Maybe I’ve just been lucky, but I’ve been using Sequoia since 15.0 beta 3, and stayed on the betas through 15.2. On my main work machine. Throughout all that I had very few bugs, and only minor ones. My email continued to work, AutoCAD kept going, I’ve not had to fight Sequoia any more than I did Sonoma.I assume, and I could be incorrect, if an application worked under Sonoma and it doesn't work correctly under Sequoia, then Sequoia is at fault.
For the first time in a couple of years I backed everything up multiple times, then formatted my internal and installed 15.0 from the full installer, and afterwards installed all of my programs one by one. Running 15.2 RC I still have the following issues:
Backblaze never finishes its initial backup. It backs up everything, no problem. But the program fails to indicate it's finished with the initial backup. I've spoken at length with the Backblaze folks and they are at a loss as to what is happening.
Like lots of people here, I have this weird "Creedence" disk showing up in Disk Utility. It doesn't appear to harm anything; it just will not eject.
And when I run Disk Utility it shows resource forks are missing from the Time Machine snapshots and also shows a corrupted place on the internal that DU claims to fix but does not. I have more that once reformatted and restored from Time Machine. When I do the corrupted area goes away but comes back after a few days.
Wifi stops a couple of times a day. No idea why.
The Apple Home app and Path Finder crash at random times. They will just be open, not doing anything and just crash.
Lots of webpages are incomplete and I have to refresh several times to get them to load--or the page might load OK but take forever.
With 15.0 Find My would not find people. That seemed to be fixed until 15.2 RC. Now the problem has returned.
And on my wife's 2023 iMac M3 ExpressVPN will not start automatically.
There are probably other issues, but these are the big ones.
I've spent a huge amount of time on Sequoia since it was released. I'm retired so I have the time. I feel sorry for those of you still working and having to fight Sequoia every day.
I’m sorry you’ve had a rough time with it.