The "workaround" I found is to set a power schedule. Except Apple removed the GUI functions from System Settings so you have to do this from the CLI.the fans run for some time, but do eventually (at least here) shut off. definitely annoying tho. if someone finds a workaround, please post! and guess we have to wait for next beta...
sudo pmset repeat shutdown MTWRFSU 00:00:00 wakeorpoweron MTWRFSU 00:01:00
Adjust for your own times.
If you want to cancel that schedule, use:
sudo pmset repeat cancel
Just keep in mind that if you cancel the power schedule, powerd will spike back up. You must leave a power schedule set and active.
That is the only reliable method I've found so far to keep powerd from keeping my Intel MBP warm and using 106% CPU. I hope Apple fixes this in the next beta.