If your OC was installed to a seperate USB..then Never mind...
Pull out the OC USB and clear NVRAM then Mac should attempt to boot your devices in some order, I am not sure where NVMe devices fit...I think perhaps they might attempt to be booted prior to drive bay #1, but I'm not sure.
But really OC does not mess with anything on your Mojave installation disk...so as much as it may seem like that might have happened...OC simply doesn't do that.
The EFI on my Native Mojave disk looks like this:
└── Firmware.scap
2 directories, 1 file
I actually have OC installed on the EFI of a USB flash drive, so that I can pull it out at will and boot up without OC, my Mojave drive is in drive bay #1, so that fallback default of clearing NVRAM will just boot up Mojave natively and it always has without any issue whatsoever.
Regarding backup, of course it goes without saying that you should have a backup..not only of your MacOS, but particularly of your BootROM...did you do that?
But in my experience.....OC has never corrupted my MacOS volumes ever. But its entirely possible your EFI partition is somehow not findable as a bootable volume now, so I would look there first before resorting to reinstalling macOS Mojave as a nuclear option.