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From investigation, legacy NVDIA cards that rely on UGA seem able to show the boot picker
These are probably NVIDIA cards made by Apple or flashed by MVC. Apple switched back and forth from AMD-->NVIDIA-->AMD. The latest NVIDIA by Apple is 750M
Differences in AMD and NVIDIA vbios structure:
The AMD GPU firmware is formed from a Legacy ROM + an optional GOP in a compressed EFI ROM + possibly a microcode, although extremely rare. Only the Legacy ROM is checksummed, the checksum byte being the one after IBM string, offset 0x21. The Nvidia GPU firmware is formed from an optional IFR header + a Legacy ROM + an optional GOP in a compressed EFI ROM + some optional Nvidia images with signature 564E (Nvidia NBSI/ISBN for signing, Nvidia HDCP, Nvidia x86 extension). Apart from the IFR header, all other Nvidia images are checksummed, the last byte being the checksum byte. A special care for Nvidia is recommended, since it is using some extended headers.
NVIDIA BIOS Information Table Specification
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Hey guys,
I successfully installed Catalina on my MacPro 5,1 everything works for now except the WIFI. Is there a way to make the old Airport card work or do I have to buy another card? Can anyone give me some tips?
Use the 80211 family kext from Mojave
Can you elaborate on how to do this? I can find the kext, but what to do with it?
The easiest way is to create Catalina USB with dosdude's patcher and after booting from it select post install patches and check only that patch. Uncheck everything else.
Thanks guys, got it running! btw The app is called 'hackintool' not 'hacktool' -- the search for which got me mired in google results for viruses :)
One more question:
I installed the IO80211Family.kext from Mojave but I see one also called "IO80211FamilyV2.kext" - Should that be installed as well? Wifi and bluetooth seem to be working okay without it.
Oh, and is it safe to sign in to iCloud with SMBIOS set to iMacPro like in the guide? Won't Apple find out anything?
Need some assistance. I got hit by lightning and my Mac Pro 5,1 fried USB/BT/Sound. I replaced the motherboard but I guess it does not have the firmware/boot rom to read my boot drive (OpenCore / Catalina 10.15.6 update) I can read my data/time machine drive but I can't boot from it. How can I upgrade this new board's firmware/boot rom to be able to read my boot drive (I'm guessing it's APFS?)


I have El Capitan and Mavericks clones I am going to try to boot off of those and hope to land on a desktop.

In case anybody else has this issue, I solved it by booting from an old Mavericks OS X clone I had (the El Capitan clone I had was kernelp anic'ing) and installed all the versions of macOS until I found the ones that updated the BOOT ROM (High Sierra and then Mojave) to ver, I had an MP51.#####.### version before (must have been an old motherboard that was recycled before all these updates were pushed). What I find interesting is that I couldn't install form my Snow Leopard DVD, it would not boot up...and I didn't have any USB prepared to boot from. I would suggest keeping a cheap $20 SSD around with an old Sierra macOS in case you have the same luck. Also, after updating to, you do not need to go through the entire process of installing Mojave, the Mojave install will instruct you to shutdown and power back up holding the power button until it flashes and you hear a long chime.
Does anybody know if OpenCore has any interactivity? Reason I ask is because when I was trying to update my Mac Pro's BOOT ROM I kept having to unplug the new drive in order to get OpenCore to boot first, somehow it was loading the non-OpenCore EFI and if I wanted to boot form this other version I could not tell OpenCore to rescan the drives after plugging it in on the drive selection GUI.
it was loading the non-OpenCore EFI
What exactly is this EFI? Do you mean the native Apple boot?
In any case, when you disconnect the disk holding OpenCore and boot, the default boot is basically reset and you need to bless OpenCore again to restore it as your default.
What exactly is this EFI? Do you mean the native Apple boot?
In any case, when you disconnect the disk holding OpenCore and boot, the default boot is basically reset and you need to bless OpenCore again to restore it as your default.

I did, I went to Preferences and selected the SSD that has OpenCore as my boot drive but not sure why it keeps booting the native Apple boot. Is there a special way of "blessing" OpenCore that I am not aware of?
I did, I went to Preferences and selected the SSD that has OpenCore as my boot drive but not sure why it keeps booting the native Apple boot. Is there a special way of "blessing" OpenCore that I am not aware of?
That is not going to work. Everything you need is in the first post.
Something strange happened, and it's not the first time. Last night while multitasking several applications in my cMP dual 3.46ghz, the computer just switched off. Didn't shutdown, just turned off. I suspect it may have something to do with northbridge as I noticed that one of the heat sinks on the processor tray was getting much hotter than the other, so I had macfancontrol set the fan speeds to the northbridge diode for the last few days because of school (I haven't had time to have downtime to investigate). So now the problem is that when I boot up the computer, it shows the bootpicker, I select my drive, get the apple logo loading screen, it completes that loading screen, and then video output goes out. Just black screen, no signal detected on my monitor. Can't get past this.

This isn't the first time I've had this problem. I previously had this happen several times when gaming. I assumed it was getting too hot. If I maxed out the fans, it wouldn't shut off, but if I set the fans to auto on the northbridge diode with max set at 80C or so, it would end up shutting off. I would rarely, but occasionally get the blackscreen problem that I have now, but usually it would resolve after a couple reboots. To fix that, I removed the heat sinks and re-applied thermal compound to the processors...but I guess it hasn't fixed it completely.

