Did you use the ASPP-Override.kext?update to 12.3 final on cMP 5.1 working great.
Universal Control is working between my M1 MBP and cMP5.1 but is getting interrupted sometimes using Safari or System Prefences. Later on it gets connected again automatically.I upgraded without any problems using ASPP-Override.kext, might (or might not) try without it once I stop fooling around with Universal Control.
I get interruptions but don´t know why.I got an M1 Air and the previous Intel Air set up to the left and right of my MP5,1 and they're working flawlessly.
It’s because you have sip disabled. It won’t prompt to allow acces to mic, camera etc. TCC needs Sip enabled. I used this little utility to allow camera, mic manually to touchdesigner. It is a bit tricky to figure out but worked eventually.No idea where to ask this question, I wish there were OCLP specific forums.
I finally have Monterey 12.2.1 running on MBA 4,2 (Mid-2011). It was a bit harder to install than I expected. I am sad it won't run the latest GarageBand version.
I cannot get a FiFine external USB microphone to be recognized by MacOS, nor can use the built in audio in/out jack with adapter for a microphone. The MBA internal microphone works fine.
I need to have a way to add an external microphone to this thing, as it's a primary part of my recording studio. Any suggestions?
rm -i /Volumes/[YOUR BOOT DISK] -\ Data/private/var/db/.AppleSetupDone
boot argument. MBP11,3:As I understand, older iPads are blocked from using sidecar on iPadOS 15.1 and newer (at least that’s when it stopped working on mine)Is it possible to use the ipad air 2 for sidecar with macOS Monterey 12.3 ? help me please !!
The problem is I can't enable the first one.The second and third checkbox depend on the first, which you haven’t enabled.
just wanted to thank you for this reply. turned out i hadn't seated the mic cable fully into the mic. I'm definitely getting dummer every dayIt’s because you have sip disabled. It won’t prompt to allow acces to mic, camera etc. TCC needs Sip enabled. I used this little utility to allow camera, mic manually to touchdesigner. It is a bit tricky to figure out but worked eventually.
GitHub - jslegendre/tccplus: tccutil with extended capabilities. Grant/remove accessibility permissions to any app.
tccutil with extended capabilities. Grant/remove accessibility permissions to any app. - jslegendre/tccplusgithub.com
Or this one for Mojave, as tccplus didn’t work.
GitHub - jacobsalmela/tccutil: ♿️ Command line tool to modify OS X's accessibility database (TCC.db)
♿️ Command line tool to modify OS X's accessibility database (TCC.db) - jacobsalmela/tccutilgithub.com
This current 6.1 version needs a update coming shortly for MacOS 12.3, look for another update Wednesday.The most recent update to Carbon Copy Cloner, is working perfectly,
under macOS Monterey v12.3 (21E230)
My MBP11,2 15" intel GPU working w/o problems, so far.This is funny. I got MBP11,3 (with Nvidia discrete graphics) and MBP11,4 natively supported by Monterey. Both are running Monterey 12.3. MBP11,3 uses-no_compat_check
boot argument.
Depends, you need minimum OCLP 0.3.3 to get Airplay & UC working.Anyone knows why Universal control is not selectable?