I just discovered that, as in Monterey, you can reenable file system protection also in Ventura and successfully boot (of course, only after having done the root patching, which always requires an unrestricted filesystem; and this must then be reenabled at every new root patching: easy to forget, but definitely doable), thus setting SIP to 0x801 instead of 0x803: a little more security, but only for advanced users (don’t try this if you don’t understand what is going to be done!) - a good thing, anyway…
EDIT (IMPORTANT!): After some testing, it looks like WindowServer tends to crash and Safari/Mail/HelpViewer have problems loading content, with the SIP setting above: so, sadly, it is not yet possible to disable unrestricted file system without problems (you can boot, but then some things won’t work), in Ventura - maybe this will improve, who knows…