Using OpenCanopy encounter this issue: if I have many bootable volumes (example plugging an external USB with other bootable volumes) they don't fit the screen correctly, but if I use keyboard arrows they are selectable even if "out of bounds" compared to the display.
I use this config (but with many volumes they don't fit the screen correctly):
Code:<key>4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14</key> <dict> <key>UIScale</key> <data>AQ==</data>
Does anyone know how to "resize Volume icns" when many icons (or volumes) are available using OpenCanopy.efi ?
This is on the list of issues:
OpenCanopy meta issue · Issue #759 · acidanthera/bugtracker
This issue will cover all the current issues or basically feature requests from OpenCanopy. I will split this in three lists to make things easier for us: Undecided (what we know about but are unsu...
Unfortunately, if you're using UIScale=1 (AQ==) and switch to HiDPI, things will be worst.