Just one more way for us to ident the user is using which config.plist (when someone ask question).What is the reason for these can you please elaborate?
Of course, we can ask them to check the OC version in terminal, but that won't help to ident if the user is using my config, or cdf's config, or his own config, etc.
By injecting different version when we publish new config, it will be easier for us to understand what the user did.
e.g. If someone complain he can't get DRM streaming works by using my 0.6.6 package, then I can ask him to check the BIOS version. If that's not 9144., then it means he isn't really running my package yet (e.g. he tried to build his own 0.6.6 config, but failed. Then try to use my package, but also failed to replace the existing OC). And I know straight away that I don't need to check my package, but just need to help him to install the newer OC package.
It actually helps me to save quite a bit of time, and provide more useful suggestion.
Some users actually mix use my package, cdf's config, and even some other OC sources on the net. Since this 9144.x.x.x.x should be good enough to provide the extra protection in short future. Therefore, I think we can use the numbers to help us in other area as well. But not just to avoid unwanted firmware update.
TBH, this may be only meaningful for cdf and me. All other OC users can use whatever number they want, and 9999.999.999.999.999 should provide the best protection.