Hi, could you open an issue on Github regarding this? Forums are an absolute pain to keep track of issues from our end, so having a consolidated area is much appreciated. When you open the issue on Github, please upload an IOReg of your machine (file -> SaveAs):
Thanks in advance,
- Mykola
Thanks a lot for your respond! Sorry I didn't check this thread after I posted that, so I didn't went on GitHub to open an issue, but I've seen that in the latest release of OCLP 0.1.2 you added, specifically regarding my iMac model:
- "Fix accidentally disabling non-existent iGPU in iMac11,2"
- "Probe hardware for Backlight pathing on iMac10,1, iMac11,x and iMac12,x with Metal GPUs"
I've tried to rebuild OC with new OCLP 0.1.2 and now I can happily report that everything works beautifully fine on my machine, backlight control included! 👌
I also upgraded from macOS 11.3 to 11.3.1 via OTA using integrated System Upgrade and... it worked!
It got stuck a couple times when rebooting: first time with white loading bar 100% full, second time with loading bar 50% full. Both times I switched it off manually, then on reboot it continued normally with its things, and eventually got me to set up assistant and desktop.
My PSU got really hot during the updating process (I think mainly because of my custom CPU/GPU configuration), but when I entered my desktop and Macs Fan Control kicked in, everything returned slowly back to normal.
My machine correctly spoofs iMacPro 1,1 (in finder from desktop if I click on "help" I have as an option "learn to know your iMac Pro"... yeah I'd love to, if only I had one lol), OCLP detected my upgraded Wi-Fi/Bluetooth card and whitelisted the system correctly (AirDrop and Continuity/Handoff are working great), graphics acceleration works really nicely, I have SIP and SecureBoot turned on, it's like a dream coming true!
Thanks a lot to all of you involved in this amazing project!