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Depends if you have a fully compatible config or not, see the first post. If you have, you can make a completely vanilla install of Catalina with OpenCore.

I don't recommend patched installs at all, but people that don't want to learn how to use OpenCore go for it.

I've read everything in the 1st post and don't know what you mean by fully compatible config. I see mentions of graphic cards for display on boot and I have the RX580 which seems to say I don't need the custom boot. How can I check if my processor is Westmere?

I'm trying to understand what is the difference between this method and using Dosdude? The main installation sounds fine but then all the changes needed for hardware acceleration seem tricky.

Finally if I only need Xcode can I do something like running Catalina on VMWare?
Already tried dwgAAA== and doesn't worked, this means that opencore 0.59 is unable to patch the BigSur boot.efi or its nvram boot-args .

dwgAAA== should be the new value for OC.

If you do a printf "$(echo -n 'w%08%00%00' | sed -E '/\\/s//\\\\/g;/%/s//\\x/g')" | base64 then you obtain the above value.. I haven't tried it yet, will do after I am done with some tasks..

I used the converted hex 77080000 (from dwgAAA==) for the OC csr-active-config value in OC release 0.5.9. This disables sip completely on iMac 2011 including authenticated-root. It does not allow for changes (enable/disable) in the Recovery though when booted from OC.
I used the converted hex 77080000 (from dwgAAA==) for the OC csr-active-config value in OC release 0.5.9. This disables sip completely on iMac 2011 including authenticated-root. It does not allow for changes (enable/disable) in the Recovery though when booted from OC.

Booting BigSur Recovery 10.16 (dmg) (or Recovery Beta) from opencore 0.59 and using from there csrutil authenticated-root disable worked for me, using in opencore csr-active-config data value dwgAAA== this doesn't worked when I use from BigSur Recovery csrutil authenticated-root enable, that data value only disabled SIP as this: 77000000

To test the opencore "csr-active-config" effectiveness you should re-enable authenticated-root .
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Something interesting to note. If you open BOOTx64.efi with text editor along with a bunch of unreadable symbols you can actually read a debug log! This one actually turns to be more extensive than the log file created by OpenCore. Not sure if this is only valid for DEBUG and NOOPT builds:
BS: Failed to locate loaded image - %r
BS: Booter pathBS: Failed to obtain own file system
BS: Trying to start loaded OpenCore image...
BS: Trying to load OpenCore image...
BS: Failed to load OpenCore from disk - %r
BS: Failed to start OpenCore image - %r
BS: Failed to locate bootstrap protocol - %r
BS: Unsupported bootstrap protocol %u vs %u
/Volumes/Backup/UDK/OpenCorePkg/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.cParentImageHandle != ((void *) 0)BS: Failed to locate valid OpenCore image - %p!
BS: Read OpenCore image of %Lu bytes
BS: Failed to load OpenCore image - %r
BS: Loaded OpenCore image at %p handle
ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status = %r)
/Volumes/Backup/UDK/Build/OpenCorePkg/DEBUG_XCODE5/X64/OpenCorePkg/Application/Bootstrap/Bootstrap/DEBUG/AutoGen.c!EFI_ERROR (Status)Buffer != ((void *) 0)/Volumes/Backup/UDK/MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibRepStr/ZeroMemWrapper.cLength <= (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL - (UINTN)Buffer + 1)(Length - 1) <= (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL - (UINTN)DestinationBuffer)(Length - 1) <= (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL - (UINTN)SourceBuffer)/Volumes/Backup/UDK/MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLibRepStr/CopyMemWrapper.c/Volumes/Backup/UDK/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/SetJump.cJumpBuffer != ((void *) 0)((UINTN)JumpBuffer & (8 - 1)) == 0Count < 64Divisor != 0/Volumes/Backup/UDK/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/LShiftU64.c/Volumes/Backup/UDK/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/DivU64x32Remainder.c/Volumes/Backup/UDK/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/SafeString.c((UINTN) String & 0x00000001) == 0/Volumes/Backup/UDK/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/String.cString != ((void *) 0)Length < _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLengthLength < _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength/Volumes/Backup/UDK/MdePkg/Library/BaseLib/Unaligned.cFileSystem != ((void *) 0)OCFS: Trying to locate filesystem on %p %p
OCFS: Filesystem DP is %s
OCFS: No device handle or path to proceed
OCFS: Failed to locate device handle over path - %r
OCFS: No filesystem on device handle %p
/Volumes/Backup/UDK/OpenCorePkg/Library/OcFileLib/OpenFile.cFileName != ((void *) 0)OCFS: Filename %s has trailing slash
FilePath != ((void *) 0)/Volumes/Backup/UDK/OpenCorePkg/Library/OcFileLib/ReadFile.c/Volumes/Backup/UDK/MdePkg/Library/UefiMemoryAllocationLib/MemoryAllocationLib.cAllocationSize <= (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL - (UINTN) Buffer + 1)/Volumes/Backup/UDK/MdePkg/Library/UefiDevicePathLib/DevicePathUtilities.cNode != ((void *) 0)/Volumes/Backup/UDK/MdePkg/Library/UefiDevicePathLib/DevicePathToText.cStr->Str != ((void *) 0)NewStr != ((void *) 0)UriStr != ((void *) 0)/Volumes/Backup/UDK/OpenCorePkg/Library/OcDebugLogLib/OcDebugLogLib.cFormat != ((void *) 0)ASSERT [%a] %a(%d): %a
%a - %s
SuccessWarning Unknown GlyphWarning Delete FailureWarning Write FailureWarning Buffer Too SmallWarning Stale DataLoad ErrorInvalid ParameterUnsupportedBad Buffer SizeBuffer Too SmallNot ReadyDevice ErrorWrite ProtectedOut of ResourcesVolume CorruptVolume FullNo MediaMedia changedNot FoundAccess DeniedNo ResponseNo mappingTime outNot startedAlready startedAbortedICMP ErrorTFTP ErrorProtocol ErrorIncompatible VersionSecurity ViolationCRC ErrorEnd of MediaReserved (29)Reserved (30)End of FileInvalid LanguageCompromised Data/Volumes/Backup/UDK/MdePkg/Library/BasePrintLib/PrintLibInternal.c(Buffer != ((void *) 0))(BufferSize <= (_gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength))(Format != ((void *) 0))(BufferSize <= (_gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength))(StrnLenS ((CHAR16 *)Format, (_gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength) + 1) <= (_gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength))(AsciiStrnLenS (Format, (_gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength) + 1) <= (_gPcd_FixedAtBuild_PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength))<null string><null guid>%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x<null time>%02d/%02d/%04d  %02d:%02d%08X

