I installed Monterey 12.1 from a USB stick with OCLP 0.3.4 from scratch.
After installation, I immediately realized that with Monterey my iMac 27 ”CPU i7, late 2013, works 10 times better than with Catalina or Big Sur.
But I ask you, kindly:
is it normal that several times, for two hours or more, the progress bar reaches the middle, stays still for tens of minutes and then starts again? ... When I installed Monterey 12.01 from scratch, instead, with OCLP then, the installation Monterey took about 25 minutes ... Is something wrong? ... Or is this due to the new VMM installation method of OCLP? Thanks
I'm writing from Catalina now and I cancel what I've written so far on macOS 12.1 for the following reasons:
1) Boot was very slow this morning with the bar stuck in the middle for 5 minutes before going to the Login screen. This makes me think that the same thing happened during the installation and that is why it lasted more than two hours...
2) After login, only the internal SSD with Monterey appeared on the desktop and all other disks were gone (!!!). Same thing starting Disk Utility: you could only see the 128 GB SSD with Monterey 12.1; the internal 2TB SSD with macOS Catalina missing; also the SD Card with the Monterey Installer and the OCLP EFI missing. It's perhaps a serious issue by the new VMM mode of OCLP 0.3.2/0.3.3 ?...
3) I have verified that Airplay missing in System Preferences -> Sharing
So! I'm deluded but now I want to try with OCLP 0.3.3 installed in Internal SSD, instead of the SD external card.
EDIT Dec. 17 h 10:33
I state that I leave what I have written so far whi my previous history could help others with the same problems.
I just installed OCLP 0.3.3 instead of 0.3.4 and this time I used an Internal disk to install it. I also edited the config.plist file and deleted the Kext Airport - Bluetooth module.
Now macOS Monterey starts up in no time, the other disks have reappeared on the desktop, Magic keyboard, Magic mouse e Magic trackpad working well and now I can enable Bluetooth Sharing in System Preferences - Sharing.
It remains to try to create and reinstall OCLP 0.3.3 from here (Monterey 12.1) and this time I will try to leave the Kext Airport-Bluetooth module to see if AirPlay is also showing.
If so, I'll let you know, otherwise no. Stay tuned

Hi everyone
Last minute update
I tried to leave the kext Airport / Bluetooth, but AirPlay still doesn't appear the System Preferences. I am sorry. I will remove this Kext from OCLP to have original functioning even if I reboot with Catalina which I will continue to keep in the 2TB drive until I am sure that Monterey no longer has any problems. By