Hello there,
I'm experiencing a weird behavior on mu mpb9,2 and the internet connection.
The machine connects to WIFI, or even ethernet, shows the router and even I can use a local network with another Mac but can't web browsing.
I experienced in Catalina once in December and then I installed BS (thought was the last 2 OS installed one over other). But the problem persist at the point that going to sleep the machine, nobody knows if will connect next time.
The fix its a more or less 30min testing in:
PRAMx3, SMC, erase all SystemConfiguration .plist in Library/Preference, assigning DNS, or adding a location in pref panel, multiples restart.
I don't know WHICH of those fix the issue but its getting annoying because I'm finishing a work and I can't reinstall the system every time.
Anyone knows about this? And I know its not a BS thing because I experienced only once, in Catalina.
Yesterday I successfully installed 11.3 with micro patcher. I opened a PDF and everything started to freeze at the point I have to shut down. Then, kernel panic. Since I have a participation with Catalina, I could prepare the 11.3 usb and Time Machine helped a lot. But like I said, I'm finishing a job and test OC right now it's not easy to go.
Thank you in advance. I'm writing this before sleep because I don't know if tomorrow I would have to spend 30+ minutes fixing Internet.