/Volumes/Backup/UDK/MdePkg/Library/BasePrintLib/PrintLib.c(((UINTN) (StartOfBuffer)) & 0x01) == 0(((UINTN) (FormatString)) & 0x01) == 0/Volumes/Backup/UDK/MdePkg/Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.cgRT != ((void *) 0)/Volumes/Backup/UDK/MdePkg/Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib/UefiBootServicesTableLib.cgImageHandle != ((void *) 0)gST != ((void *) 0)gBS != ((void *) 0)EFI\OC\OpenCore.efiPci(0x%x,0x%x)PcCard(0x%x)MemoryMapped(0x%x,0x%lx,0x%lx)HwMsgVenPcAnsi()VenVt100()VenVt100Plus()VenUtf8()UartFlowCtrl(%s)NoneHardwareXonXoffSAS(0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%x,NoTopology,0,0,0,%s,%s,%s,SATASASExternalInternalExpandedDirect0,0x%x,0x%x,0,0,0,0x%x)DebugPort()Media?Ven%s(%g,%02x)Ctrl(0x%x)BMC(0x%x,0x%lx)PciRoot(0x%x)PcieRoot(0x%x)Floppy(0x%x)Keyboard(0x%x)Serial(0x%x)ParallelPort(0x%x)Acpi(PNP%04x,0x%x)Acpi(0x%08x,0x%x)PciRoot(%a)PcieRoot(%a)%c%c%c%04XAcpiExp(%s,0,%a)AcpiExp(%s,%s,%a)AcpiEx(%a,AcpiEx(%s,%a,%s,%a)AcpiEx(%s,%s,0x%x,%a,%a,%a)AcpiAdr(0x%x,0x%xAta(0x%x)Ata(%s,%s,0x%x)SecondaryPrimarySlaveMasterScsi(0x%x,0x%x)Fibre(0x%lx,0x%lx)FibreEx(0x,0xSasEx(0x,0x%x,NoTopology,0,0,000x%x0x%x,0,0,0NVMe(0x%x,%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x)UFS(0x%x,0x%x)SD(0x%x)eMMC(0x%x)I1394(%016lx)USB(0x%x,0x%x)UsbWwid(0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,"%s")Unit(0x%x)UsbAudioUsbCDCControlUsbHIDUsbImageUsbPrinterUsbMassStorageUsbHubUsbCDCDataUsbSmartCardUsbVideoUsbDiagnosticUsbWireless(0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x)UsbDeviceFirmwareUpdate(0x%x,0x%x,0x%x)UsbIrdaBridge(0x%x,0x%x,0x%x)UsbTestAndMeasurement(0x%x,0x%x,0x%x)UsbClass(0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x)Sata(0x%x,0x%x,0x%x)I2O(0x%x)MAC(,0x%x)TCPUDP%d.%d.%d.%d%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02x:%02x%02xIPv4(,%s,StaticDHCPIPv6(,Static,,StatelessAutoConfigure,,StatefulAutoConfigure,Infiniband(0x%x,%g,0x%lx,0x%lx,0x%lx)Uart(DEFAULT,Uart(%ld,DEFAULT,%d,%c,D)1)1.5)2)x)iSCSI(%a,0x%x,0xCRC32CCHAP_UNICHAP_BI%s)reservedVlan(%d)Bluetooth(%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x)Wi-Fi(%a)BluetoothLE(%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x,0x%02x)Dns(Uri(%a)HD(%d,%s,0x%08x,MBRHD(%d,%s,%g,GPTHD(%d,%d,0,0x%lx,0x%lx)CDROM(0x%x)CDROM(0x%x,0x%lx,0x%lx)%sMedia(%g)Fv(%g)FvFile(%g)Offset(0x%lx,0x%lx)VirtualDisk(0x%lx,0x%lx,%d)VirtualCD(0x%lx,0x%lx,%d)PersistentVirtualDisk(0x%lx,0x%lx,%d)PersistentVirtualCD(0x%lx,0x%lx,%d)RamDisk(0x%lx,0x%lx,%d,%g)FloppyHDCDROMPCMCIAUSBNetworkBBS(%s,%aBBS(0x%x,%aHardwarePathAcpiPathMediaPathBbsPathPath(%d,%d%s(%d/<nil><empty>BÄ@B/BġDNEOMS0123456789ABCDEFu6uheHu\u¯ ; f /#M#Ñ#Z$ˆ&â'Ô'(5(√(.*ì*∑*÷*ı*+7+Í+    ,Ã-¯-.©/
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Edit: This log actually is generated during the building of OC
Last edited:
I've read everything in the 1st post and don't know what you mean by fully compatible config. I see mentions of graphic cards for display on boot and I have the RX580 which seems to say I don't need the custom boot. How can I check if my processor is Westmere?
sysctl machdep.cpu.brand_string

