Not sure why MyBootMgr decided to spoof an iMac for the first instance and insert my actual board information into the second instance with VMM enabled. I would have thought it'd be the other way around.
Two things to note:
- You have the roles of your two instances mixed up
- MyBootMgr makes very few calls and you are responsible for 99% of variables. For instance, whether VMM is on or off is something you indicate directly. A hint is given but you answer yes or no to a direct question. That is, it was not MyBootMgr that decided to switch VMM on or off.
MyBootMgr does not just come with a big button that says "
Run Me!", or similar, that you click, after which it goes off to do stuff and comes back to present you with configurations that you have not had input into.
What happens is that you make the decisions on what you want and you indicate these to it. What it actually does is take care of the
mechanics of delivering what you indicated that you want.
For your first instance, you indicated that you wanted GPU Acceleration and DRM Streaming. To give you this, it spoofs the IMacPro1,1 Board ID. You additionally indicated that you wanted VMM Spoofing off and this was switched off.
For your second instance, you indicated that you did not want GPU Acceleration and DRM Streaming and hence your original board id was maintained. You additionally indicated that you wanted VMM Spoofing on and this was switched on.
You make the calls, not MyBootMgr.
In the second instance, your actual board id is added to the file. It is your actual board id and not being spoofed. As mentioned in an earlier response to you, it is not necessary and the field could be empty but specifying it explicitly was done in one of the early development cycles to make sure that your actual board id is passed through and that OC does not pick something else up as you need to bear in mind that not all OC auto detection items have always been reliable. Whether it is explicitly specified or OC automatically picks it up, you get the same outcome ... no board id spoofing is done for that second OC instance since what goes in is your actual board id.
The same applies to the ProcessorType. This was one item that used to fail to work properly when relying on automatic detection by OC and so, it was explictly specified. Again, it is your actual processor type and not changed.
Most of these gaps in OC have now been fixed and safer to rely on the automatic detection and MyBootMgr will start to do so to some degree or the other. It will not be jumping straight into relying on auto detection everywhere this is possible and will always err towards predictability (NB: Auto can sometimes be better for this).
Regardless of how it handles the mechanics though, you are the one that specifies what you want to achieve.
My suggestion is to leave things alone and pick up after the next release if you want to tinker as whether something is explicitly specified, or relies on OC to detect it, is not important.
Strong suggestion is to refer to the manual, a copy of which MyBootMgr conveniently provides, before messing with any settings.