Hi, I did the tips you suggested, but nothing changed. I installed BS on a new 250Gb external USB disk formatted as APFS by Catalina. Stage2 completed successfully (less than a minute lasted 55 minutes) and again stage3 failed bootlooping on "apfs_get_firmlink_target_vnode". Again when I applied the Legacy USB fix and the iSight fix no new snapshot was created with the same ARV error. The bless command didn't return any error, while removing PlatformSupport.plist returned that the file doesn't exist.
Try this, boot from "BaseSystem fix", first disable and delete any snapshot, then apply "BigSurFixes snapshot booting", you should at least make a new "patched snapshot", then reboot through OpenCore, select again "BaseSystem fix", from utilities "BigSurfixes opencore Preboot", then reboot and try booting BigSur from OpenCore.
If this still doesn't work, another try, from opencore menu select "Restart fix" and try booting BigSur with alt-option key from apple startup manager.
If neither this work then I should debug this stage3 installer phase for non-APFS external legacy USB target, because on internal SATA it works correctly.