I hope this "something" is not about promos and more giveaways. We need a fix. This customer support with no actual substance is getting pretty tiring.
At this point it looks like "maggie" just a sales rep trying to sell goods. We gave feedback, it was 'heard', we were told a fix was on the way, then nothing. The last post flat out ignores my direct question about the fix. Clearly not here to help us, rather score points for Magellan.
Maggie. Is there a fix? Yes or no. Ignoring the question won't help. It is time to come clean.
I'm tempted to report the account to Arn for banning per the rules:
"Advertising/soliciting. Using the forums for advertising or for commercial business deals and offers. See the MacRumors About page if you want to buy advertising at the site. You may not make posts to promote commercial, personal, or not-for-profit websites. Threads will be deleted if their purpose is to advertise, announce, or promote products, services, or organizations, build traffic at other websites, solicit donations, votes, or participants for surveys, contests, or product testing, carry out business activities including employment requests/offers, or other similar purposes that do not benefit our forum community. Memberships created solely for such purposes will be banned. Exception: Developers of iPhone, iPod touch and iPad applications are afforded special privileges, including certain posting of product promotions. See Guidelines for App Store Developers for details."
We've seen lots of promotion of Magellan products, and unfortunately now what seem to be lies about what they are doing to address feedback offered by the community. If they are hear just to sell their wares, and pay lip service to MacRumors members, ban 'em I say.