.. don't know how to download last version for make again the bootable USB and upgrade)..

This awesome little script helps you download latest BigSur from Apple. Mucho kudos to @crazybirdy here and over at Insanely Mac.

I’ll also share a battle story: I was having a miserable time downloading for several days - the connection would drop, and I couldn’t resume. Although I felt it was unlikely to help, I enabled VPN and tried again, and it was blazing fast. I think my ISP was throttling all the 12gb BigSur Beta downloaders...? I dunno, but it worked for me.

Edit: script attachment flagged moderator approval. It’s harmless, short and sweet, but please do read it:
printf '\033[8;60;172t'

# This script is refer to Pike R. Alpha's work as follow, also thanks to Pike R. Alpha.       by crazybirdy. v8.20190911

#                                     #
# Bash script to download macOS High Sierra installation packages from sucatalog.gz and build the installer.pkg for it.#
# version 2.1 - Copyright (c) 2017 by Pike R. Alpha (                                             #

printred() {
  printf "\e[1;31m${1}\e[0m"
printgreen() {
  printf "\e[1;32m${1}\e[0m"
printyellow() {
  printf "\e[1;33m${1}\e[0m"
printblue() {
  printf "\e[1;34m${1}\e[0m"
printpurple() {
  printf "\e[1;35m${1}\e[0m"
printLatest() {
  printf "\e[1;31m${1}\e[0m"
function headline()
  printf "從 下載完整安裝app.    Download the full installer app from\n"
function catalogselect()
  # CatalogURL for Regular Software Updates
  # CatalogURL for Public Beta Program Members
  # CatalogURL for Developer Beta Program Members

  printred "1.選用 正式版 下載渠道。\n"
  printred "1.Use CatalogURL for Regular Software Updates\n"
  echo "${CatalogURLRegular}"
  printred "2.選用 公開測試版 下載渠道。\n"
  printred "2.Use CatalogURL for Public Beta Program Members\n"
  echo "${CatalogURLPublic}"
  printred "3.選用 開發者測試版 下載渠道。\n"
  printred "3.Use CatalogURL for Developer Beta Program Members\n"
  echo "${CatalogURLDeveloper}"
  read -p "請選擇 要下載的 版本  Select the CatalogURL ( 1 / 2 / 3 ) : " macOSver

  case $macOSver in
      # CatalogURL for Regular Software Updates
      CatalogURLver="正式版 下載渠道 Regular Software Updates"
      # CatalogURL for Developer Beta Program Members
      CatalogURLver="公開測試版 下載渠道 Public Beta Updates"
      # CatalogURL for Developer Beta Program Members
      CatalogURLver="開發者測試版 下載渠道 Developer Beta Updates"
      # CatalogURL for Regular Software Updates
      CatalogURLver="正式版 下載渠道 Regular Software Updates"

  printf "選用版本  The selected CatalogURL:  \e[1;32m$CatalogURLver\e[0m\n"
  echo "${CatalogURL}"
  echo "正在搜尋完整安裝app,請耐心等候! Searching for full installer app from catalogs of Be patient!"

  cd /private/tmp
  rm -f fullapp-*
  curl ${CatalogURL} -o fullapp-catalogs.gz 2>/dev/null

  found404=`cat fullapp-catalogs.gz | grep Not | grep Found `
  if [[ ! $found404 == "" ]]; then
      printf "  未找到  Not found the CatalogURL: \e[1;32m$CatalogURLver\e[0m\n"

  gunzip fullapp-catalogs.gz
function fullapparray()
  macOSdmgAllArray=`cat ${catalogfile} | grep InstallAssistant.pkg | grep -v integrityData | sed 's/<string>//g' | sed 's/<\/string>//g' | awk '{print $1;}'`
  let index=0
  for element in "${macOSdmgAllArray[@]}"; do
    let index++

  macOSdmg=($(echo "${macOSdmgAll[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' '))

  for macOSdmglist in "${macOSdmg[@]}"
    if [[ ! $macOSdmglist == "" ]]; then

      macOSUpdkey[$index]=`echo $macOSdmglist | sed 's/\// /g' | awk '{print $7;}' `
      macOSUpdkeydistribution[$index]=`echo ${macOSUpdkey[$index]} | sed 's/.\{9\}/& /g' | awk '{print $1;}' `

