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Maggie: if you are out there and reading this forum, can you please reply to us and let us know what the deal is? Just saying that the app is in "beta" and will have "surprises" isn't good enough. We need details and dates that are realistic so we can decide what to do.

The problem with that is even when Maggie did post more detail, that was misinformation. Back in January a fix for the AUX issue was coming. 'She' when so far as to say they were working night and day to get it out. Now, 7 months later no fix and the issue is ignored altogether. I've asked point blank in posts and PM, nada.

Bottom line, Magellan's on line posts cannot be trusted. They've proven to be false and misleading. Be it poor internal communication, backtracking on plans, or flat out lies. Statements made here and elsewhere have proven to be factually incorrect.

I even suspect they tried faking Facebook contests...the last one said all winner had been notified. No one reported winning. Someone asked to see a list of winners. Magellan did post the winners, but asked that they contact Magellan because Magellan has no way of contacting Facebook Fans. So if they can't contact Facebook Fans, how did they contact them when they initially said the winners were notified?
every time i see this thread bumped to the top of the forum, i think ... "Really!!"

... then i chuckle :rolleyes:
Go ahead, get another chuckle. Funny part is, the maggie person checks in often.

That's because Maggie is not a person but a bot, an automated response. Good thing the real Magellan did not have to rely on this company for updates.
That's because Maggie is not a person but a bot, an automated response. Good thing the real Magellan did not have to rely on this company for updates.

Magellan never did accomplish what he set out to do, sail around the world. He died long before they got back to Europe. Maybe they take that from their namesake...don't actually finish what they start?
Magellan never did accomplish what he set out to do, sail around the world. He died long before they got back to Europe. Maybe they take that from their namesake...don't actually finish what they start?

Exactly where this company is heading.

How about an update on the expected release date.

Summer has come and gone.


Magellan never did accomplish what he set out to do, sail around the world. He died long before they got back to Europe. Maybe they take that from their namesake...don't actually finish what they start?

Maybe I was mistaken. Maybe he did rely on Maggie for updates:D
I didn't see anything on that page described as having a GPS chip in it
Scroll down. There is a new one, due in October. Works with all iPhones and iPod Touches. It has a GPS chip, bluetooth, speaker, etc. Looks less elegant than the others, but maybe they learned form TomTom (don't make the size specific to any device) and magellan (AUX out should be just that). you say...hope it's less than $100

I have one of their other mounts and the build quality is not ideal. Both broke and require some tape or other materials to stay together. They also only have a 90 day warrantee. I would hope that they would use better materials and designs, and offer a real warrantee.

One more on the market is good for competition. I hope TomTom redesigns theirs to accomodate any device/case combo. That would be my ideal product. I like the design of the TomTom and it works great. However my iPhone 4 does not work without a shim, and when I use a case (90% of the time now, soon to be an Otterbox Defender) that means no TomTom.

How about an update on the expected release date.

Summer has come and gone.



FWIW...someone from magellan is logging in and checking this site (click on the profile). They are just choosing to ignore you and thumb their nose in response to the claims and promises they made. They sure have killed and positive PR at this site (and Facebook). A great example of what not to do: promise things, delay them, say they are still coming, delay more, go silent.
Magellan Roadmate App update

Hi! I’m Mage, Magellan’s new customer service representative. I am pleased to announce that we will be releasing an iOS4 compatible update for the Roadmate App soon! It has been submitted to Apple. We realize that the last months have been a frustrating time for our users and we have worked to make each comment count. We are very proud of this update and are sure you will love it. We hope to create an open and straightforward relationship with our customers and would love to hear your feedback on this update.



Be sure to look for the Magellan Roadmate version 1.3 feature-a-day thread! Everyday we will be adding a description of a new feature in the update. Pictures and tips included!
Hi! I’m Mage, Magellan’s new customer service representative. I am pleased to announce that we will be releasing an iOS4 compatible update for the Roadmate App soon! It has been submitted to Apple. We realize that the last months have been a frustrating time for our users and we have worked to make each comment count. We are very proud of this update and are sure you will love it. We hope to create an open and straightforward relationship with our customers and would love to hear your feedback on this update.



