Вот такие запросы у меня с OCLP 0.6.4 не появляются.Check below post for instructions.
These are the queries I don't get with OCLP 0.6.4.
Вот такие запросы у меня с OCLP 0.6.4 не появляются.Check below post for instructions.
The amount of times I downloaded and reformatted my USB to get this fixed. It doesn't. Although it says 13.3, the latest version goes through the install process and then shows a different update progress bar after a couple reboots. At least that's how it happened on my machine.I tried downloading the latest Ventura installer using OCLP 0.6.4 / Download Installer.
It offered downloading "13.3.1 (22E261)" from Apple, so I used that option.
But when I go to Use existing macOS Installer, it lists it as version "13.3 (22E252)".
The version number of "Install macOS Ventura.app" is 18.3.03.
I wonder if it's an or an OCLP issue?
With 0.5.2 chrome browser slow start-up problem is not solved for me. Any news? Everybody have this problem ?
Did you ever get this solved? I am running Ventura through OCLP 0.6.4. Both Chrome and Brave are extremely slow to launch (always about 55 seconds) from an Apple 128GB blade SSD. After the launch, all is good. No other apps have this problem. Problem disappears under Monterey (sans OCLP). Any ideas?With 0.5.2 chrome browser slow start-up problem is not solved for me. Any news? Everybody have this problem ?
BTW, this ison a 2015 Retina Imac 27.Did you ever get this solved? I am running Ventura through OCLP 0.6.4. Both Chrome and Brave are extremely slow to launch (always about 55 seconds) from an Apple 128GB blade SSD. After the launch, all is good. No other apps have this problem. Problem disappears under Monterey (sans OCLP). Any ideas?
There is no support for Navi GPUs on pre-Haswell Macs running Ventura.After a few attempts (and clone restores) I managed to do an in-place upgrade cMP5,1 from Monterey to Ventura but since I had an RX6600-XT I got no video. Ready to try this again, but what are the settings I need to use on the OCLP config.plist? I believe there are some video stuff I missed. Any word on Navi 23 support?
The GPU drivers for your iMac doesn't support properly hardware video encode/decode yet so you may have problems with video editing apps and streaming services on Ventura.Thanks to adrianlondon and educovas for your suggestions. I'll try to reload a fresh copy of Keynote from a different source, and also look for an older version of it in TM. Sorry but I'm not familiar with the terms API, DRM or VA
OCLP 0.6.5n updated; 4-26-2023 6:59AMApple seeded macOS Ventura 13.4 Beta 3 (22F5049e) to developers
MBP5,2 updated OTA to 13.4b3 from b2 on external SSD. Using latest OCLP 065n (EFI and post-install patches).Apple seeded macOS Ventura 13.4 Beta 3 (22F5049e) to developers
I can be wrong, but I have seen nothing related to GCN drivers in commits since 0.6.4Just to update, I still get some occasional crashes when I open apple Tv. Some times it works great, some other times the iMac freezes as soon as AppleTv is opened.
I cannot pinpoint what exactly is causing it.
Would it be worth trying OCLP 0.65n?
Was there any update for CGN1 GPUs in 0.65n?
Latest stable one is 0.91.I see there is a new Opencore version - 0.95 I think - anyone know how to update to it, or even where it is?
Thanks but that is the 0.9.1 which is the released version, not the new one.Latest stable one is 0.91.
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