      distribution=`cat ${catalogfile} | grep ${url} | grep English.dist | sed 's/<string>//g' | sed 's/<\/string>//g' | sed 's/\// /g' | awk '{print $9;}' `
      rm -f *dist

      curl $url$distribution -o ${macOSUpdkeydistribution[$index]}.English.dist 2>/dev/null
      macOSupdateosver[$index]=`cat ${macOSUpdkeydistribution[$index]}.English.dist | grep InstallAssistantAuto | grep version | awk '{print $4;}' | sed 's/version="//g' | sed 's/.\{7\}/& /g' | awk '{print $1;}' `
      macOSupdatebuildver[$index]=`cat ${macOSUpdkeydistribution[$index]}.English.dist | grep -A1 BUILD | grep -A1 key | grep string | sed 's/<string>//g' | sed 's/<\/string>//g' | awk '{print $1;}' `
      rm -f *dist


      let index++
  macOSupdate=($(echo "${macOSupdateAll[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' '))

  for macOSdmglist in "${macOSupdate[@]}"
    if [[ ! $macOSdmglist == "" ]]; then
      macOSdmg[$index]=`echo $macOSdmglist | sed 's/=/ /g' | awk '{print $2;}' `
      let index++
function fullapplist()
  for macOSdmglist in "${macOSdmg[@]}"
    if [[ ! $macOSdmglist == "" ]]; then
      macOSUpdver[$index]=`echo $macOSdmglist | sed 's/\// /g' | awk '{print $9;}' | sed 's/macOSUpd//g' | sed 's/.pkg//g' `
      macOSUpdversion1[$index]=`echo $macOSdmglist | sed 's/\// /g' | awk '{print $5;}' `
      macOSUpdversion2[$index]=`echo $macOSdmglist | sed 's/\// /g' | awk '{print $6;}' `
      macOSUpdkey[$index]=`echo $macOSdmglist | sed 's/\// /g' | awk '{print $7;}' `
      macOSUpdkeydistribution[$index]=`echo ${macOSUpdkey[$index]} | sed 's/.\{9\}/& /g' | awk '{print $1;}' `
      macOSUpdsalt[$index]=`echo $macOSdmglist | sed 's/\// /g' | awk '{print $8;}' `

      distribution=`cat ${catalogfile} | grep ${url} | grep English.dist | sed 's/<string>//g' | sed 's/<\/string>//g' | sed 's/\// /g' | awk '{print $9;}' `
      rm -f *dist

      curl $url$distribution -o ${macOSUpdkeydistribution[$index]}.English.dist 2>/dev/null
      macOSupdateosver[$index]=`cat ${macOSUpdkeydistribution[$index]}.English.dist | grep -A1 VERSION | grep -A1 key | grep string | sed 's/<string>//g' | sed 's/<\/string>//g' | awk '{print $1;}' `
      if [[ ${macOSupdateosver[$index]} == "10.16" ]]; then
      macOSupdatebeta[$index]=`cat ${macOSUpdkeydistribution[$index]}.English.dist | grep title | grep \/title | grep macOS | sed 's/<title>//g' | sed 's/<\/title>//g' | sed 's/    //g'  `
      macOSupdatebuildver[$index]=`cat ${macOSUpdkeydistribution[$index]}.English.dist | grep -A1 BUILD | grep -A1 key | grep string | sed 's/<string>//g' | sed 's/<\/string>//g' | awk '{print $1;}' `
      rm -f *dist

      macOSuptime[$index]=`cat ${catalogfile} | grep -A 5 PostDate | grep -B 7 $url${macOSUpdkeydistribution[$index]} | grep \<date\> | sed 's/<date>//g' | sed 's/<\/date>//g' | awk '{print $1;}' | sed 's/T/ /g' | sed 's/Z//g' | awk NR==1 `
      macOSupdate[$index]="${macOSuptime[$index]} .. ${macOSUpdkeydistribution[$index]} .. ${macOSupdatebuildver[$index]} ${macOSupdatebeta[$index]}"
      macOSlist[$index]=`echo ${macOSdmglist} `
      let index++

  for list in "${macOSupdate[@]}"
    echo "${macOSlist[$index]}"
    let index++
function selectfullappversion()
  for updatever in "${macOSupdatebuildver[@]}"
    if [[ $updatever > $Latestupdatever ]]; then
    let indexupdatever++

  printf "最新版本 The latest version: \e[1;32m$Latestupdatever $Latestupdatebeta\e[0m\n"

