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Successfully installed beta 1 with no issue. Trying the same with beta 2 step by step but after following all steps and launching the installer I can see my external time capsule drive and my internal HD. Internal HD is greyed out and says "update cannot be installed on this computer.

I disabled SIP, did the nvram no compatible check, disable library validation, inserted hax1

why can I install to my external drive but not my internal?
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Am I reading this right that the 2011 models with the intel 3000 video are working WITH video acceleration on Big Sur? I must have missed that group of posts?
With working framebuffer (2D acceleration? I'm not sure) but not working 3D acceleration. It increases performance somewhat -- without it, my Early 2011 MacBook Pro 13" plays full-screen YouTube video in Safari at 480p 30fps with lots of tearing, but with it the same MacBook plays full-screen YouTube at 720p60 with no tearing and maybe just a few visible dropped frames per minute. However, it's far from actual acceleration, and it takes basically the computer's entire CPU power to pull this off.
@jackluke I can only enter BigSur Recovery from OpenCoreLoader3 AND using Bluetooth Keyboard and mouse. But Terminal says that also there I cannot use csrutil disable or csrutil authenticated-boot disable. Maybe you could write a fix5 command to test he last workaround? Thank you!


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@Barry K. Nathan I did all this, but nothing, I followed the "patcher's" README from your Github to make sure that I've done all right, but the error keep going
There's one thing I want to double-check. After you run, DO NOT REBOOT. Quit Terminal and immediately start the Installer.

If that fixes it, please let me know.
Darn it, usually the case. Any idea where I can get some guidance on patching to enable handoff etc? Thanks for your help so far too.
Hi, found this and tested with my MacBook Pro mid 2012 non retina and it WORKS!
Follow the instructions very carefully.
WFI working with handoff, etc.

I tried that several times always says can't find /Library/Extensions on the volume and I have Big Sur install on a OWC Mercury Electra on a Seagate USB adapter so macOS doesn't not recognize it as a SSD as it is the only one I have and I have to use the OpenCoreAPFSloader3 to be able to boot into Big Sur and my volume is sealed as Starts with the Phase 1 3 min then reboot to phase 2 Black Screen Apple Logo 29min install then reboots to a black screen with progress bar then screen flickers comes back with another black screen and progress bar but goes faster then the screen goes grey then into the setup. your Mac screen on my iMac 13,1
Above that message, it should say "Installing IO80211Family to:" and the next line should say the name of the volume you entered in the command. Is it listing the correct volume name, or is part of the name getting chopped off? (I think I should be able to modify the script to find the drive automatically, if you can wait until next week.)

What you describe sounds to me like the volume not getting sealed. If I remember correctly, the progress bar after the 29min one takes longer if the volume's being sealed (or if not longer, then it still takes a long time -- it feels like it takes longer!). My script should work either way, however -- I've tested it on both sealed and unsealed. (I'll see if I can create a shell script or small utility or something to tell the user whether the drive is actually sealed or whether it's just an unsealed snapshot root.)

There should be no problem with the Mac not recognizing the SSD as an SSD. (I'm pretty sure the external SSD I'm using in most of my tests isn't recognized as one by my MacBook Pro either.)

Why do you have to use OpenCoreAPFSloader3? An iMac13,1 should be able to just boot APFS straight off an external USB drive, and with my patcher there should be no need to have OpenCore spoof anything (at least not on an iMac that recent). (OpenCoreAPFSloader3 is probably not the problem here, and if it works it works, but I'm curious.)

Edit: I have no idea why that triple-posted! Anyway I've deleted the two duplicates.
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@jackluke I can only enter BigSur Recovery from OpenCoreLoader3 AND using Bluetooth Keyboard and mouse. But Terminal says that also there I cannot use csrutil disable or csrutil authenticated-boot disable. Maybe you could write a fix5 command to test he last workaround? Thank you!

