I have the same problem with @jackluke patches to boot a core2duo system - The install stitch boots ready, but then gray image with mouse pointer iMac 9,1.
I can move the mouse, but nothing happens.
I just tested the BaseSystem Legacy USB fix beta 9 for beta10 BaseSystem.dmg and it still worked correctly, are you sure that you made properly the stock beta10 Installer with createinstallmedia ?
Check the output of this (copy paste):
ls /Volumes/Install*/*.app ; ls -l /Volumes/Install*/*.app/C*/MacOS/* ; ls -l /Volumes/Install*/*.app/C*/SharedSupport/
You should have: an "Install macOS Big Sur Beta.app" , three InstallAssistant* exec (compiled by apple on 10 October) and a "SharedSupport.dmg".
Otherwise you don't used a stock createinstallmedia BigSur Installer.
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