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I have a question re: the Car Kit that I'm hoping somebody can answer. Does anyone know if the included mount can be removed so that the holder can be mounted directly to a universal bracket? I have a Panavise bracket in my car that has a mounting plate with holes and slots for various adaptors so that you can attach Garmin units, T-slots, etc. directly to the bracket.

Is there anyway to do that with this holder or are you stuck with the swivel mounting system that's included? Thanks!


Hi James,

I am not sure I understand the gist of your question, but the Car Kit mount can be remove if what you mean is in this picture.

If so please refer to this video and it may help you out :)

- Maggie

I purchased your car kit and it's a great piece of work. Any possibility of future versions coming with arms that extend a little further to accomodate larger phone cases? This would also allow one to use a modified dock extender to reach recessed ports if you didn't feel like incorporating an adjustable one on the dock itself.

Hi Bear Hunter,

The next car kit will be a upgrade from the previous that will further enhance and assist your everyday GPS needs :)

- Maggie
Another Magellan Giveaway!!

Hi Guys,

Magellan proudly presents our new USA only app for only $39.99!! As a special promotion, we would like to announce our free app give-away!!! That’s right folks! Magellan is giving away 3 free apps to 3 lucky winners! To be eligible all you have to do is refer a friend to be a fan of Magellan on Facebook. It is that simple, refer a friend and you and your friend are automatically entered to win our new USA app!!
For more information please go to:


- Maggie
Hi Bear Hunter,

The next car kit will be a upgrade from the previous that will further enhance and assist your everyday GPS needs :)

- Maggie

Thanks that's fantastic. Looks like I'll be picking up another unit then. Can you give us an estimated date?

Remember longer arms and if possible an adjustable dock connector. This way you don't have to do any redesign to accomodate future sizes.
Hi James,

I am not sure I understand the gist of your question, but the Car Kit mount can be remove if what you mean is in this picture.

If so please refer to this video and it may help you out :)

- Maggie

Thanks Maggie! I picked up the car kit today from our local Apple store and now I see how the mount works. The ball on the back that goes in the socket looks to be about the same size as the standard Garmin ball mount so I can pick up a number of different adaptors that will simply replace the mounting arm in the kit and will then attach to my universal bracket so I think I'm ok there.

I'm a little concerned however as you've mentioned a new version is coming out. Do you have a time frame for that and what the different capabilities are? This thing was pretty expensive at $150 Cdn so I don't want to end up with an orphan if bigger, better, faster is just around the corner. Thanks!

I highly doubt it would be around the corner since they just released this. Although that would suit me perfectly. I wouldn't have to buy a second case for my iPhone just so it will fit in the cradle. If I were a betting man, my guess would be sometime next year.
Ok, finally got my Magellan car kit installed and so far so good. Took a little surgery to my existing dash-mount Panavise bracket to mount it but that turned out ok. The bluetooth button on the backside of the unit is a major fail though. What was somebody thinking when they thought that might be a good idea? That should have been located on the front bottom edge of the unit just below the phone. What a major distraction groping around for that button when you need it! At least my phone only sits a little over a foot away from me but I can't imagine this for those of you with it mounted further out on the windshield.

I'm also waffling on the fact that the dock speaker stays on when you have the 3.5mm audio jack plugged in for music. I'll have to play with this a couple of days and see how much of a pain that's going to be as the volume dial on the unit has to be cranked up and down and it's pretty tiny. I saw it mentioned in this and another thread of a firmware update coming to address this issue. Any updates on that or is Magellan just blowing smoke to deflect the criticism? I sort of understand the logic behind the design but a simple solution to keep the most flexibility would be to add a small mute on/off button on the front or side of the unit just for the internal speaker or at least make the electronics controlling this a little more intelligent. I'm hoping the firmware upgrade details will be forthcoming soon as I may have to return the unit within the next two weeks pending my usage evaluation over the next few days.

Otherwise so far I like the unit. The internal dock GPS "seems" to be working better than the phone alone but I haven't been able to test that yet in usual problem areas like downtown. The actual phone holder itself is brilliant in it's simplicity especially in the fact that I do not have to remove my phone from its case. I like the fact that this unit is trying to be all things to everybody and it's "almost" there with the exceptions noted above. And the price... yikes! $150 in Canada from the Apple Store.


I saw it mentioned in this and another thread of a firmware update coming to address this issue. Any updates on that or is Magellan just blowing smoke to deflect the criticism?

