I am in the exact same boat as you and I am quite furious. I ordered mine on BestBuy.com on Monday evening around 7PMish and chose the Expedite shipping, which was $21.97 at the time but it said it would be delivered on the 22nd. I get an email saying it has shipped from CA but no other tracking information but it said would be delivered by the end of day 22nd. Then Tuesday morning I get on here and see someone posted that Best Buy is offering free next day shipping so I called and waited 54 minutes to get through to Customer Service. After a lengthy discussion they finally tell me they will refund my money for shipping. All day yesterday I keep checking my tracking info and all it says is Shipping label created as 12:00am the 22nd. I finally did a chat with CS on BestBuy.com in the afternoon asking if that is normal and when I'll get it. The rep assured me it would be there by the end of day yesterday. No package last night. Looks like I am going to have to contact Best Buy again! I am going to go off!