The problem is Magellan has to pay to license map updates. There's no way these companies will continue to give away free map updates for the lifetime of the product. That is just a stupid business move. The days of lifetime free updates are slowly ending on the App Store. Developers have already realized that you can not continue to support these products forever. In the end, the App Stores upgrade policies will be no different than any other software.
Good point but at the same time how much will we be paying by the time we get the hardware kit? Over $200 and were providing the phone.
Have you looked at what the stand alone units are dropping to in price.
Some for $60.
I'm hoping the software will have better features and will make up for this.
I also believe the price has some free updates included.
Once Google releases the free GPS app if Magellan and the rest of the companies are not providing a better product and value then why would we buy the next major version.
So I purchased Magellan GPS last night and used it this morning on my morning commute to work. The experience was great and look forwarding to the new updates.
I was happy to see that it took me the normal way I would go to work unlike TomTom that tries to make me go the extra mile.
Keep up the good work Magellan.
If anyone has questions about comparison with TomTom and Navigon I can give you insight since I have purchased them all.
What features are missing in Magellan that Tom-Tom or Navigon have?