I think she was being sincere, but I suspect the people who told her that a fix was coming were overly optimistic. I don't expect to see a fix on this version. If it could be done via firmware and they were serious about doing it we would have seen it. I read in this thread that it was expected back in February. Now April and no mention of it and no follow up. That usually is how things go when they want to initially make people happy, then decide it isn't practical. Unfortunately the customer relations people take the fall for this decision. I know I've certainly lost some faith in magellan with the lack of the promised fix and as such did not buy one.
I think she was being sincere, but I suspect the people who told her that a fix was coming were overly optimistic. I don't expect to see a fix on this version. If it could be done via firmware and they were serious about doing it we would have seen it. I read in this thread that it was expected back in February. Now April and no mention of it and no follow up. That usually is how things go when they want to initially make people happy, then decide it isn't practical. Unfortunately the customer relations people take the fall for this decision. I know I've certainly lost some faith in magellan with the lack of the promised fix and as such did not buy one.

Yep, I have no doubt she is sincere and just an unfortunate choice of phrasing on my part. Having said that, after living with this cradle for a few days now, I will be returning it. I'm sorry, just not seeing the value for the money here.

The bluetooth functionality is almost useless to me and I've had to revert back to my visor attached Jabra 700 for hands free. People say they can hear me on the dock microphone but lots of background noise. The bluetooth button on the backside of the unit has likewise turned out to be a serious distraction as well when you're driving so it somewhat negates the benefits of having "hands free". I realize you have to push a button at some point but this only takes a quick press on the Jabra and I don't even have to take my eyes off the road to feel around for the button.

The speaker being on with the audio output jack has also turned out to be a serious inconvenience as well and that just leaves me now with the GPS add on. Yes, it does work a little better than the one in the iPhone but not enough to justify the price of this cradle in my case when I can't really use anything else in the cradle. The GPS in my phone was actually working pretty darn well on it's own and acquiring a lock faster as it triangulates with the cell towers first until it gets a solid receiver lock and thus was ready to go quicker than the one in the cradle. Once locked the cradle one is better but again, not enough better to justify the price of this thing.

I really wanted to like this unit... I really did! But at this point, it's just not for me and back to my Seidio charging dock. Cheers!

Yep, I have no doubt she is sincere and just an unfortunate choice of phrasing on my part. Having said that, after living with this cradle for a few days now, I will be returning it. I'm sorry, just not seeing the value for the money here.

The bluetooth functionality is almost useless to me and I've had to revert back to my visor attached Jabra 700 for hands free. People say they can hear me on the dock microphone but lots of background noise. The bluetooth button on the backside of the unit has likewise turned out to be a serious distraction as well when you're driving so it somewhat negates the benefits of having "hands free". I realize you have to push a button at some point but this only takes a quick press on the Jabra and I don't even have to take my eyes off the road to feel around for the button.

The speaker being on with the audio output jack has also turned out to be a serious inconvenience as well and that just leaves me now with the GPS add on. Yes, it does work a little better than the one in the iPhone but not enough to justify the price of this cradle in my case when I can't really use anything else in the cradle. The GPS in my phone was actually working pretty darn well on it's own and acquiring a lock faster as it triangulates with the cell towers first until it gets a solid receiver lock and thus was ready to go quicker than the one in the cradle. Once locked the cradle one is better but again, not enough better to justify the price of this thing.

I really wanted to like this unit... I really did! But at this point, it's just not for me and back to my Seidio charging dock. Cheers!


I'm guessing TomTom is working on a new version that will be better than the one out now. I'll wait for that. The Magellan was tops on my list but the failure to fix the AUX issue in a timely manner (or at all...tbd), sound quality issues, and cost kept me from buying.

I also feel a bit like Magellan has been using these forums as a marketing outlet. Talk up the device, say things we want to hear...and then? Three months ago we were told a fix was in the works. Magellan's Customer Service was very poor years ago and I swore to never buy from them again. This seemed like the product that could turn me. Maggie's personal attention was a very nice touch that worked. However it seems management (or whoever told her a AUX fix was coming) undermined her credibility. We should have a fix by now or have been told it wasn't happening. I'm glad I didn't buy expecting the fix to come as I was led to believe.
Hey Guys!

Don't worry I am still here :) Just been working on some stuff coming soon that you guys will enjoy! ;) Also, just wanted to say have a great weekend!
Hey Guys!

Don't worry I am still here :) Just been working on some stuff coming soon that you guys will enjoy! ;) Also, just wanted to say have a great weekend!