But now I'm genuinely stuck. Can't boot vanilla mojave, or opencore catalina.
Something strange happened, and it's not the first time. Last night while multitasking several applications in my cMP dual 3.46ghz, the computer just switched off. Didn't shutdown, just turned off. I suspect it may have something to do with northbridge as I noticed that one of the heat sinks on the processor tray was getting much hotter than the other, so I had macfancontrol set the fan speeds to the northbridge diode for the last few days because of school (I haven't had time to have downtime to investigate). So now the problem is that when I boot up the computer, it shows the bootpicker, I select my drive, get the apple logo loading screen, it completes that loading screen, and then video output goes out. Just black screen, no signal detected on my monitor. Can't get past this.

This isn't the first time I've had this problem. I previously had this happen several times when gaming. I assumed it was getting too hot. If I maxed out the fans, it wouldn't shut off, but if I set the fans to auto on the northbridge diode with max set at 80C or so, it would end up shutting off. I would rarely, but occasionally get the blackscreen problem that I have now, but usually it would resolve after a couple reboots. To fix that, I removed the heat sinks and re-applied thermal compound to the processors...but I guess it hasn't fixed it completely.

But now I'm genuinely stuck. Can't boot vanilla mojave, or opencore catalina.
Remove the the open core and Catalina drives. Then reboot to Mojave and see if all connects. If so, you may have did something in your config.plist that may have caused this problem
Can someone explain me that mess in my /System/Library/Coreservices folder? (macos 10.15.6 with OpenCore 0.5.9) I ran into that because I look for the Apple DVD Player which is in that location at the folder Applications... and then I saw the mess.

Has anyone had any success installing Windows 10 onto a second partition onto the same disk as macOS?

The disk with macOS in an APFS partition also has a second 200GB partition for windows, named "DISKC":

/dev/disk2 (internal, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *400.1 GB   disk2
   1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk2s1
   2:                 Apple_APFS Container disk6         199.0 GB   disk2s2
   3:       Microsoft Basic Data DISKC                   200.9 GB   disk2s3

I successfully followed the instructions on how to install Windows 10 in the original post, copied the "Microsoft" EFI directory back to /Volumes/EFI/EFI/Microsoft and rebooted.

I can see the "Windows" boot option in the bootpicker.
When I select it and press enter, I just get a grey screen and the mac becomes unresponsive.

I enabled debug mode and this is the last thing that is seen before the grey screen, presumably after I select "Windows" and hit enter:

 332   │ 14:144 00:031 OCB: Showing menu... (polling hotkeys)
 333   │ 17:866 03:722 OCB: Should boot from 1. Windows (T:32|F:0|G:0|E:0|DEF:0)
 334   │ 17:898 00:031 OCB: Perform boot Windows to dp PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x2)/Sata(0x1,0x0,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,EF3F1291-DB20-4200-9F3F-3DC702AC5B3B,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.ef
       │ i (0/0)
 335   │ 17:945 00:047 OCB: Matching <> args on type 32 0

Then just loads of:

I have to hold the power button down to reboot into the OpenCore bootpicker, then I can boot normally into macOS.

Any help appreciated.
Better not to touch them, AFAIK, these files are the signatures for secure boot.
Seems like it.

strings /System/Library/CoreServices/boot.efi.*.im4m | sort -u | sed -E '/^.{1,7}$/d'
"Apple X86 Secure Boot Root CA - G11
Apple Inc.1

There's a tool to open it:
which requires you build this first:
but I don't know what any of it means.
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Hey guys,
I successfully installed Catalina on my MacPro 5,1 everything works for now except the WIFI. Is there a way to make the old Airport card work or do I have to buy another card? Can anyone give me some tips?
Don't do like me that purchased a new wifi card... You only need to follow some steps.
Here they are (caught here somewhere...):

This is what worked for me on a mid-2014 MBP:

1. Download the modified wifi drivers (credit to Alex here) and unzip > you get a folder named WiFi_kexts
2. Boot into Recovery Mode: restart your computer while pressing and holding cmd-R
3. Open > Utilities > Terminal via Menu Bar
4. Type csrutil disable and hit return
5. Type reboot and hit return > computer reboots normally
6. Open > Utilities > Terminal and enter cd and hit the space bar (don't hit return)
7. Drag the folder WiFi_kexts onto the Terminal window and hit return
8. In Terminal, enter sudo mount -uw / and hit return, then enter your user password and hit return
9. Enter sudo cp -r IO80211Family.kext /System/Library/Extensions/ and hit return
10. Enter sudo cp -r IO80211FamilyV2.kext /System/Library/Extensions/ and hit return
11. Right-click on Kext Utility in the folder WiFi_kexts and choose open, click open in the following dialog, authenticate with your password
12. Wait for Kext Utility to complete – this took maybe two minutes on my setup, and I got an error message in the end, as well as "All done"
13. Reboot your computer normally and enjoy WiFi in Catalina
14. If you want to turn on SIP again you can boot into recovery mode again and enter csrutil enable (hit return) reboot (hit return)

It worked like a charm for me!
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Mac Pro 5,1 here... After upgrading to Catalina I lost the good old optical DVD eject icon menu in my menu bar at the top of the screen. I did a lot of searching and found that if you run "/usr/bin/drutil eject" from a terminal window, the optical trays will eject, but I'd much rather have the menu back.

Any success with this?
Did the Basic Install yesterday evening and the Advanced Config today. Everything seems to be running well. The only issue I'm seeing are some short colored lines that sometimes pop up in the boot screen and the dynamic desktop. No idea what those are, wasn't seeing them when I was running Catalina with Dosdude1's patcher.

At any rate, being able to download and install Mojave via internet install and Catalina via system update with a PC RX 520 was pretty nice.

I should be able to copy this install from the platter drive it is currently on to my PCI NVMe M.2 drive using CCC with no issues, right? CCC will copy all the open core stuff?
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