Updated my 12,2 3,1 Ghz I5 yesterday, needed 1 forced reboot at the less then one minute stage.
I'm updating the 12,2 3,4 I7 right now, ran through flawlessly without any forced restarts. The I7 was one of my first projects with OCLP 1.0, the other one I used OCLP 1.4.
One other question about that;
The machine installed with OCLP 1.4 works with unlocking with Apple watch and Sidecar. Two functions I would like on my work machine (the 12,2 3,4Ghz I7). However just re-running OCLP 1.5 on this machine doesn't fix this.
Does that mean I have to re-install Big Sur again to get these options on this machine too?
Thanks for advice on this.