I hope this "something" is not about promos and more giveaways. We need a fix. This customer support with no actual substance is getting pretty tiring.
I hope this "something" is not about promos and more giveaways. We need a fix. This customer support with no actual substance is getting pretty tiring.

At this point it looks like "maggie" just a sales rep trying to sell goods. We gave feedback, it was 'heard', we were told a fix was on the way, then nothing. The last post flat out ignores my direct question about the fix. Clearly not here to help us, rather score points for Magellan.

Maggie. Is there a fix? Yes or no. Ignoring the question won't help. It is time to come clean.

I'm tempted to report the account to Arn for banning per the rules:

"Advertising/soliciting. Using the forums for advertising or for commercial business deals and offers. See the MacRumors About page if you want to buy advertising at the site. You may not make posts to promote commercial, personal, or not-for-profit websites. Threads will be deleted if their purpose is to advertise, announce, or promote products, services, or organizations, build traffic at other websites, solicit donations, votes, or participants for surveys, contests, or product testing, carry out business activities including employment requests/offers, or other similar purposes that do not benefit our forum community. Memberships created solely for such purposes will be banned. Exception: Developers of iPhone, iPod touch and iPad applications are afforded special privileges, including certain posting of product promotions. See Guidelines for App Store Developers for details."

We've seen lots of promotion of Magellan products, and unfortunately now what seem to be lies about what they are doing to address feedback offered by the community. If they are hear just to sell their wares, and pay lip service to MacRumors members, ban 'em I say.
And what do you expect her to do? As you said, most likely she is a marketing person, and that's fine. She doesn't post links to their website asking for people to go there, she doesn't go off promoting their stuff. She posts free things, and that's about it. She most likely has no authority to find out how to get things fixed, or what is wrong, or that the time table is. In fact, she may have her hands tied by what she can say.

At least she is here, at least she is doing SOMETHING, and I appreciate that. It is much easier to just ignore everything from here.

As far as we know, she has done all she can, submitting the information to engineering. From there, she may not get any information, or it can take weeks / months.

Would I like more information? Sure, but companies are typically quite tight lipped about things until they are ready to announce them. I asked about the Magellan iPhone Cradle, will it fit the iPhone 4 if I buy it now? I wasn't expecting a response and got none... Would I like to know? Sure, and it is hurting them by not answering because I am not buying anything until I find out (I'm more likely to buy a cheap on in the mean time). In due time we will find out the answers, but not until they are ready.
She doesn't post links to their website asking for people to go there, she doesn't go off promoting their stuff. She posts free things, and that's about it.

Uhhh, have you seen the first post in this thread? Entirely promoting the product with big BUY IT! links.
Uhhh, have you seen the first post in this thread? Entirely promoting the product with big BUY IT! links.

I thought the rules said that posting it once was OK, posting a lot isn't. Bumping a thread from last year and saying that is a lot, isn't. I was wrong that she didn't post it at all, but it is far from being done a lot or obnoxiously.
I thought the rules said that posting it once was OK, posting a lot isn't. Bumping a thread from last year and saying that is a lot, isn't. I was wrong that she didn't post it at all, but it is far from being done a lot or obnoxiously.

Developers are allowed to post about their apps, however this thread (and the BUY NOW links) are also about the car kit. That is not permitted. She also posted contests for accessories in the code sharing forum. There is also another thread in a different forum that is about the car kit. There she says it is from 'them' as if she is not an employee of the company (which she is). Another violation of the rules (you cannot post product info as if you were a regular consumer).

Basically been stretching the rules for app developers to use these forums as a marketing outlet for Magellan. They can buy advertising if they would like to sell to the MacRumors community.
A fix for the AUX issue?

Almost a week and still no response. Pretty clear Magellans purpose here is to sell product, generate followers on Facebook and Twitter and other promotions...not provide support or anything for the customer.
Almost a week and still no response. Pretty clear Magellans purpose here is to sell product, generate followers on Facebook and Twitter and other promotions...not provide support or anything for the customer.

Hey Guys,

We are definitely reading your posts and our engineer teams are running numerous tests in attempts to remove all the bugs before release. We hope to release our new updates around Summer. :)

- Maggie
Hey Guys,

We are definitely reading your posts and our engineer teams are running numerous tests in attempts to remove all the bugs before release. We hope to release our new updates around Summer. :)

- Maggie

Is this for the AUX issue with the car kit? That update should not take 6 months if a firmware update could fix it. If not that should be stated here.
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