Also @hvds noticed that, seems that booting from opencore the macOS recovery can't use "csrutil" (this seems an opencore issue), if you have an USB Catalina Patcher try use this method (without booting from opencore):

or this (also from an USB Catalina Patcher if you don't have a previous macOS Recovery):

check in BigSur normal booting (using prelinkedkernel fix4 you can boot without opencore) that "csrutil authenticated-root" is disabled.
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Hi, found this and tested with my MacBook Pro mid 2012 non retina and it WORKS!
Follow the instructions very carefully.
WFI working with handoff, etc.
I haven't tested handoff or AirDrop. Basically, if it works after applying the WiFi patch, great, if not, I'll have to get to it later because there are some higher priorities.
It worked for me!!! THANK YOU SIR! (MacBook Pro 13" mid 2012 - A1278)
I'll make the output of less confusing for the next patcher release. Sorry about that.
I haven't tested handoff or AirDrop. Basically, if it works after applying the WiFi patch, great, if not, I'll have to get to it later because there are some higher priorities.

I'll make the output of less confusing for the next patcher release. Sorry about that.

For MacBook6,1 , I did a patch for Catalina that should enable AirDrop in BigSur Finder too (or AirDrop channel on System Report Wifi tab), you can use either with kextcache or kmutil, try replace both the kext : AirDrop Catalina patched MacBook6,

if you want handoff and AirDrop with a recent iOS device, you simply need to plug any USB Bluetooth 4.0 BLE dongle to your MacBook6,1 .

And after a working AirDrop in Finder, for enabling continuity you could try this from BigSur:
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My actual Big Sur volume is named "MacOS Big Sur Beta" . What should I write in step 9 of your patch instructions??
Any one of the following:
/Volumes/Image\ Volume/ /Volumes/MacOS\ Big\ Sur\ Beta
/Volumes/Image\ Volume/ "/Volumes/MacOS Big Sur Beta"
/Volumes/Image\ Volume/ '/Volumes/MacOS Big Sur Beta'
/Volumes/Image\ Volume/ /Volumes/MacOS?Big?Sur?Beta
The first three are all standard Unix shell ways of dealing with pathnames that include spaces. The fourth way is theoretically not as good as the first three, but it should still work well enough in the real world.
Here are the steps I did for my cMacPro mid 2012, and only WIFI is not working.

Note: Other SSD format as APFS and label as BigSur OS or whatever you like.

1. Download InstallAssistant.pkg from:
The container is 9.56 GB.
Credit to jackluke
2. Download
3. Unzip and copy hax.dylib to home folder (shift + command + H)
If you SIP disabled then skip step 4-5.
4. Boot into recovery ( CMD + R ) on start up chimes
5. Run csrutil disable in Terminal , Then type reboot in terminal
6. Open Terminal copy this in Terminal as below:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DisableLibraryValidation -bool true
Then < press return >, your password will be required.
7. Run this in Terminal as below:
launchctl setenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES $PWD/Hax.dylib
Then < press return >
8. Run this in Terminal as below:
sudo nvram boot-args="-no_compat_check"
Then < press return >
9. Install <InstallAssistant.pkg>
10. Open Applications folder double click the <Install macOS Big Sur> and select drive to install.
11. Now wait for install to finish.
to invoid error 66
11a install 3 min screen (takes a little bit longer)
12. reboot about 32 min screen install
13. reboot wait install up to the mid of the apple logo
14. press power button to shut down the computer
15. press option key to select the visible BigSur volume -not the install volume
16. several reboots - select always the BigSir volume
17. install finished
18. no error 66 - sudo mount -uw / now works and BigSur volume is visible
19. install wifi kext
This is what the youtube video shows.
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15. press option key to select the visible BigSur volume -not the install volume

This seems a valid step to skip the BigSur stage3 installer when it attempts to make a sealed system and snapshot booting, while instead selecting manually the "Big Sur Volume" (that is essentially the Preboot Data Volume) from apple startup manager the stage3 installer is ignored and it should work to allow to use from normal booting "sudo mount -uw /" without any snapshot booting.

