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Hey Guys,

Has anyone submitted a video for the contest yet? Are you guys too camera shy? :rolleyes: If so, you do not need to actually show yourself in video, you can just speak while recording too! Just ideas to help you guys!


I think that's the reason why, I would love to do a video but I'm "camera shy" haha
Hey Maggie!

I just placed my order and submitted my video for the Car kit!!! I hope you like it. ;) And thanks for being here to answer all my questions

Hey Maggie!

I just placed my order and submitted my video for the Car kit!!! I hope you like it. ;) And thanks for being here to answer all my questions


Hi Battleonmac,

Thank you for your purchase, and I look forward to watching you video!!! :D

Thank you,
As of right now, the only places that the Premium Car Kit is available are through our website directly, Amazon, and eventually Best Buy (probably in the beginning of next year).

Thank you,

Hi Maggie - any update on Best Buy stores? i have a gift card burning a whole in my pocket :D:D
Amazon receive on release date???

Ok, so I'm seeing posts stating that the release day was January 7, and that at least one batch was shipped-yet I'm still sitting in Amazon pre-order status with guaranteed shipment on release day that has now pushed from January 5 to January 7, 11, now today 12. Something doesn't seem to be adding up. Can anyone make sense of this for me?

Ok, so I'm seeing posts stating that the release day was January 7, and that at least one batch was shipped-yet I'm still sitting in Amazon pre-order status with guaranteed shipment on release day that has now pushed from January 5 to January 7, 11, now today 12. Something doesn't seem to be adding up. Can anyone make sense of this for me?


My Amazon order just switched from pre-order to shipping soon. "We are preparing these items for shipment and this portion of your order cannot be canceled or changed." Hopefully they will be shipping today with delivery tomorrow!
Turn now beep too late

Hi All & Maggie,

I purchased the app a few days ago and tested it out this weekend. There is a lot to like about the app (vs Navigon which I also have). One thing that I hope is addressed in an upcoming update is that the turn now reminder beep comes too late to be useful. When it beeps, I am already well thru the intersection, so unless I am starring at the map, I wouldn't know to turn. Kind of misses the point of that turn now beep. Perhaps there could be a preference added where you can set the distance in advance of a turn you would like to hear the beep?

Also, I would like the map to show which side of the road my destination is. It says it on the final segment, but if you didn't catch it, there is no way to then know.

All in all, I like it and it is pretty user friendly. 2 other things I hope get addressed shortly are a faster startup time, and integrated traffic.
Hi Maggie - any update on Best Buy stores? i have a gift card burning a whole in my pocket :D:D

Hi navguy,

Currently, it is set to be around mid February; however, this may change.

Thank you,

My Amazon order just switched from pre-order to shipping soon. "We are preparing these items for shipment and this portion of your order cannot be canceled or changed." Hopefully they will be shipping today with delivery tomorrow!

Thank you for clarifying!

PS: We received your video! ;)

Hi All & Maggie,

I purchased the app a few days ago and tested it out this weekend. There is a lot to like about the app (vs Navigon which I also have). One thing that I hope is addressed in an upcoming update is that the turn now reminder beep comes too late to be useful. When it beeps, I am already well thru the intersection, so unless I am starring at the map, I wouldn't know to turn. Kind of misses the point of that turn now beep. Perhaps there could be a preference added where you can set the distance in advance of a turn you would like to hear the beep?

Also, I would like the map to show which side of the road my destination is. It says it on the final segment, but if you didn't catch it, there is no way to then know.

All in all, I like it and it is pretty user friendly. 2 other things I hope get addressed shortly are a faster startup time, and integrated traffic.

Hi trihard,

Thank you so much for your feedback. I will personally forward this to the developers for our next version update.

Thank you,
delivery exception?

I was expecting the delivery of my unit today from fed-ed. waited all day, at 6:45 pm centeral time i checked and the message delivery exception is posted. :confused:
the folowing copied and pasted from fexex web sight:

Jan 11, 2010 6:32 PM Delivery exception CUDAHY, WI No attempt made, delivery scheduled for next business day

Jan 9, 2010 4:36 AM On FedEx vehicle for delivery CUDAHY, WI Scheduled for delivery next business day (should have been today)

Jan 9, 2010 4:02 AM At local FedEx facility CUDAHY, WI
Jan 8, 2010 11:24 PM Departed FedEx location CHICAGO, IL
Jan 8, 2010 8:20 PM Arrived at FedEx location CHICAGO, IL
Jan 8, 2010 7:33 AMDeparted FedEx locationNASHVILLE, TN
Jan 7, 2010 8:38 PMArrived at FedEx locationNASHVILLE, TN
Jan 7, 2010 5:20 PMShipment information sent to FedEx

I called to check and got someone in mexico, they called cudahy and put me on hold for about 10 min the came back and told me they ran out of time. What they keep bankers hours? As you can see the unit was on the truck since saturday. now i have to wast another day....

