I had hoped the battery can at least maintain the mini’s battery when in use. Unfortunately this is not the case.
The phone battery depletes when the screen is on, and the battery pack also deletes but at a slower rate than the phone battery. I think the battery is charging the phone at 2.5W, as both the phone and battery is not warmer than normal.
When the screen is off, the battery pack depletes much faster to charge the Mini battery at around 1:1 ratio. Probably at 5W, the battery is warmer than compared to using the phone.
I attached the fully charged battery to the Mini with 80% charge, just over 7 hours later, the attached battery died and the Mini is at 44%. The phone was left alone for the last hour.
So after 6 hours of continuous usage, a 36% drop of the Mini battery is not bad at all. By it self, the Mini would have been dead around 5 hours with 80% charge.
The total weight feels similar to my old iPhone 11 Pro Max. So it’s not too heavy to use with the battery attached.
I’m not sure if this is an improvement over Apple’s old battery case. It is more convenient to attach and take off. But takes a very long time to change even 30% of Mini’s battery around 1hr. Plus the Mini still loosing battery even with attached battery.