Also to remove the "macOS Installer" (or invalid "macOS Install Data Volume") after a BigSur (skipped stage3 installer) this should work:
With my patcher, dragging into Terminal then pressing Enter should be sufficient -- it'll find the Big Sur USB automatically based on the name that createinstallmedia gave it.
It keeps telling me it can't find the volume.
BarryKN Big Sur Micropatcher v0.0.10
Thanks to jackluke and ASentientBot for their hard work to get Big Sur
running on unsupported Macs!

Failed to locate Big Sur recovery USB stick.
Remember to create it using createinstallmedia, and do not rename it.

Patcher cannot continue and will now exit.
I did not rename it. It is still called Install macOS Beta.
/dev/disk9 (external, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *62.5 GB    disk9
   1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk9s1
   2:                  Apple_HFS Install macOS Beta      62.2 GB    disk9s2
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I though the install log was long in Catalina but Big Sur wins the prize> Maybe this can help decipher the snapshot sealing :)

Unfortunately, I keep having false starts in my efforts to get prelinked kernel building working under snapshots. On my MacPro 3,1, I am still stymied by the usb not loading in the resulting prelinked kernels (although graphics look fine). I am still confused by the safe mode behavior of this problem. Specifically, prelinked kernels booted with 'cmd+s' and then exit allows them to load to a fully functional Big Sur with usb, wifi, sound, bluetooth, etc. One issue may be how legacy bootroms interact with the new OS. Specifically, a safe boot is supposed to delete the current kernel cache and rebuild it (which would seem to work). However, because of the presence of the snapshot, I don't see how the disk copies can be deleted and rewritten on the boot volume. I have tried, under a mounted snapshot, deleting the entire contents of the kernel cache directories and so they could be rebuilt. However this doesn't change the behavior of the resulting prelinked kernels with respect to usb (for both explicit use of LegacyUSBInjector.kext or patching its Info.plist changes directly into IOUSBHostFamily.kext). I worry about the fact that manually rebuilding the kernel cache, after purging, under a mounted snapshot doesn't recreate the .gz files there like KextIdentifiers.plist.gz, IOKitPersonalities_x86_64.ioplist.gz,
KextPropertyValues_OSBundleHelper_x86_64.plist.gz, KextPropertyValues_PGO_x86_64.plist.gz.

ps. I did find one logical error in my previous recipe for building kernels under snapshots. The missing /Library/Apple/System/Library/Caches symlink should be created with a relative path instead of an absolute one.

*** add missing symlink for kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel
sudo ln -s ../../../../System/Library/Caches /Volumes/BigSur/Users/howarth/mntpoint/Library/Apple/System/Library/Caches

so is hitting the mounted snapshot when kextcache execute under chroot. I still would be very interested to see someone who *doesn't* need legacy usb, try this chroot on mounted snapshot approach. It would be really useful to know if the resulting prelinked kernels have broken usb on those machines or if this is just a problem specific to those that need LegacyUSBInjector.kext.
Also @hvds noticed that, seems that booting from opencore the macOS recovery can't use "csrutil" (this seems an opencore issue), if you have an USB Catalina Patcher try use this method (without booting from opencore):

or this (also from an USB Catalina Patcher if you don't have a previous macOS Recovery):

check in BigSur normal booting (using prelinkedkernel fix4 you can boot without opencore) that "csrutil authenticated-root" is disabled.

