My CMP (4,1 updated to 5,1 with the necessary firmware updates) is running Open Core quite happily (or so it appears): Mojave, Catalina, and Windows 10; each on their own drive. The Mojave OS is on the 2 Tb spinning hard drive. Catalina is on the next drive, a 1 Tb Samsung EVO 850 SSD. The Windows drive is on the last drive, a 1 Tb Samsung EVO 850 SSD.
A few days ago, I lost the USB ports front and rear that are connected directly to the motherboard. I could still use the add-on PCI USB/Firewire card. Nothing that I did seemed to fix that. And since I am running OpenCore, Apple's AHT or the newer hardware tester did not seem to run or load properly (didn't work at all, even after option + d).
As a last resort, I unplugged the cMP from the cord, at the machine, and left it that way for several minutes. When I plugged it back in I had the "native" USB ports again.
However, since that incident, Mojave has gotten increasingly sluggish to the point that now, even a click on the mouse results in a spinning color wheel. Catalina (which I am using right now) and Windows 10 do not suffer from any ill effects.
At the present, Mojave will not even completely shut down. Even when I shut down, and select that option, the cursor remains on the screen. The cursor can be moved around on a black screen. If I click the mouse I get a spinning color wheel. This went on for more than twenty minutes last night. I finally pressed the power button.
I tried Avast for Mac (free version) and it had no effect. However, in downloading the software, the download would slow down to 0 bps for a minute or two, before resuming. It took over an hour to download a file that should have only taken maybe five minutes (or less).
As I said previously, I can boot and get the correct boot picker all the time. If I choose Catalina, or Windows the process continues properly and the OS's work great.
I've not updated OpenCore in three or four months. That is my first inclination. However, I think I should also consider virus problems (I know, it's not likely) or a problem with the hard drive. The hard drive gives no such indications and is only about a tenth full, if that.
If the problem is a virus, then I need to get that resolved first. If it is a hardware problem, then I will probably have to replace the hard drive.
If I need to update OpenCore, then the question I have is: can that be done through Catalina, or do I need to do it through Mojave (since that's how I originally installed it)? Considering the current problems with Mojave I would probably be looking at a long time (several hours to several days) to do it.
I need the most conservative approach. If there is a virus, or even a remote possibility of a virus, then I absolutely must address that first. On Windows' machines there are root viruses that can be remedied only by doing a boot time scan. Since the cMP's are Intel machines, that might have to be done.
Thanks for any input.