I have one question ...
Can I use two different OpenCore configurations on two solid-state drives each with macOS installed?
Thanks in advance!
I believe you can, but perhaps not with only two drives. From my understanding, which is quite limited, the problem is that you need each Disk A and Disk B to be on separate drives, not just seperate volumes, as I believe all volumes share the EFI partition.
I have been able to chose clones of Disk A, but I've never had multiple versions, only identical ones. I am guessing that we'll (cMP users) have to keep a copy of Mojave to get the updates for future macOS upgrades. With just 2 SSDs in the PCI bay, I can use one as Mojave, and one for the Opencore in the EFI partition, and Catalina. Then, on an external SSD, I can clone Disk A and then add the Opencore code to the EFI, during a clone with CCC, or thereafter, by copying and pasting from the original disk A.
When the boot picker comes up, it will list both A drives, and I can choose either. I believe you would likewise need a third drive for the second version of Disk A.
Hopefully, we'll get some more feedback. It also depends exactly what you meant by different versions.