My MBP11,4 (spoofed to 14,3 in order to upgrade to Ventura, as recommended by OCLP 0.5.2) works perfectly well, except SilentKnight shows the EFI version as 9999.999.999.999.999, and - reportedly - up to date. I went the route of installing Big Sur on an external Apple Drive and doing an update; so the EFI on that drive reports 476. However, when I re-boot from the internal disk which has been modified by OCLP, and all patches done, the EFI is reported as the 9999.... The machine is working well - everything seems OK except the OS update file is not the expected 2.5 gb (or thereabouts), but 11.4 gb. Should I leave well alone, and ignore the weird EFI firmware number or...? The first picture is from Silent Knight on the external SSD Big Sur, and the second from the internal SSD. Suggestions/opinions will be welcome.