Be sure to look for the Magellan Roadmate version 1.3 feature-a-day thread! Everyday we will be adding a description of a new feature in the update. Pictures and tips included!

Sounds like Maggie got...... moved. :) Mage, you have a lot of band-aiding to do for both this thread and the product. You have a lot of work on your hands. On a positive note, welcome!
Hi! I’m Mage, Magellan’s new customer service representative. I am pleased to announce that we will be releasing an iOS4 compatible update for the Roadmate App soon! It has been submitted to Apple. We realize that the last months have been a frustrating time for our users and we have worked to make each comment count. We are very proud of this update and are sure you will love it. We hope to create an open and straightforward relationship with our customers and would love to hear your feedback on this update.



Be sure to look for the Magellan Roadmate version 1.3 feature-a-day thread! Everyday we will be adding a description of a new feature in the update. Pictures and tips included!

-Maggie said a fix for the car kit's AUX issue (plays audio via speaker and AUX output) was coming last winter. Never happened. Why?
-why all the delays and false due dates?
-is this person managed by the same people/policies as Maggie?
-why should we believe anything now? Credibility of Magellan is pretty thin.
Magellan Roadmate App v1.3 Update! Feature-a-day!

Hi! I’m Mage. I have just joined and am here to answer all of your Magellan Roadmate app questions!
We at Magellan fully realize that the lack of updates to the app has caused frustration. We have worked hard to create an app that is up to your high standards. It includes the most frequently requested features you have been asking for! We have submitted it to Apple and expect it to be arriving in the iTunes store soon.

This page is to show you the feature that you have all been waiting for:




Magellan’s Traffic is simple to use and comes at NO ADDITIONAL COST.

On the main page there is an icon on the left with cars and a time below it.

[See picture below]

Click there to see your current planned route and an alternate route.

[See picture below]

At the bottom there is a Traffic Report icon with details on what is causing the delay.

[See picture below]

On the map, traffic is categorized by color from:

Red – Major congestion or bumper-to-bumper driving
Orange – Some congestion, moderate speeds
Green - Traffic is flowing near highway speeds

As you drive, Traffic warnings will be announced.

Traffic is refreshed every 5 minutes!

Check back in tomorrow! I will be posting a new feature-a-day!

Thanks and don't forget to Register your App!

If you have any questions post or PM me!


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haha! thanks for welcoming me.

I understand that I have a lot of "band-aiding" to do.

I'm sorry to inform you that a fix to the first version was not viable.

The delays to the due dates were due to internal issues. They have been solved. I assure you I wouldn't be posting if they hadn't.

I am not being managed by the same people or policies. Again, I assure you I wouldn't be posting if I were.

And credibility is built through action. I'm telling you our product is coming up and going to be a winner. Give it a chance, it's a free update with free traffic. Something none of our competitors can say.

- Mage
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haha! thanks for welcoming me.

I understand that I have a lot of "band-aiding" to do.

The AUX issue was fixed in the second version of the car kit. I'm sorry to inform you that a fix to the first version was not viable.

I am not being managed by the same people or policies. Again, I assure you I wouldn't be posting if I were.

- Mage

Care to shed some light on why "maggie" refused to say the fix was not coming, or even that a modified second version was fixed? Was this some sort of intern with no authority who promised the moon and had no idea what would and could happen?

When this maggie persona hit the web it was a similar tale. She admitted Magellan customer support was weak but they really had made changes etc etc etc. Then the wheels started falling off, she promised all kinds of things, nothing happened. Time will tell if this is any different. Unfortunately for Magellan the damage is already done here, on Facebook, and the other forums.

I don't know Maggie. So, I can't speculate on what happened.

What I can tell you is that I am going to vigilant in making sure that these forums are a means of open communication and that I will be honest with what I tell you.

If you got anything on your mind, just let me know.

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