So the reason it came up is becuase in order to flash BootROM, I had to pull all my drives out inluding EFI and make sure native booting to Mojave, but somehow the machine got all wacked with recovery mode and different things and it became quickly very tiresome...ultimatley still haven't gotten the machine back, have to reinstall Mojave, and Had to go get another mac in order to create a USB boot drive, which will be easier to manage with native boot screen also...not that Refind couldn't do that just fine, but Refind isn't currently on my native mojave drive, which I have been trying to keep pristine and "native"
you have me wondering though, perhaps I could put a different instance of RefindPlus on that drive (without OC), so that when I am going to boot native mojave, it would still go through RefindPlus first for the bootscreen, etc..without running OC... Then my other main EFI partition would have the normal RefindPlus+OC setup. that break my rule though of keeping the "fallback" drive absolutely native.
That might negate the need to flash the GPU...especially if there are going to be any potential issues with a MVC flashed GPU conflicting with RefindPlus+OC.