Jackluke, if you still have a configuration for building prelinked kernels for legacy usb (like the legacy beta 1 copy), can you rebuild one for the case of LegacyUSBInjector.kext completely removed and its Info.plist changes patched into IOUSBFamily.kext instead? I want to see if booting under that makes any difference in the attempts at building prelinked kernels under mounted snapshots here.
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Jackluke, if you still have a configuration for building prelinked kernels for legacy usb (like the legacy beta 1 copy), can you rebuild one for the case of LegacyUSBInjector.kext completely removed and its Info.plist changes patched into IOUSBFamily.kext instead? I want to see if booting under that makes any difference in the attempts at building prelinked kernels under mounted snapshots here.

Already tried but worked only booting with CMD+S and typing "exit" to continue booting with legacy usb.

I guess it's hard to use LegacyUSBInjector on BootKernelExtensions.kc making a generalised one for an eventual BigSur Patcher because of mach-o UUID .

But for BootKernelExtensions.kc you might try after disabled the prelinkedkernel fix, through this other kmutil method:
Any one of the following:
/Volumes/Image\ Volume/ /Volumes/MacOS\ Big\ Sur\ Beta
/Volumes/Image\ Volume/ "/Volumes/MacOS Big Sur Beta"
/Volumes/Image\ Volume/ '/Volumes/MacOS Big Sur Beta'
/Volumes/Image\ Volume/ /Volumes/MacOS?Big?Sur?Beta
The first three are all standard Unix shell ways of dealing with pathnames that include spaces. The fourth way is theoretically not as good as the first three, but it should still work well enough in the real world.
Just to let you know that I have Instant Hotspot, Airdrop and Handoff fully working in MBP 13" mid 2012 patched with your script. 👍
Even if csrutil status shows disabled, run csrutil disable and reboot. It’s worked for me hundreds of times.

I before said...SIP is disabled on my mac since what....forever. :cool:
And it still holds true

I had to restart for another reason, so I decided to give you the benefit of doubt, guess what, it did not work.

It worked for you for a different reason (might be a bug or any other reason), If you switch of a light bulb there won't be light emitted from the bulb, same here, if you disabled with csrutil disable it is disabled, that's a fact.
I have been on OSX/macOS since the very first dev beta, *I know macs don't have things like double input of a command, it works or it won't, it's 1 or zero, black or white, no fuzzy area in between.
It's not some shyte Windows box.

* Things could be reset, a command needs to be input again, like NVRAM when you clear it.

BUT, after all the above I have to thank you, you try to be helpful which is good, and therefore thumbs up. 👍

Yesterday I had some strange artifacts and graphic problems with Safari and later with Safari preview viewing Macrumors pages. It returned to normal later. No problems with Firefox or Brave.

Most of the few times I had problems with content on Safari were on this very site, but then again, maybe I spend too much time here.:oops:
Barry K. Nathan
I continue to use OpenCore 0.6.0 on MacBook 6.1 and the second beta that I installed without patches, only through OpenCore and a couple of kexts.
I then install WiFi and sound kexts using your script. Thanks a lot, it saved me a lot of time.
I got AirDrop and the brcm4360 driver instead of brcm4331 by AirPortBrcmFixup.kext (it doesn’t work in the Installer or in Recovery yet, hanging, only when booting the system through OpenCore. I have a USB dongle BT 4.0 GMYLE)
Now it would be nice to enable LAN for order, but nvenet.kext is the IONetworkingFamily.kext plugin. Do you happen to know how to do it by the same way as in your script? :)
And what about Tesla now? What happens if I add Tesla kexts, how it is done for Catalina? Have you tried this already?
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Already tried but worked only booting with CMD+S and typing "exit" to continue booting with legacy usb.

I guess it's hard to use LegacyUSBInjector on BootKernelExtensions.kc making a generalised one for an eventual BigSur Patcher because of mach-o UUID .

But for BootKernelExtensions.kc you might try after disabled the prelinkedkernel fix, through this other kmutil method:

No, what I meant was can you rebuild the prelinked kernel at usb prelinkedkernel beta1 so that it uses a patched IONetworkingFamily.kext (using ) instead of adding the LegacyUSBInjector.kext to the kernel set.
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