  echo "可選擇下載的版本 Available version to downlaod:"

  for updateselect in "${macOSupdate[@]}"
    if [[ ${macOSupdatebuildver[$indexmenu]} == $Latestupdatever ]]; then
      printLatest "[ $indexmenu ] ${updateselect}"
      echo "[ $indexmenu ] ${updateselect}"
    let indexmenu++

  read -p "選擇要下載的版本 Select one version to downlaod: " downloadver
  if [[ ! $downloadver ]]; then
    echo "發生錯誤!!!                          Error!!!"
    echo "請選擇正確下載的版本。                  Please select right version to downlaod."
    rm -f ${catalogfile}
    exit 0

  for checkindex in "${checkdownloadver[@]}"
    if [[ $downloadver == $checkindex ]]; then
    let checkindex++
  if [[ $checkfine == no ]]; then
    echo "發生錯誤!!!                          Error!!!"
    echo "請選擇正確下載的版本。                  Please select right version to downlaod."
    rm -f ${catalogfile}
    exit 0
  echo "                                               [ $downloadver ] ${macOSupdate[$downloadver]}"
function checkspace()

  # 10.12+
  TotalSpace=`diskutil info "${RootDisk}" | grep "Volume Total Space" | awk '{print $4;}' `
  # 10.11-
  if [[ ${TotalSpace} == "" ]]; then
  TotalSpace=`diskutil info "${RootDisk}" | grep "Total Size" | awk '{print $3;}' `

  # All exclude 10.12
  FreeSpace=`diskutil info "${RootDisk}" | grep "Volume Free Space" | awk '{print $4;}' `
  # 10.12
  if [[ ${FreeSpace} == "" ]]; then
  FreeSpace=`diskutil info "${RootDisk}" | grep "Volume Available Space" | awk '{print $4;}' `

  printf "  開機系統分區 \e[1;34m${RootDisk}\e[0m 分區 可用/全部 容量大小: \e[1;34m${FreeSpace}/${TotalSpace}\e[0m GB\n"
  printf "  System space \e[1;34m${RootDisk}\e[0m Volume Free/Total Space: \e[1;34m${FreeSpace}/${TotalSpace}\e[0m GB\n"   
   if [[ ${FreeSpace} < "20.0" ]]; then
      printf "  開機系統分區 \e[1;34m${RootDisk}\e[0m 分區 可用容量大小: 至少 \e[1;31m20.0\e[0m GB .......... 可用容量小於 20 GB         .. \e[1;31m建議停止下載\e[0m\n"
      printf "  System space \e[1;34m${RootDisk}\e[0m Volume Free Space: need \e[1;31m20.0\e[0m GB .......... Free space less than 20 GB .. \e[1;31msuggest to stop downloading.\e[0m\n"
function downloadfullapp()

  distribution=`cat ${catalogfile} | grep ${url} | grep English.dist | sed 's/<string>//g' | sed 's/<\/string>//g' | sed 's/\// /g' | awk '{print $9;}' `

    targetFiles[0]=`cat ${catalogfile} | grep "${version}" | grep "${key}" | grep "${salt}" | grep -v integrityData | grep InstallAssistant.pkg | sed 's/<string>//g' | sed 's/<\/string>//g' | sed 's/\// /g' | awk '{print $9;}' | awk NR==1 `

  rm -f ${catalogfile}

  # Initialisation of a variable (our target folder).

  # URL copied from sucatalog.gz (think CatalogURL).

  # Target distribution language.
  keydistribution=`echo ${key} | sed 's/.\{9\}/& /g' | awk '{print $1;}' `

  # Check target directory.
  if [[ -d "${tmpDirectory}/${key}" ]]; then
    rm -rf "${tmpDirectory}/${key}"
    mkdir "${tmpDirectory}/${key}"
  if [[ ! -d "${tmpDirectory}/${key}" ]]; then
    mkdir "${tmpDirectory}/${key}"
  open "${tmpDirectory}/${key}"

  echo "準備進行下載。Prepare to download the files.   [ $downloadver ] ${macOSupdate[$downloadver]}."
  echo "${url}${distribution}"
  for filename in "${targetFiles[@]}"
    if [[ ! $filename == "" ]]; then
      echo "${url}$filename"

