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I looked up the definition of mortify and unfortunately your comment makes no sense.


mortify |ˈmôrtəˌfī|
verb ( -fies, -fied) [ trans. ]
1 (often be mortified) cause (someone) to feel embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated : [ trans. ] she was mortified to see her wrinkles in the mirror | [as adj. ] ( mortifying) she refused to accept this mortifying disgrace.
2 subdue (the body or its needs and desires) by self-denial or discipline : return to heaven by mortifying the flesh.
3 [ intrans. ] archaic (of flesh) be affected by gangrene or necrosis : the cut in Henry's arm had mortified.
That's to be expected. My guess is the only reason we're seeing some orders arrive today in Ontario, are rural areas without distribution depots.

Called fedex and on "order" from Apple Inc. they can't release the iPad until tomorrow. Otherwise some of us would already gotten theirs
Delivery exception ?!

My ipad is about 10-15 minutes walk from me and the status changed to "Delivery exception" with delivery time change from May 28 6 PM to 23:59 the same day.
I think some one at apple is sitting and making the time of his life laughing at this thread....
My ipad is about 10-15 minutes walk from me and the status changed to "Delivery exception" with delivery time change from May 28 6 PM to 23:59 the same day.
I think some one at apple is sitting and making the time of his life laughing at this thread....

Same thing here.... they held my iPad until tmrw, .. Future Delivery Exception, thats what it says
Got sim card today. Now all I need is the iPad.

I got mine today as well... :)

Looking into getting a Bell Sim card now - since they released their Data Plans for the iPad (virtually identical to Rogers) except they are offering fre access to their Mobile TV app which gives u streaming TV. Only until the end of Summer, then its $8 a month for the app.

I like Bell better than Rogers, and the free app is a nice ticket!

mortify |ˈmôrtəˌfī|
verb ( -fies, -fied) [ trans. ]
1 (often be mortified) cause (someone) to feel embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated : [ trans. ] she was mortified to see her wrinkles in the mirror | [as adj. ] ( mortifying) she refused to accept this mortifying disgrace.
2 subdue (the body or its needs and desires) by self-denial or discipline : return to heaven by mortifying the flesh.
3 [ intrans. ] archaic (of flesh) be affected by gangrene or necrosis : the cut in Henry's arm had mortified.

Yes, I am equally confused by his confusion.

Well, **** it. It's 2 p.m. and still sitting in Mississauga. This thing ain't coming.
i just called Fedex

I'm in Quebec near Montreal and was hoping to get my iPad earlier like those guys in UK, so i called Fedex a minute ago... i was getting my finger tired of clicking the refresh button on their page.

The guy at Fedex told me it has passed the customs and i should get it tomorrow before 18:00.

Btw for those who got their sim card today, i got mine yesterday on a big brown envelope.
I'm in Quebec near Montreal and was hoping to get my iPad earlier like those guys in UK, so i called Fedex a minute ago... i was getting my finger tired of clicking the refresh button on their page.

The guy at Fedex told me it has passed the customs and i should get it tomorrow before 18:00.

Btw for those who got their sim card today, i got mine yesterday on a big brown envelope.

What is your status on their site? I ordered two and one says "Clearance in Progress" and the other says "At dest sort facility":confused:
My iPad was a part of the group that was lagging behind and was still in Shenzhen as of last night. I've got some action on my tracking page. It arrived in Anchorage and then somehow teleported to Mississauga and it's now in transit from Missassauga, most likely to Calgary, it's final destination. I'm now convinced I'll get it tomorrow!
My iPad was a part of the group that was lagging behind and was still in Shenzhen as of last night. I've got some action on my tracking page. It arrived in Anchorage and then somehow teleported to Mississauga and it's now in transit from Missassauga, most likely to Calgary, it's final destination. I'm now convinced I'll get it tomorrow!

That Mississauga thing is just a clearing customs paperwork thing. Most likely it's still in Anchorage and will travel to Memphis this evening.
That Mississauga thing is just a clearing customs paperwork thing. Most likely it's still in Anchorage and will travel to Memphis this evening.

Really? Yikes. If it flies to Memphis tonight then there's no way it's getting here by tomorrow afternoon. Maybe it's on its way to Memphis now.
Yep, I called FEDEX yesterday cause I didn't think it would get here & they said there would be no problem shipping overnight from China.

It should go from Anchorage around 3 or 4 tonight, then arrive in Memphis just after midnight, leave there around 3 or 4 in the morning & then to the final destination.
That Mississauga thing is just a clearing customs paperwork thing. Most likely it's still in Anchorage and will travel to Memphis this evening.

Yeah you'll see some updates on your page roughly around 5:30 (MST) heading straight to Memphis. Should arrive sometime early 12:00am on the 28th. Then it will take an early morning flight (3:30am) and land around 7:30am. Then make it's way to you. Have faith in FedEx (and Apple) they have this stuff all figured out. :)

Last thing FedEx wants is to piss off Apple and lose their business and tarnish their reputation. Last thing Apple wants are angry customers who didn't get their pre-orders on time.
Really? Yikes. If it flies to Memphis tonight then there's no way it's getting here by tomorrow afternoon. Maybe it's on its way to Memphis now.

The flights get into MEM at around 1am. Then they transfer them to other flights which leave in the early morning. If you're in a major centre, it should be arriving around 6am.

This is a screenshot from someone who's iPad arrived in Mississauga this morning and was in Anchorage yesterday afternoon.

The flights get into MEM at around 1am. Then they transfer them to other flights which leave in the early morning. If you're in a major centre, it should be arriving around 6am.

This is a screenshot from someone who's iPad arrived in Mississauga this morning and was in Anchorage yesterday afternoon.


Great, thanks. I'm pumped to finally be able to have this device in my hands. Too bad I'll have to sit and stare at it at work until I go home and sync it tomorrow night.
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