This is one reason that i Glad to own an apple product, problem talk to some one in the United States.

Sorry for the rant just thought u should know. Just not a happy camper at the present time.

beater :mad:
I was expecting the delivery of my unit today from fed-ed. waited all day, at 6:45 pm centeral time i checked and the message delivery exception is posted. :confused:
the folowing copied and pasted from fexex web sight:

Jan 11, 2010 6:32 PM Delivery exception CUDAHY, WI No attempt made, delivery scheduled for next business day

Jan 9, 2010 4:36 AM On FedEx vehicle for delivery CUDAHY, WI Scheduled for delivery next business day (should have been today)

Jan 9, 2010 4:02 AM At local FedEx facility CUDAHY, WI
Jan 8, 2010 11:24 PM Departed FedEx location CHICAGO, IL
Jan 8, 2010 8:20 PM Arrived at FedEx location CHICAGO, IL
Jan 8, 2010 7:33 AMDeparted FedEx locationNASHVILLE, TN
Jan 7, 2010 8:38 PMArrived at FedEx locationNASHVILLE, TN
Jan 7, 2010 5:20 PMShipment information sent to FedEx

I called to check and got someone in mexico, they called cudahy and put me on hold for about 10 min the came back and told me they ran out of time. What they keep bankers hours? As you can see the unit was on the truck since saturday. now i have to wast another day....

This is one reason that i Glad to own an apple product, problem talk to some one in the United States.

Sorry for the rant just thought u should know. Just not a happy camper at the present time.

beater :mad:

Hi Beater,

I apologize for any inconvenience it caused you. The delay was likely due to weather. In this time of year, transportation is very impacted by weather conditions, especially in the mid-west and east coast. However, if possible can you pm me your tracking number and I will personally investigate the situation.

Thank you,


Just wanted to give you a heads up that you have a could questions awaiting you over on the other thread...



Hi Shane,

Thanks for the heads up!

Got my Magellan Holder and so far so good. I have about 5 people here at work that are interested in my review which will determine if they purchase it. :cool:
Got my Magellan Holder and so far so good. I have about 5 people here at work that are interested in my review which will determine if they purchase it. :cool:

Thank you so much for sharing your Magellan Car Kit to your friends and colleagues! If you have any feedbacks or suggestions, we would love to hear them! :D

gps unit

Hi Maggie;

I recieved my gps unit today, after i was told what happened i understand. I was told that they were training a new driver.

Well know on to the gps unit. I took a ride with the gps hooked up and (no destination) just taking care of some business. I was using g-map and it worked fine. Note i was going west from where i live. On the way back i use Magellan map program, the unit didn't pick up my speed right away and the arrow turned around a couple time? not sure about this, but it could be becaues i was going in the opposite direction? (could the angle of gps satilite to windshield be the problem?)

I was please with how the unit went together, and how simple it was to swith orentation. The unit seem like it is well constructed. I hope to compaire it to my laptop with ms-streets with gps. I use for a few years with no prolbems; note this is just to see how the two units compair. I have ms-street 2008.

My dislikes, are the color of the arrow. I like the red...but that just me, it seems easer to locate.

One thing that i would like to see added is N,S,E,W on the map so you know what way you are headed.

Well i hope i can put a video together. Not sure about this but will try.

one happy camper; :D

Hi Shane

There is an adjustment block located at the top of the cradle where the user create a custom fit for your iPhone or iPod Touch. We chose this design because we realize that not all cases and skins are the same. Therefore, this block will allow the user to choose his or her desired fit. In addition, it will not damage the pin connectors because the cradle's connector is movable. It allows the user's iPhone or iPod Touch to be angled in different degrees. If you are still confused by this, please let me know and I will try to explain by posting up some more pictures for you.

