Yes, but i’m not quite sure about syntaxis (not remember). Check on first pages here or google.So i have to write nvram boot-args="-no_compat_check amfi_get_out_of_my_way=0x1" ?
kmutil install --volume-root /Volumes/volume_name --update-all --force
bless --folder /Volumes/volume_name/System/Library/CoreServices --bootefi --create-snapshot
Fixed, cable didn't work, but WiFi did. To put the password you have to take into account that the keyboard layout is American ... 😅😅😅
MBP 9.2 mid 2012 (not retina) - I have reinstalled beta 3. Now it does not start with Kernel Panic ... I do not have WIFI although it does appear among the network options. Any suggestion? Thank you very much for the help.
The kexts are being overwritten when you're updating the OS. Re-do whatever you did to get working WiFi in beta 2.😋
Hey, Did you try execute the Step 9 at the link ???
Does that tool still work on beta 2 and 3? I thought it only worked on the 1st beta.
I’m try his updated version for beta 2 on beta 3 will let you knowDoes that tool still work on beta 2 and 3? I thought it only worked on the 1st beta.
reduce transparency?Whenever I try to log in to macOS Big Sur on my MBP8,1, my system crashes and keeps crashing. I used the Big Sur Micropatcher on beta 2. I log on, the screen gets a little brighter, and it freezes and logs me off. Anyone know how to fix this?
reduce transparency?
There is some .plist file that can be edited to set it - search thread here...i can’t do that, it crashes immediately
Thank you to jackluke again, beta 3 for cMP mid 2012 installed. No WIFI and I don't needed.
Whenever I try to log in to macOS Big Sur on my MBP8,1, my system crashes and keeps crashing. I used the Big Sur Micropatcher on beta 2. I log on, the screen gets a little brighter, and it freezes and logs me off. Anyone know how to fix this?
Do you used "prelinkedkernel fix" ? Which version (because I made many different) ?
Beta 3 installed, but without Wi-Fi or AirDrop. When trying the @jackluke solution for beta 1 and 2 the mac stops at startup and restarts a few times and boots without WiFi ... Any solution?
csrutil disable
):Do you have a working WIFiMac mini Late 2012
Successfully installed Beta 3 follow this guide:
step 9 done and have full Wi-Fi working!![]()
GitHub - barrykn/big-sur-micropatcher: A primitive USB patcher for installing macOS Big Sur on unsupported Macs
A primitive USB patcher for installing macOS Big Sur on unsupported Macs - barrykn/
View attachment 936612
I've downloaded Beta 3 on Catalina, ran the installer app from there using ASentientBot's hax app (link) and selected my Big Sur volume as the target. It updated fine.
Thanks, just to make sure did it keep all your settings and stuff from beta 2?
i mentioned Wi-Fi aboveDo you have a working WIFi