Westmere/Gulftown are E56xx, L56xx, X56xx, W36xx.

If you need Wi-Fi, you need to upgrade to a supported one, like BCM94360.

I'm trying to understand what is the difference between this method and using Dosdude? The main installation sounds fine but then all the changes needed for hardware acceleration seem tricky.
Hacked installs don't update to minor macOS releases. With OpenCore you use vanilla installs and have normal software updates. While it's easier to do the initial installation with a hacked/patched install, it's a lot more hands on to maintain it.

Learn to use OpenCore, it's a lot easier in the long run.

Finally if I only need Xcode can I do something like running Catalina on VMWare?
Yes, you can.
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I’m sorry if this was already asked. I have Catolina 10.15.4 dosdude1 patcher installed and running. Is there a different config.plist I need to use and procedure from the OP or a link to the procedure if dosdude1 version is already installed? Thanks.

Ok Just read above my post its better to follow the OP procedure and not to use a hacked version of any MacOS.
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Well, I 'll be darned. I have finally managed to get OC with Catalina and WIndows running. Farewell Bootchamp…

Windows 10 was finally installed using rufus on another PC. It actually installed Windows on the same SSD rufus put the installer on. A few questions, if I may:

Is there a way to edit the text for the icons in the bootpicker? I understand these are derived from the volume names for each disk initially, but I subsequently changed the macos one from Catalina to macOS, yet the bootpicker icon text is still 'Catalina.'