  printred "如果你已經發生下載錯誤,可以 預先手動下載 上列網址文件,並將文件放入 以下 正確的文件夾 即可繼續進行。\n"
  printred "If get errors of downloading before, you can download files as above URL manually and put into correct folder as below before continuing.\n"

  echo "${tmpDirectory}/${key}/${distribution}"
  for filename in "${targetFiles[@]}"
    if [[ ! $filename == "" ]]; then
      echo "${tmpDirectory}/${key}/$filename"


  read -p "手動下載放入上列文件,或由腳本自動下載文件,繼續進行?   Put files as above manually or download files automatically, continue? (y/n) " downloadyesno
  case "$downloadyesno" in
      echo "停止進行下載!!!               Stop downloading!!!"
      exit 0

  # Download distribution file.
  if [[ ! -e "${tmpDirectory}/${key}/${distribution}" ]]; then
    echo "Downloading: ${distribution} ..."
    curl "${url}${distribution}" -o "${tmpDirectory}/${key}/${distribution}"
    # Remove root only restriction/allow us to install on any target volume.
    cat "${tmpDirectory}/${key}/${distribution}" | sed -e 's|rootVolumeOnly="true"|allow-external-scripts="true"|' > "${tmpDirectory}/${key}/new.dist"

    if [[ -e "${tmpDirectory}/${key}/new.dist" ]]; then
      mv "${tmpDirectory}/${key}/new.dist" "${tmpDirectory}/${key}/${distribution}"
    echo "File: ${distribution} already there, skipping this download."

  # Change to working directory (otherwise it will fail to locate the packages).
  cd "${tmpDirectory}/${key}"

  # Download target files.
  for filename in "${targetFiles[@]}"
    if [[ ! $filename == "" ]]; then
      if [[ ! -e "${tmpDirectory}/${key}/${filename}" ]]; then
        echo "Downloading: ${filename} ..."
        curl "${url}${filename}" -o "${tmpDirectory}/${key}/${filename}"
        echo "File: ${filename} already there, skipping this download."

  rm -rf "$HOME/Desktop/App-${macOSupdatebuildver[$downloadver]}"
  mkdir -p "$HOME/Desktop/App-${macOSupdatebuildver[$downloadver]}"

  mkdir -p "$HOME/Desktop/App-back"
  sudo mv /Applications/Install* "$HOME/Desktop/App-back"

  sudo /usr/sbin/installer -pkg "${tmpDirectory}/${key}/InstallAssistant.pkg" -target "/"
  sudo mv /Applications/Install* "$HOME/Desktop/App-${macOSupdatebuildver[$downloadver]}/"

  sudo mv ~/Desktop/App-back/Install* /Applications/
  rm -rf "$HOME/Desktop/App-back"
  rm -rf "${tmpDirectory}/${key}/"

  echo "$HOME/Desktop/App-${macOSupdatebuildver[$downloadver]}/"
  ls -la "$HOME/Desktop/App-${macOSupdatebuildver[$downloadver]}/"
  open "$HOME/Desktop/App-${macOSupdatebuildver[$downloadver]}/"

  echo "完整安裝app 存放在 $HOME/Desktop/App-${macOSupdatebuildver[$downloadver]}/"
  echo "The full installer app is located on $HOME/Desktop/App-${macOSupdatebuildver[$downloadver]}/"
  printf "\e[1;34mMake sure you get the full installer without any errors during the downloading process.\e[0m\n"
  printf "\e[1;34m1.check the received sizes of each file, make sure they’re all 100 downloaded.\e[0m\n"
  printf "\e[1;34m2.if any one of the files \e[0m\e[1;31mgets error\e[0m\e[1;34m during the downloading process,\e[0m\n"
  printf "\e[1;34m  and\e[0m \e[1;31mdidn’t get 100 downloaded,\e[0m\e[1;34m you\e[0m \e[1;31mneed to re-download the full installer app again.\e[0m\n"
  #if [[ -d "${tmpDirectory}/${key}" ]]; then
  #  rm -rf "${tmpDirectory}/${key}"
function main()


exit 0

Last edited:
From today on I successfully completed Big Sur (DP5 again to check whether it
Error is the Micropatcher 0.19) because I couldn't install the DP6 yesterday.
But today the DP6 has also been successfully installed.
All hardware in the iMac 12.2 mid 2011 27 inches (including Thunderbolt) works.

