coming coming soon coming coming soon
You should re-install from Catalina your BigSur using this: Hax2.dylib
then you can remove telemetry from BigSur single user mode.
Otherwise you can make from Catalina this:
If you use an external USB that contains an Installer or MacOS installation use "Near an USB device without erasing"
If you use an external empty USB drive without any multi-partition scheme example a 16 USB drive then use the second option, don't use second option on a multi-partition USB disk.
After reboot, hold alt-option key select usbopencore (with its icon) and pick your "Big Sug - Data" label to boot BigSur on unsupported mac.
@Allan Fox please can u tell me the steps to do in my mbk pro mid2012 please????Mid 2012 unibody MacBook pro doesn’t need Siri kext fixes it instantly works and finally my wifi works
View attachment 929364
I don't have it installed yet as he is still working on itAnd what happens when you drop LegacyUSBInjector.kext on it?
Tried that, I used these steps to modify BaseSystem.dmg (that from BigSur is an APFS with Preboot):
Code:cd /Volumes/USBInstallerBigSur/BaseSystem/ hdiutil attach -owners on BaseSystem.dmg -shadow Customize (directly from Finder) BaseSystem adding patched files hdiutil detach /dev/diskX (or eject/unmount the "MacOS Base System" volume from Finder) hdiutil convert -format UDZO -o BaseSystem2.dmg BaseSystem.dmg -shadow mv BaseSystem.dmg BaseSystembackup.dmg mv BaseSystem2.dmg BaseSystem.dmg
But even using the patched boot.efi still getting kernel panic (booting single user mode at least the legacy usb are responsive after added LegacyUSBInjector to the BootKernelExtensions.kc).
In few words I can't get a patched BigSur BaseSystem.dmg to boot.
where can I find the link to the discord server?
Hi. @TimothyR734 coming coming soon
well for what @Ronald Steven installing Big Sur or wifi?@Allan Fox please can u tell me the steps to do in my mbk pro mid2012 please????
@Allan Fox booth please!well for what @Ronald Steven installing Big Sur or wifi?
well for the Big Sur I used an external 500gb hard drive and tested that it booted miraculously it booted so I made a partition and restored the partition from the content of the hard drive and voila Big Sur was running on my computer@Allan Fox booth please!
@Allan Fox i have a hard drive too, what kind the partition that you used can I use?oh boy I'm getting my 2009 iMac to Catalina and its stuck at estimating time remaining at like 90%
well for the Big Sur I used an external 500gb hard drive and tested that it booted miraculously it booted so I made a partition and restored the partition from the content of the hard drive and voila Big Sur was running on my computer
with the installer hack and the installer obviously
I mean I had 200 gigs of data on the drive I just used disk util on Catalina and did the installer hack and installed Big Sur there
do you have SIP disabled?
just made a 280 gig partition and installed there
what format I have to made the partition?, in apfs or Mac OS plus ?install on an external drive and try again
@Allan Fox please the link for the installer hack where I found?oh boy I'm getting my 2009 iMac to Catalina and its stuck at estimating time remaining at like 90%
well for the Big Sur I used an external 500gb hard drive and tested that it booted miraculously it booted so I made a partition and restored the partition from the content of the hard drive and voila Big Sur was running on my computer
with the installer hack and the installer obviously
im gonna let the iMac do its thing and check on it tomorrow sadly I don't have any firewire cables so no target disk mode
go to page 13 on gameroof's post there is the installer hack@Allan Fox please the link for the installer hack where I found?
I know this won't help you with your immediate problem, but my understanding from various previous posts in this thread is that you'll need to use highvoltage12v's IO80211Family.kext instead of the one from High Sierra. (High Sierra is a good place to get AppleHDA from, however.)I replaced the AppleHDA & IO80211Family kexts with the High Sierra versions through a Big Sur USB recovery terminal, but I still have the same Wi-Fi/audio situation too.
I didkextcache -i / kmutil install --update-all kcditto
but I presume now, that I have to do this from single-user mode. However, I'm getting error 66 when mounting system volume as writable — and I'm not sure how to disable/delete snapshot booting to circumvent the error.
I don't fully understand snapshots tbh…it's difficult to grip an understanding of.
@TimothyR734 that is for error 66 to fix wifi?![]()
Big Sur’s Signed System Volume: added security protection
From SIP to a protected read-only System volume, macOS 11 takes system protection a big step further with cryptographic
you have to boot in Recovery Mode, use the command csrutil authenticated-root disable to turn cryptographic verification off, then mount the System volume and perform its modifications. To make that bootable again, you have to bless a new snapshot of the volume using a command such as sudo bless --folder /[mountpath]/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create-snapshot You can then restart using the new snapshot as your System volume, and without SSV authentication.