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AHOY! The initial positive reaction to b7 w/OCLP025 Release was premature. o_O Where b6 presented smooth graphics on this machine, b7 is jerky, the menu bar is totally hosed-up w/artifacts and no transparency. No C/P setting can correct. Both Firefox and Safari lack smooth scrolling. On this Mac, b7 is disappointing where b6 was a big win. :rolleyes:
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The last two days were wasted ....

Even using the latest OCLP 0.2.5 my iMac11,2 and iMac11,3 still cannot see the OTA to B7 when starting from an older version or Monterey. It will not be offered by software update at all.

Only by setting the Cpuid1Mask and Cpuid1Data the update becomes available. The newly added FirmwareFeature settings do not harm, but do not help either (checked to both ways with or without those).

Cannot tell you right now if this is an iMac11,x specific problem, did not test the iMac12,x family. Waiting for other users to report their experiences.

  1. MacPro5,1 users were able to update to Beta7 using the iMacPro1,1 SMBIOS and the VMware flag in the same way. So this confirms my observation.​
  2. OCLP iMac 2012-2013 users with the iMac17,1 SMBIOS can obviously update directly (but the EFI/APPLE is filled with SMC and Firmware update files, you man safely delete these). Unfortunately not all Mac owners can simply change the SMBIOS to iMac17,1, it works for (some) iMacs.​
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The last two days were wasted ....

Even using the latest OCLP 0.2.5 my iMac11,2 and iMac11,3 still cannot see the OTA to B7 when starting from an older version or Monterey. It will not be offered by software update at all.

Only by setting the Cpuid1Mask and Cpuid1Data the update becomes available. The newly added FirmwareFeature settings do not harm, but do not help either (checked to both ways with or without those).

Cannot tell you right now if this is an iMac11,x specific problem, did not test the iMac12,x family. Waiting for other users to report their experiences.

But that is Beta 6, shown. Getting b7 is easy from the InstallAssistant and it only takes 5 hours to do it. ;)
Did OTA on mid 2014 with Kepler patches went through without a hitch for beta 7 once I realised how to do patches. It runs really well on my mid 2014.
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I can confirm I have Monterey on an iMac 9,1 (2009) as of today fully functioning with GPU working as it should. Open core 0.2.5 sorted it big time !
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Trying this all days and its not work here
everytime a message installer is damaged
Same here, tried manually to put the files into the shared folder, tried the great script posts earlier..nothing.. always get the error. Is there any way to get the good installer?
Tried every method here and the installer keeps getting stuck at around 40%. Tried the OTA, running the full installer and then also putting the installer on a usb stick with the same result. Late 2013 MBP.
Same here, tried manually to put the files into the shared folder, tried the great script posts earlier..nothing.. always get the error. Is there any way to get the good installer?
Did you read this?
You must have those files inside “SharedStorage” for not get the installer error.
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Upgraded to B7, it have panic crash, I don't what is it??

panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff8010441ba1): IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType00::setPowerState(0xffffff852fd26480 : 0xffffff8012804e0a, 0 -> 4) timed out after 100639 ms @IOServicePM.cpp:5523
Panicked task 0xffffff852f68b6a0: 188 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
Backtrace (CPU 2), panicked thread: 0xffffff8535337a10, Frame : Return Address
0xffffffd06b423ab0 : 0xffffff800fc9f06d mach_kernel : _handle_debugger_trap + 0x41d
0xffffffd06b423b00 : 0xffffff800fdf8c15 mach_kernel : _kdp_i386_trap + 0x145
0xffffffd06b423b40 : 0xffffff800fde85e3 mach_kernel : _kernel_trap + 0x533
0xffffffd06b423b90 : 0xffffff800fc3ea60 mach_kernel : _return_from_trap + 0xe0
0xffffffd06b423bb0 : 0xffffff800fc9f43d mach_kernel : _DebuggerTrapWithState + 0xad
0xffffffd06b423cd0 : 0xffffff800fc9ebf6 mach_kernel : _panic_trap_to_debugger + 0x2b6
0xffffffd06b423d30 : 0xffffff80105180b9 mach_kernel : _panic + 0x54
0xffffffd06b423da0 : 0xffffff8010441ba1 mach_kernel : __ZN9IOService12ackTimerTickEv + 0x801
0xffffffd06b423e00 : 0xffffff8010441369 mach_kernel : __ZN9IOService21actionAckTimerExpiredEP8OSObjectPvS2_S2_S2_ + 0x9
0xffffffd06b423e10 : 0xffffff801045a93e mach_kernel : __ZN10IOWorkLoop9runActionEPFiP8OSObjectPvS2_S2_S2_ES1_S2_S2_S2_S2_ + 0x3e
0xffffffd06b423e50 : 0xffffff80104400f8 mach_kernel : __ZN9IOService17ack_timer_expiredEPvS0_ + 0x38
0xffffffd06b423e70 : 0xffffff800fcefbb5 mach_kernel : _thread_call_delayed_timer + 0x4f5
0xffffffd06b423ee0 : 0xffffff800fcf0c02 mach_kernel : _thread_call_delayed_timer + 0x1542
0xffffffd06b423fa0 : 0xffffff800fc3e18e mach_kernel : _call_continuation + 0x2e