How do you always say, the bug is sitting in front of the monitor = the person.
The software Micropatcher 0.19 and the DP6 with approx. 12.2 GB is completely ok.
In my posts from 2 days ago, the pictures with the errors are therefore irrelevant.
It is still easy to install, you have to have patience and time. The complete installation
takes 2 hours and 10 minutes ... for the slow old box with rotating 500 GB HDD
and i5 2.7 Ghz processor. About time I install a fast SSD, Sata3 can do the controllers in there.

My mistake was that it did not work to install the DP6 so far, that I had already restarted the boot stick at step 3 in the Barry H. instruction and already (was completely wrong!) Had executed the This step only comes when the setup installer with region etc. is finished. Then first restart from the USB stick and then steps 3, 4 etc. and step 6 with the removal of all snapshots except the last one.

Then after step 6 there are several restarts (I think 3 times) until the desktop finally appears and then you can start setting up the system.

Apart from the not working graphics support of the AMD Radeon 6570, everything else works.

But I have to say clearly that I am a bit surprised and disappointed that nobody here offered help with my iMac 12.2 in mid 2011. Nobody wants to tell me that nobody here has such an iMac 12.2 mid 2011 running with Big Sur DP6? Should i be the only one very unbelievable. If so, why does nobody write something about it?
Ok you see, I made it without any help.

I just want to encourage those who try it, you really have to READ the instructions that are on Github for the Micropatcher very carefully!
I just to encourage you searching before asking. Did you even try to search this particular thread before asking for help? I guess, no!
Update .. Found a post (I wasn't sure if Could post it here) stating that Apple "killed" the nvram command on BS so you cannot set it anymore. [...]

Hmm. I can attest that /usr/sbin/nvram is alive and well for me following Dev Beta 6 install. I used it both from install stick and BS terminal.
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  • Like
Reactions: TimothyR734
I think you're joking with me, aren't you? Of course I read everything through a dozen times and I wrote several times about the problems I had and added pictures ... But nobody (nobody supposedly has an iMac like me .. whoever believes it will be happy !!) has me I gave a tip. So I figured it out myself.
Even YOU haven't written anything about it, even if you don't have this iMac in mid 2011 ... it's already good and done. Yes, because of "encourage me to search" .. you can always say then.

@ Endurance athlete ... Now I've only discovered your signature .. so even though you have an iMac in mid-2011, you haven't sent a single word of help .. ashamed of yourself !! :) Or you can't get the DP6 to work yourself and therefore can't help at all, is it correct?
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  • Like
Reactions: TimothyR734
Im currently running a mac pro 5,1 with the newest big sur beta. It is running almost perfect except my usb ports aren't working. Is this a common issue that others are running into? Usb's work perfectly in catalina.
  • Like
Reactions: TimothyR734
Silly question : can I install Big Sur on HFS+ drive of my old iMac ?
How ? I have only a mechanical drive ...
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  • Like
Reactions: TimothyR734
Hmm. I can attest that /usr/sbin/nvram is alive and well for me following Dev Beta 6 install. I used it both from install stick and BS terminal.
from the installer, try this :
nvram boot-args
to display current content of the variable
nvram boot-args=""
this will clear that variable
then try again :
nvram boot-args
to print the content of it...
if you still see the previous variable content then you know nvram command isn't working anymore.
the main problem of the last days being posted here is an old one and could have been solved if the users would have used the search function and if they would have been a little more engaged with reading as others also had done before.
So for me I can understand developers going more into more private groups instead of loosing time here with people not doing what you tell him, not do the necessary thing here what means reading and searching this thread . galadriann will was the same problem as Will´s and widely discussed.
From today on I successfully completed Big Sur (DP5 again to check whether it
Error is the Micropatcher 0.19) because I couldn't install the DP6 yesterday.
But today the DP6 has also been successfully installed.
All hardware in the iMac 12.2 mid 2011 27 inches (including Thunderbolt) works.

How do you always say, the bug is sitting in front of the monitor = the person.
The software Micropatcher 0.19 and the DP6 with approx. 12.2 GB is completely ok.
In my posts from 2 days ago, the pictures with the errors are therefore irrelevant.
It is still easy to install, you have to have patience and time. The complete installation
takes 2 hours and 10 minutes ... for the slow old box with rotating 500 GB HDD
and i5 2.7 Ghz processor. About time I install a fast SSD, Sata3 can do the controllers in there.