I also ended up with another Windows icon (this was from a previous botched attempt to install Windows from a USB stick I guess). I've got an SSD with Catalina, an SSD with Windows UEFI install, and an NVMe PCIe drive that somehow ended up with an EFI partition as well. I deleted that EFI manually as this is purely a data-only drive thinking OC was picking something up there, but to no avail - the bootpicker still shows another Windows icon.

Selecting it gives an immediate BSOD showing some \BCD file error - nothing ever happens if I press F1 as shown or anything else - the Mac Pro eventually just reboots.

So, what is OC picking up here? Must be some leftover Windows-type partition on my macOS SSD where OC is? Any other tips on how to force-delete that thing or otherwise edit what's shown?

Thank you.
@cdf any update on the Windows boot freeze? It looks like the Apple bluetooth driver is the culprit.
@cdf any update on the Windows boot freeze? It looks like the Apple bluetooth driver is the culprit.

I don't think that the driver is at fault here, because the freezing also occurs on the first boot after the installation, before any Apple drivers are installed. My testing suggests that the issue is resolved now with the current install method.
I have Catalina running under OC 0.5.9 including the advanced configuration. Everything works great - thanks.

Except - I have to clear the nvram with every restart or the bootpicker does not show up. Computer just sits there and does nothing. A simple quick press of the power button shuts it down - no long press needed. Then with the NVRAM reset (single boot chime - a triple reset doesn't fix problem beyond current boot) the bootpicker shows up and I can boot up Catalina, Mojave or Win10. This happens on a reset or a shutdown.

Except - I have to clear the nvram with every restart or the bootpicker does not show up. Computer just sits there and does nothing. A simple quick press of the power button shuts it down - no long press needed. Then with the NVRAM reset (single boot chime - a triple reset doesn't fix problem beyond current boot) the bootpicker shows up and I can boot up Catalina, Mojave or Win10. This happens on a reset or a shutdown.

It seems that you are just relying on the default detection of bootx64.efi. Try booting into the Mojave recovery natively (not through OC) and bless OC again. You can also try setting BootProtect to "Bootstrap" to help with boot persistence. Another thing: what kind of disk is OC installed to? Some PCIe drives behave similarly to what you've described.
I don't think that the driver is at fault here, because the freezing also occurs on the first boot after the installation, before any Apple drivers are installed. My testing suggests that the issue is resolved now with the current install method.
Actually, I can reboot many times, until I update the Apple drivers. That is why I thought it was fixed while using the OCData legacy drivers. The issue is not resolved, there is another user who has the same issues with your install steps.
Actually, I can reboot many times, until I update the Apple drivers. That is why I thought it was fixed while using the OCData legacy drivers. The issue is not resolved, there is another user who has the same issues with your install steps.

If you are referring to the ExFatDxeLegacy driver, its purpose is for booting the installer. I don't think that it has an effect on the freezing. As for the linked issue, it seems to mostly concern a different (BSoD) issue.
As for the linked issue, it seems to mostly concern a different (BSoD) issue.
I'm pretty sure he has the same issue. One thing is sure, if I don't upgrade the Apple drivers, everything is fine, I can reboot without issues with OpenCanopy. Once I have the Magic Mouse drivers installed, everything fuxorz. :) No issues with builtin bootpicker.
It seems that you are just relying on the default detection of bootx64.efi. Try booting into the Mojave recovery natively (not through OC) and bless OC again. You can also try setting BootProtect to "Bootstrap" to help with boot persistence. Another thing: what kind of disk is OC installed to? Some PCIe drives behave similarly to what you've described.
I will try your suggestions - just muddling over how to boot to Mojave recovery. Yes, Catalina is on a NVME drive (970 EVO SSD 1TB) mounted in a PCIe adapter.

Something interesting to note. If you open BOOTx64.efi with text editor along with a bunch of unreadable symbols you can actually read a debug log! This one actually turns to be more extensive than the log file created by OpenCore. Not sure if this is only valid for DEBUG and NOOPT builds:

Edit: This log actually is generated during the building of OC
Why are you looking at the binary when you can look at the source code? For example, the first set of strings is from

What you're looking at is not a log. It is a list of strings that are used to produce the log. You can tell by all the "%" characters which are replaced by actual numbers and strings when the code is executed.
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