Process name corresponding to current thread (0xffffff8535337a10): kernel_task
Boot args: keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 -lilubetaall

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 21.1.0: Sat Sep 11 12:27:43 PDT 2021; root:xnu-8019.
Kernel UUID: 1CB0C775-B028-36B3-855B-A39CEA80C895
KernelCache slide: 0x000000000fa00000
KernelCache base: 0xffffff800fc00000
Kernel slide: 0x000000000fa10000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff800fc10000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff800fb00000
System model name: MacBookPro11,1 (Mac-E43C1C25D4880AD6)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)
Hibernation exit count: 0

System uptime in nanoseconds: 1639072164334
Last Sleep: absolute base_tsc base_nano
Uptime : 0x0000017da0506f16
Sleep : 0x00000165dd1c2239 0x000000244dc73784 0x0000000000000000
Wake : 0x00000165e99c5984 0x0000040394b8132a 0x00000165e90684c3
Zone info:
Foreign : 0xffffff8015272000 - 0xffffff801527f000
Native : 0xffffff8021e2e000 - 0xffffffa021e2e000
Readonly : 0 - 0
Metadata : 0xfffffff354cfe000 - 0xfffffff374dca000
Bitmaps : 0xfffffff374dca000 - 0xfffffff377dca000
OCLP nightly 0.3.0 made a huge improvement in my case, kudos to Chris111 script to create Monterey beta 7 app for USB installer, no issues during install except one freeze during 1st boot, took approximately 1hr other than that B7 running smoothly. Thanks to everyone involved.

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Installed B7 on (4) 5,1's and a MBP 2010 17" GT 330M and all running awesome!!!
I made a full usb installer and used it.
Note: As stated in OCLP Guide, There are permission/Accessibility stuff you may need to fix to get some stuff to work.
Thanks to everyone involved. 😀
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AHOY🪓 To successfully over-install with Beta 7, keep this point in mind - it takes a long time but it works!
Do this -

Properly install and correctly boot with OCLP_025 TUI or later.
D/L the macOS 12.0 Beta (21A5522h) installer via gibMacOS-master.
• Open the InstallAssistant.pkg nestled in the Product I.D. ƒ. The Beta Installer app will be placed in the /Applications ƒ. (Be not concerned that it is around only 35 MB in size).
Run it! 🎲 🎲 Let OCLP manage the almost 5 hour installation.🤞
• 👀 At one point in the process the installer will indicate "less than a minute remaining" which can actually take up to one hour and 45 minutes to complete, it will complete! Do not panic! 😱
• 👀 A bit later on, the Mac may shut-down. 😳 Just power-on as normal and let the install process complete, eventually displaying minutes remaining and reboot into Beta 7. Bluetooth and WI/FI now work OOB. 🎉
• If non-Metal - Run the OCLP TUI app, apply Step #3. Restart. 😉

b7 030.jpg

Totally worth the effort :cool:
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I have a MacBook Pro 5,5. I had already used OCL to upgrade to Big Sur 11.6. I just now upgraded to Monterey Beta 7! Very nice. I used Monterey 12 beta 6 to install using OCL 0.2.5. It then updated to beta 7. At first, my wireless would not connect. I re-installed Open Core to my EFI partition and rebooted, then it connected. (I updated using ethernet.) Pretty peppy for this older machine! Thank you. I basically just use this laptop to test OCL, so though you might like to know. It has a 128 gig SSD and 8 gigs of memory installed.
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Well somewhat. I can successfully remote in from my other Mac, but it still gets stuck at the same place when I reboot after running the post install patch from the latest nightly build.
have you tried rebuilding the OCLP?
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