My mistake was that it did not work to install the DP6 so far, that I had already restarted the boot stick at step 3 in the Barry H. instruction and already (was completely wrong!) Had executed the This step only comes when the setup installer with region etc. is finished. Then first restart from the USB stick and then steps 3, 4 etc. and step 6 with the removal of all snapshots except the last one.

Then after step 6 there are several restarts (I think 3 times) until the desktop finally appears and then you can start setting up the system.

Apart from the not working graphics support of the AMD Radeon 6570, everything else works.

But I have to say clearly that I am a bit surprised and disappointed that nobody here offered help with my iMac 12.2 in mid 2011. Nobody wants to tell me that nobody here has such an iMac 12.2 mid 2011 running with Big Sur DP6? Should i be the only one very unbelievable. If so, why does nobody write something about it?
Ok you see, I made it without any help.

I just want to encourage those who try it, you really have to READ the instructions that are on Github for the Micropatcher very carefully!
I know, perhaps some people will dislike but you did not read exactly and you did not do as Barry Nathan has written down. So whose problem was it? The help was here whole time.
when I run in a similar situation getting no success maybe with networks or computing or in my other job as medical practitioner there´s one question: what am I doing wrong? Controlling every step again and again until to the solution as you had to do. Nobody of this forum knew and was possible to know what you were doing wrong until now. And here is the question: Why did you act as you did? I can't find that in any "how to" or "guide". What means you did not follow correctly.

So the first step in this forum is to have look whether I can get what I want

--> this is site one Threat 1

then comes a decision possible or not?

the next step is looking guides and to read them carefully and then to try follow them.

in this case there is only one guide to follow!
Last edited:
Silly question : can I install Big Sur on HFS+ drive of my old iMac ?
How ? I have only a mechanical drive ...
You have to create a second partition using the disk utility on this drive, size at least 120 GB and format it in APFS. You may then use the @Barry K. Nathan micro patcher found on github and install Big Sur on this newly created partition. Mechanical drives are not a real issue, these are just slow during the installation.
  • Like
Reactions: TimothyR734
@galadriann re: nvram

I actually did run into this problem this evening. It happened right after clearing PRAM/NVRAM. (silently failing to set boot-args, e.g.) I tried everything I could think of to fix it, and finally just hopped over to Catalina, and set boot-args there. Somehow, it began working again. I can set boot-args to "", verify it worked, then set it back to "-no_compat_check -v" now (from BS Installer)
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only someone could have given a tip such as Hey Pinarek I also have the same iMac and it works.
Then I would know that I am making mistakes. But until then I was of the assumption because it was the DP6 that maybe the Micropatcher is not compatible with this DP6.
is now done, please excuse me, sometimes I am a little impatient when something does not work immediately.
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only someone could have given a tip such as Hey Pinarek I also have the same iMac and it works.
Then I would know that I am making mistakes. But until then I was of the assumption because it was the DP6 that maybe the Micropatcher is not compatible with this DP6.
is now done, please excuse me, sometimes I am a little impatient when something does not work immediately.

so what have you wanted to hear? If I do an installation I should not break it. The result is an unresponsive system. And you did it again and again breaking an installation. What do you want to hear of us?
Try to give you an answer yourself .

The first post describes what is possible. And believe me, these guys know what is possible. Your system in its current configuration is listed as mostly unusable system. Maybe there's nobody insisting to give it a real try with this machine. And therefore you don't get the help with your issues if not self-made.
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"The guys" lol. Would you like to help me with my patcher?

I would if I had my Macs up and running, but they have been sitting idle for the past few years, as I hoard them all, with out fixing them.... Although that about to change shortly this month...

EDIT - A bit late for this reply, I know lol
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Hi everyone, I’ve been folllwing this forum since the start and I’ve tried to understand most of it 😂

I’d like to think I’m tech savvy enough to run this installer micro patcher so I went ahead and tried it today and success first time! Thanks everyone for all the hard work.

issue is I installed this on a early 2011 MacBook Pro and didn’t realise just how bad the performance would be without acceleration. Very laggy can barely open apps and WiFi and sound don’t work I appreciate there are work around for this but for now I’d rather wait and see what happens with this excellent ongoing work you guys are putting in.

My question is would I be ok just making another dosdude1 Catalina patcher on usb and reverting straight back to previous OS? I wasn’t sure if anything would be effected going backwards??

many thanks 🙏
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