Thank you,

So you can't just lift up the protruding plastic clip at the top of the adjustable arm/block and remove the phone? I'd rather not have to press the release button and move the adjustable arm up and down every time I remove and install the phone
So you can't just lift up the protruding plastic clip at the top of the adjustable arm/block and remove the phone? I'd rather not have to press the release button and move the adjustable arm up and down every time I remove and install the phone

Once you adjust the retaining arm to fit your specific iPhone/case combo, there's no need to release the adjustable arm each time. Once adjusted, all you need to do is lift the "protruding plastic clip" to insert or remove the phone. It's very simple. I hope this clarifies everything. :D
Once you adjust the retaining arm to fit your specific iPhone/case combo, there's no need to release the adjustable arm each time. Once adjusted, all you need to do is lift the "protruding plastic clip" to insert or remove the phone. It's very simple. I hope this clarifies everything. :D

Thanks. That's what I was doing until I read the FAQ,116

Also, I have 2 iPhones that are sometimes in the car at the same time. One of them will randomly connect to the mount. It would be nice if the bluetooth button would also allow you to switch between bluetooth devices or always select the device in the mount.
I have the mount connected to my car stereo with an stereo cable. Is there anyway to set a default so phone calls use the speakers? I have the mount volume turned down and that's the default so I have to manually select which speaker every single phone call. I don't want the mount volume on because I only want to control one volume source and if the mount volume is on then I have to change that as well as the stereo volume for music, etc..

It seems like there should be a solution to this problem.
I have the mount connected to my car stereo with an stereo cable. Is there anyway to set a default so phone calls use the speakers? I have the mount volume turned down and that's the default so I have to manually select which speaker every single phone call. I don't want the mount volume on because I only want to control one volume source and if the mount volume is on then I have to change that as well as the stereo volume for music, etc..

It seems like there should be a solution to this problem.

Hi beavis956

The car kit does not allow phone calls to be heard from the car speakers. Let me explain the reason why the car kit acts this way. It acts as a bluetooth-handfrees device with amplified speaker for calls with the availability to listen to music and nav directions from your car speakers.(aux cable connected). iPhone application sounds and iPhone call sounds come from different audio sources that the aux cables don't process; therefore, the reason why the sound cuts off from your car audio when you receive a phone call.

A way around this? I know some audio dash systems that will allow the iphone and car audio to work together making it similar to a bluetooth/phone technology they have in the higher end luxury cars. But these systems usually cost $$$ more. And that is a whole different topic.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to ask.

Thank you,
Please Maggie?

Hi Maggie;

I took a 15 + mile drive to see if the gps would route me back home. It worked ok.. the route was of many that it could have routed me back. I intintially missed on of the turns (and the unit re-routed me wright away) This was one thing i want to find out, i did it a second time, and when it rerouted me it had me turning left, (the was no reason for this, I would have me going back toward from where i came. It took a while to correct it self.

As for my other post about N,S,E,W..i got it figured out. :rolleyes:

The biggest complaint that i have is the color of the arrow....When you have it following a route, it blends in to much and is hard to see. Please, Please have it change to red. (if not this have it user selectable; if possible.)

Thanks for the time;

Hi beavis956

The car kit does not allow phone calls to be heard from the car speakers. Let me explain the reason why the car kit acts this way. It acts as a bluetooth-handfrees device with amplified speaker for calls with the availability to listen to music and nav directions from your car speakers.(aux cable connected). iPhone application sounds and iPhone call sounds come from different audio sources that the aux cables don't process; therefore, the reason why the sound cuts off from your car audio when you receive a phone call.

A couple more things:

I can hear phone calls through the car speakers if I select them from the call menu but the default is the mount speaker.

If I use the mount speaker for phone calls, I have to leave the volume turned up. This causes a problem when I'm listening to music because it plays the music from the mount speaker as well as the car speakers and I now have two volume controls to deal with. Also the mount speaker is not very good compared to my car speakers for music (or phone calls for that matter).

If I have to use the mount's speaker for phone calls, is there any way to have it not play other sounds like music? Having to use both the mount's volume control and my car stereo to control the volume when listening to music is a poor solution.
Hey Maggie,

If this question as been asked and answered, my apologizes, but I haven't been able to find a reliable source with an actual answer.

Since the car kit adds GPS functionality to the 2G iPod Touch, I was wondering if it would function with the first generation iPhones - There's no mention of this on the website. My iPhone is running 3.0 software.

Any clarification would be great!
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