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Still saying late April. I don't get why that sent that now, but okay. They are reassuring that it will be sent this month.

I received the email as well! Thank you Apple for keeping your promise!

I got this same email. I pre-ordered on the first available day in case someone is wondering.

BTW - order status page still says "late April"

I'm willing to bet a coffee or donut that the announcement happens tomorrow or before.
Its ships late april for pre orders

I ordered my iPad wifi+3G on the first pre order day. I just received this email from apple this morning:

To Our Valued Apple Customer:

Thank you for your recent order of the magical and revolutionary
iPad 3G.

We would like to confirm that your order will be shipped in late
April as communicated at the time you placed your order. You will
receive a confirmation notice when your order has shipped.

You can get up-to-date information about your order, including
shipping status and tracking number, at

Thank you for choosing Apple.

The Apple Store Team

So it looks like its still shipping late April
Got the same email this morning - which is great, since I didn't pre-order until last Tuesday morning. :D There has been a pending charge on my Bill Me Later account since then.
Got the email from Apple this morning, as it appears everyone else here did. Nothing in there about a specific date... just confirmation that the date remains "late April."
Those are for the new orders! I noticed on my account that I am charged and ready for shipment. I suspect that you can buy one at the store by the end of the week. Have fun waiting in lines!!

Same here.Macmall just charged my card,status still said"backordered"as of yesterday.Preordered a week ago.
Apple sends e-mail to iPad 3G pre-order customers

I received this e-mail this morning. I pre-ordered the iPad 3G first day within 5 minutes of going live.

To Our Valued Apple Customer:

Thank you for your recent order of the magical and revolutionary
iPad 3G.

We would like to confirm that your order will be shipped in late
April as communicated at the time you placed your order. You will
receive a confirmation notice when your order has shipped.

You can get up-to-date information about your order, including
shipping status and tracking number, at

Thank you for choosing Apple.

The Apple Store Team
Sales tax is up to the states to decide, the rates vary from 0 to I think 8.25% in California.

Actually, when you include the local sales taxes too (county and city), some places are even higher. Where I am in TN, the sales tax we pay is 9.75%. That makes the tax on the 32GB iPad 3G + WiFi ~$71.
Makes sense considering how much demand they have, and apple is now know for their mass production, scarcity makes demand even more sweet.

Don't worry by Oct everyone that wants one will have one. hahaha :D

May 7th is only for new preorder :rolleyes:
Several others including myself got email from Apple confirming it's Late April still.
This is very similar to the Wifi launch where preorders after March 27 were fulfilled in April 12
that's for current orders, I pre-ordered on the first available day and I got that email today as well (Late April). Apple knew that they would release this may 7th info out, so they did a good job by emailing those who pre-ordered to make sure that we don't get upset.

nothing to worry about for those who pre-ordered
seems legit

Seems legit to me. I did notice that it wasn't a typical Apple email - no design, no html, just plain text. But other than that everything seems perfectly legit. It had all the correct order info and customer info etc...

I do not give out the email that Apple sent the newest email to (referenced above) and I have only received emails from apple in the account. So I am taking it as real as well.
I received today the following mail. What do you think, is it spam? It looks pretty legit to me..... :D


Thank you for your recent order of the magical and revolutionary
iPad 3G.

I'm Mr. Ng Mumbaa, the Nigerian secretary of Steve Jobs. Mr. Jobs would like to transfer $ 1'000'000'000 out of the iPad earnings to his private account in Switzerland. For that he needs your help. For your help you would get 10% of the transfer sum.

If you are interested, please wire us $ 10'000 as Mr. Jobs unfortunately can't afford the administrative fees himself.

Thank you for choosing Apple.

The Apple Store Team
I don't get it. What's so special about Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon? Why no tax? Or why is there tax in other states? Aren't we united states?

Are you new here?States have lots of different laws on many things.
Anyone suspect that email of foul play/phishing?? Here's why it could be suspect: I got the same email. Luckily, I didn't click their link to view/change order status - if this is in fact a phishing message of some sort. What makes me curious is the fact that all my other legitimate receipts from :apple: via the From columm/header in mail read "Apple Store" vs. "APPLE STORE" <----all caps is very un-Apple, no?? this alleged phishing mail that was sent to all of us this morning/overnight. Besides that, the message wasn't even in HTML like typical messages from Apple. Not saying it is, but it seems strange - sort of.

Yeah dude, they are obviously trying to hack your computer. You need to buy a gun, lock yourself in a room, and snap your internet cable pronto.
I got this email this morning. Seemed odd at the time, but now it makes more sense. I think this was to curb the OMG I'm not getting my iPad this month! talk...

Sold-to address: Date: 04/19/2010
Kevin Anderson Our order number: xxxxxxxx
1507 Address Here PO number: xxxxxxxx
Mycity MYSTATE MYZIP Web order number: W687xxx21
Apple customer no: 900004

Ship-to address:
Kevin Anderson
1507 Address Here

To Our Valued Apple Customer:

Thank you for your recent order of the magical and revolutionary
iPad 3G.

We would like to confirm that your order will be shipped in late
April as communicated at the time you placed your order. You will
receive a confirmation notice when your order has shipped.

You can get up-to-date information about your order, including
shipping status and tracking number, at

Thank you for choosing Apple.

The Apple Store Team

Also, order status tracking ship date shows Late April.
Why tease us with this stupid e-mail?

It did not add any information. The only reason I can see for sending it out was to stop people from calling them to ask when their 3G iPad is going to ship.
It did not add any information. The only reason I can see for sending it out was to stop people from calling them to ask when their 3G iPad is going to ship.

They coordinate the email along with the NEW notice on their Online Store that new preorders are going to ship "By May 7th" and if they did not send the email, some people (not I) would fly over to Cupertino and start a riot... The email is just to ensure that the existing preorders will still ship this month as opposed to "By May 7th"
I pre-ordered yesterday 4/18/2010 and got the April confirmation email this morning. Seems I got in just under the wire.
If the point of Apple saying "late April" is to maintain maximum flexibility in shipping of this supply-constrained device, then I think it's very safe to assume that they mean anytime in the second half of the month - April 15 to April 30.
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